Dhatus, srotas, malas Flashcards
Rasa- Mala & Upadhatu
M: Kapha dosha
U: Breast milk, menstrual fluid
Rakta- Mala & Upadhatu
M: Pitta dosha
U: Tendons, blood vessels
Mamsa - Mala & Upadhatu
Muscle tissue
M: excreta from nose, eyes, ears (like ear wax, nasal crust)
U: Skin(twak), muscle fat(vasa)
Meda - Mala & Upadhatu
Fat tissue
M: Sweat
U: Ligaments, joints
Asthi - Mala & Upadhatu
Bone tissue
M: Hair, nails, vata
U: none
Majja - Mala & Upadhatu
M: Unctuousness of eyes, skin, feces
U: none
Shukra - Mala & Upadhatu
M: none
U: none
Rasa - Location & Function
L: Skin, lymphatics, heart, vessels, stomach, small intestine
F: Nourishing, foundation of health, maintain youth, satisfying, nourishes rakta
Rakta - Location & Function
L: Liver, spleen, arteries, veins, muscle
F: coloring, support life, heat, complexion, nourish mamsa
Mamsa - Location & Function
L: Adherent to bones, forming organs
F: movement, nourish meda
Meda - Location & Function
L: Abdomen, omentum, kidneys, bones
F: Lubrication, stability, plumpness, nourish asthi
Asthi - Location & Function
L: Extremities, back, chest, head, all bones
F: supporting, posture, nourish majja
Majja - Location & Function
L: Filling in bones
F: Nourish shukra
Shukra - Location & Function
L: Genital organs
F: all over body to form ojas
-patience, courage, pleasure, potency
Function of the excretory malas
Eliminates toxins from the body
The three malas
- Feces (purisha)
- Urine (mutra)
- Sweat (sweda)
The 13 major srotas
- 3 inputs of food, water, air
- 7 dhatu carrying
- 3 elimination channels
Pranavaha srota (function & mula)
F: Air carrying channel (intake: respiratory, etc)
M: Heart & Alimentary tract (mouth to anus)
Udakvaha srota (function & mula)
F: Water carrying channel
M: Palate and pancreas
Annavaha srota (function & mala)
F: Food carrying (intake)
M: Stomach and left flank
Rasavaha srota (function & mula)
F: Rasa formation and carrying
M: Heart and 10 great vessels
Raktavaha srota (function & mula)
F: Rakta formation and carrying
M: Liver and spleen
Mamsavaha srota (function & mula)
F: Mamsa formation and carrying
M: Tendons and skin
Medavaha srota (function & mula)
F: Meda formation and carrying
M: Kidneys (adrenals) & omentum