diet and digestive anatomy Flashcards
What is nutrition?
study of processes by which body receives and uses materials needed for survival, growth and repair
What are the 3 main purposes of energy from food?
- basal bodily activities
- covering expenditure of energy in simple daily activities
- work activities, energy requirements depend on occupation
With a sedentary lifestyle, what energy requirement is taken as?
BMR x 1.4
What are the essential components of diet?
- carbohydrate (CHO)
- protein
- fat (lipid)
- water
- vitamins – A, D, E, K, B complex, C
- minerals – μg g/day
What is the recommended max. adult daily intake for males and females?
- males → 2500kcal
- females → 2000kcal
Describe proteins in terms of their roles in diet, sources, chemistry and amounts required.
- role: manufacture proteins to make good this tissue loss, growth
- sources: some readily-synthesised others via animal (eggs, meat, fish, milk) and plant (i.e. grains, legumes, vegetables) proteins
- chemistry: chain of AAs
- amounts required: 1g/kg/day
Which amino acids are essential in children?
Hint - TV TILL PM!
Tryptophan, Valine, Threonine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Methionine and Histidine
Which main disorder is caused by severe protein deficiency where protein intake deficient or main protein source is deficient (e.g. maize lacks tryptophan) and what are its symptoms?
- Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
- symptoms: mental depression, weight loss, oedema as BCOP and plasma albumin lowered, hair/skin problems
- lose N₂ after physical injuries due to increased secretion of adrenocortical hormones
- patients require high-protein, high-energy diets to restore losses
- protein balance = N₂ balance
Describe fats in terms of their roles in diet, sources, chemistry and amounts required.
- role: high-energy value, vehicle for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) which contains essential polyunsaturated FAs which cannot be synthesised by tissues (ω-3 and ω-6 linoleic acid) and form prostaglandins
- sources: vegetables (unsaturated) than animal fats (more solid)
- chemistry: mixture of TGs which are triesters of glycerol + FAs
- amounts required: not essential if fat-soluble vitamins and essential FAs supplied
- max daily men = 97g and women = 78g
Which disease can deficiency of essential fatty acids cause and why should we eat more oily fish?
- uncommon disease but may found in patients with severe malabsorption after intestinal surgery; can result in scaling and skin lesions in worst cases
- minimum linolenic acid intake is 0.2% of total energy and ω-6 linoleic acid recommended at 1%
- ω-3 FAs and derivatives reduce TG levels and risk of fatal heart attacks
- 2-3 servings/week oily fish recommended
- interest in dietary fats as contributory factors in coronary heart disease (CHD) and as means to manipulate plasma fat profiles
Describe carbohydrates in terms of their roles in diet, sources, chemistry, amounts required.
- role: energy, protein sparer (preserves functional proteins of cells)
- sources: plant starch (polysaccharides) from vegetables, cereals, pulses and sugars (milk, fruits, table sugar)
- dietary fibre (plants) has complex carbohydrates incompletely digested (i.e. waxes, lignin and non-starch polysaccharides i.e cellulose, β glucan, guar gum and pectin)
- chemistry: C, H, O
- amounts required: enough for ketosis not to occur
What is glycaemic index and why is it important?
- rating system for foods containing carbohydrate
- shows how quicklyeach food affects BGC when its eaten alone
Describe fibre in terms of its role in diet, sources, chemistry, amounts required and deficiency.
- ‘non-starch polysaccharide’
- insoluble fibre - cellulose
- found in seeds, wholemeal flour, wheat bran, brown rice, rolled oats and maize and in pulses (peas, beans, lentils)
- soluble/viscous fibre comes from fruit, veg and pulses (pectin, guar, lignin)
- amounts required: 18g/day or 5 portions fruit/veg
What are the benefits of a diet with plentiful fibre?
• insoluble fibre:
- ‘bulks’ in intestine stimulate peristalsis by distension (dilation) decreasing transit time of faecal material through large intestine
- less water absorbed and constipation avoided
- reduces risk of bowel cancers & diverticulitis (intestine conditions)
• soluble fibre:
- evidence suggests it lowers blood cholesterol and may protect against CV disease
- helps with blood glucose control
What can deficiency of dietary fibre cause?
- may be responsible for many ‘western’ diseases
- especially intestinal malfunction and colonic carcinoma
Describe vitamins in terms of their role in diet and amounts required.
- organic compounds of low MW essential in metabolic processes
- w/o them, characteristic biochemical ‘lesions’ develop
- cannot be synthesised
- different for each vitamin, usually only small amount required
- daily requirement depends on state: increased during growth, high activity, disease, pregnancy and lactation
What are the sources, functions and deficiency diseases of:
a) vitamin A
b) vitamin D
c) vitamin E
d) vitamin K
e) vitamin B complex
f) vitamin C
- sources: liver milk
- functions: β-carotene acts as antioxidant, essential for formation of light-sensitive pigments of retina, regulates osteoblast + clast activity
- diseases: night blindness, slow + faulty development of bones/teeth
- sources: fish-liver oil, egg yolk, fortified milk
- functions: absorption of ca and P, works with PTH to maintain Ca levels
- diseases: rickets, osteomalacia
- sources: fresh nuts, seed, seed, oils, green leafy veg
- functions: inhibits catabolism of FAs to form cell structures, promotes wound healing and CNS regulation, antioxidant
- diseases: haemolytic anemia
- sources: spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, liver
- functions: co-enzyme essential for synthesis of clotting factors by liver (prothrombin),
- diseases: excessive bleeding
- sources: liver, kidney, milk, eggs, cheese, meat
- functions: coenzyme essential for RBC formation, formation of methionine/choline
- diseases: pernicious anaemia, neuropsychiatric abnormalities and impaired osteoblast activity
- sources: citrus fruits, tomatoes, green veg
- functions: promotes protein synthesis, antioxidant
- diseases: scurvy, anaemia, poor collagen formation
Describe minerals in terms of their role in the diet and trace minerals.
- Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, I₂ and Cl have major role in bodily function
- also, traces of minerals required as catalysts in association w/ enzymes
- trace minerals can include Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, molybdenum, selenium, Cr, Ni, Sn and F
What are the sources, functions and deficiency diseases of:
a) sodium
b) potassium
c) calcium
d) magnesium
e) phosphorus
f) iron
g) iodine
h) chloride
i) copper
j) zinc
k) manganese
l) cobalt
m) selenium
n) chromium
o) fluoride
- sources: salt
- importance: formation of bones + teeth, release of NTs
- sources: most foods (meats, fish, poultry, fruits, nuts)
- importance: generation + conduction of APs
- sources: milk, egg yolk, leafy green vegetables
- importance: formation of bones + teeth, release of NTs
- sources: whole-grain cereals, seafood, leafy green vegetables
- importance: normal functioning of muscle + nervous tissue
- sources: dairy products, meat, fish, nuts
- importance: formation of bones + teeth, buffer system
- sources: meat, liver, egg yolk, beans, legumes, dried fruits
- importance: component of Hb
- sources: seafood
- importance: required for thyroid hormone synthesis
- sources: salt
- importance: acid-base balance
- sources: eggs, beans, liver, fish, spinach, asparagus
- importance: Hb synthesis
- sources: meat
- importance: CO₂ metabolism
- sources: spinach, pineapple
- importance: activates several enzymes
- sources: liver, kidney, milk, eggs, cheese, meat
- importance: part of vit B12 → required for erythropoiesis
- sources: seafood, meat, chicken, tomatoes, egg yolk
- importance: required for thyroid hormone synthesis, sperm motility
- sources: wine, beer
- importance: required for normal activity of insulin
- sources: seafood, tea, gelatine
- importance: improves tooth structure + inhibits tooth decay
What are the problems associated with starvation?
- 25% of BW lost without permanent damage
- rapid weight loss dangerous as it disturbs electrolyte balances (Na, K, Cl)
- these ions important for nerve and muscle function; at worst affect cardiac impulses (HF)
What is obesity?
- a BMI >30 and >20% body fat (M) and >30% (F)
- critical risk factor in development of: type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia → major risk factors for CHD
What are hunger, appetite and satiety?
- a sense of emptiness resulting from abstinence from food promoting food-seeking behaviour
- learned phenomenon which is a desire for a specific type of food
- fulfilment of requirement for food, usually from a filling meal, especially if nutritionally sufficient
Explain the regulation of food intake via the feeding centre and satiety centre.
- lateral hypothalamic area contains the feeding centre which when stimulated, causes food intake whether or not required
- ventromedial hypothalamic area contains the satiety centre which, when stimulated, causes cessation of feeding indicating hunger is satisfied
- co-operation between these two centres ensure food intake matches energy requirements
- centres influenced by higher brain areas which can result in starvation/overeating
How is feeding controlled by neural regulation?
- brain stem centres control mechanics of feeding
- hypothalamic feeding + satiety centres control quantity of food intake
- pathways which cause activation not always found within hypothalamus
- pathways activated by changes in body’s nutritional status by presence/absence of food in the body
Describe short-term control of food intake by GI regulation.
- immediate effects of feeding on GI tract
- GI distension may initiate inhibitory signals which suppress activity of feeding centre, thereby reducing
- signals may be nervous, hormonal (ghrelin, CCK) or nutritional
- important in halting feeding during a heavy meal
- mechanism ensures food enters at rate which GI tract can cope with (digestion, absorption and storage)
Describe long-term control of food intake by nutritional regulation.
- required to allow body to maintain constant stores of nutrients for activity changes (i.e. hunger vs satiety), done via:
- glucose availability to the cells (BGC)
- role of adipose tissue which secretes leptin to suppress the appetite by acting on the hypothalamus (‘ob’ gene, amount secreted correlated with body fat, and adipostat feedback system, obesity = reduced brain-sensitivity to leptin)
- thermal effects known as specific dynamic action of food due to metabolic activity as body increases secretory, absorptive processes
(feeding triggered by fall in body temp)
How does the SDA of food effect body temperature and food intake?
- increases body temp. and satiety occurs at same time
- SDA magnitude (like satiety) depends on magnitude of food intake; if well-fed, SDA is greatest and rapid satiety occurs
- food intake affected by environmental temp. (greater in cold climate), therefore closely matched to energy requirement via body temp
Describe the development of the digestive system.
- foregut gives rise to pharynx, lower respiratory system, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, pancreas and biliary apparatus
- tracheoesophageal septum separates oesophagus from laryngotracheal tube
- stomach develops from dilation of primitive gut
- rotates 90°
What is congenital pyloric stenosis?
- projectile vomiting
- more common in males than females
Summarise gastrulation, neurulation and coelom.
- gastrulation: development of gut cells
- neurulation: development of nervous cells
midgut is what forms the yolk sac - coelom: space inside developing embryo
Describe the development of the midgut and what defects can lead to?
- small intestine, caecum and verminform appendix, ascending colon, most of transverse colon
- in umbilical cord, rotation by 90° in 5th week of development
- then 180° and 270° in total for next few weeks
• defects of midgut extension →
omphalocoele/umbilical hernia - infant’s intestines, liver, or other organs exposed from belly button
• defects of rotation → malrotation and congenital high caecum (pouch between small and large intestine)
(see notes for diagrams)
Describe the development of the hindgut and what defects can lead to?
- L part of transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, superior anal canal, urinary bladder epithelium and urethra
- high and low anorectal malformations:
• high (fistulas – two areas become too connected)
• low (failure of anal membrane to rupture) - anal membrane must rupture as it is how urethra and all internal reproductive organs formed
Describe the development of mesenteries.
- fold of stomach that attaches digestive organs to abdomen
- originates from mesoderm
- derived from splanchnic mesenchyme that surrounds primitive gut
- morphogenesis influenced by morphogenesis of gut
Describe the development of the oesophagus.
- mesenchyme develops into muscle not mesentery as in gut
- branchial arch mesenchyme → skeletal muscle
- splanchnic mesenchyme → smooth muscle
Describe the development of the stomach.
- dorsal mesentery (mesogastrium) suspends primitive stomach from dorsal wall
- growth occurs in dorsal and ventral mesogastria
- extra growth of dorsal stomach surface from loop of dorsal mesogastria (greater omentum)
- clockwise rotation of stomach results in small pouch forming between dorsal peritoneum and both omenta
- lesser sac/omental bursa formed
- entrance called epiploic foramen (of Wilmslow)
Describe the development of initial mesenteries.
- ascending and descending colon are retroperitoneal because mesentery of these colons fuse with parietal peritoneum and disappear
- colon presses duodenum against posterior abdominal wall where duodenal mesentery is absorbed
- hence, duodenum (and most of pancreas) are retroperitoneal
- sigmoid colon retains its mesentery because mesentery of transverse colon fuses w/ dorsal mesogastrium
Describe the development of pancreas.
- levels from two outgrowths of endodermal epithelium of caudal part of foregut (dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds)
- rotation results in migration of pancreatic buds and bile duct around duodenum
- causes duodenum and pancreatic buds to fuse
- ducts join main pancreatic duct and along with bile duct empty onto duodenum
Describe the development of the liver and biliary apparatus.
- develop from ventral outgrowths (endodermal epithelium) of caudal part of foregut, hepatic diverticulum
- consists of rapidly-proliferating cells that extend into septum transversum (mass of mesodermal cells between pericardial cavity and yolk stalk forming parts of diaphragm and ventral mesentery)
- hepatic diverticulum: cranial and caudal parts
- liver parenchyma: former, larger part
- gall bladder and cystic duct: latter, smaller
- cystic duct develops as a solid tube
What can result from defects in development of the liver and biliary apparatus?
- extrahepatic biliary atresia
- failure of cystic duct to canalize (divide)
What is the significance of the liver as an organ?
- processing absorbed material, synthetic reactions, secretion + excretion
- key organ in metabolism of all drugs and foreign compounds
- toxic substances can damage liver → seen in 20-30% of severe liver failure
Describe the gross anatomy of the liver.
- largest organ in body
- deep red-brown covered by Glisson’s capsule
- 2 major + 2 minor lobes separated by grooves
- connects to diaphragm by ligaments
- connects to gall bladder (situated under R lobe) via hepatic ducts gall bladder
- output to duodenum via common bile duct
Describe the cellular structure of the liver and its significance in the blood supply.
- organised into lobules
• hexagonal groups of cells around a central vein separated by CT
• portal triad at edge of each lobule - portal venule breaks up into capillary network (hepatic sinusoid), brings venous blood into contact with liver cells (hepatocytes + kupffer cells)
- arterial blood mixes with venous blood within sinusoid and mixed blood flows into central vein → hepatic veins + IVC
- thin fenestrated lining of sinusoid composed of loose endothelial + kupffer cells
- mixed blood running through sinusoid is free to move into spaces around hepatocytes and bathe them
- hepatocytes arranged into cords/plates so that each cell is in contact with a sinusoid
What is a bile canaliculus and how is it adapted to its function?
- runs between the cells within each plate and bile formed by hepatocytes collects within canaliculus and goes to bile duct
- canaliculi start as blind-ended vessels at centre of lobule which contract to propel bile (atony reduces bile flow)
- hepatocytes have microvilli on exposed surfaces → large SA for absorption + secretion
How do central and peripheral hepatocytes differ in function?
- central hepatocytes: biotransformation reactions, secretion of metabolites, glycolytic/ketogenic activity + fat deposition
- peripheral hepatocytes: uptake of bile salts, secretion of bile, oxidative metabolism, gluconeogenesis + glycogen storage
Describe the dual blood supply to the liver.
- varies according to GI tract activity
- liver receives ¼ of cardiac output
- 80% portal venous blood = low pressure + low pO₂ (carries material absorbed via hepatic portal vein)
- 20% arterial blood supplying O₂ and nutrients (via hepatic artery)
What are the main functions of the liver?
- filtration
- storage
- metabolism of hormones/endogenous compounds
- metabolism of proteins
- metabolism of fats
- metabolism of carbohydrates and regulation of BGC
- secretion of bile
What are bile salts?
- stabilise lipids in aqueous environment in micelles
- amphiphilic nature of bile acids
- stimulated by plasma level of bile salts in liver
- 90% actively reabsorbed from terminal ileum, recycled through liver and biliary tract
- 10% lost in faeces (replaced by synthesis in hepatocytes)
What are bile pigments?
- bilirubin: toxic red/orange pigment derived from breakdown of Hb/myoglobin in spleen
- after modification in liver (conjugation with glucuronic acid) and intestine responsible for colouration of urine and faeces
- if bilirubin formation exceeds its excretion then jaundice
- waste products from drug metabolism delivered from hepatocytes into bile to undergo excretion via faeces and enterohepatic circulation
What is the function of the gallbladder?
- bile flows from liver via hepatic ducts + cystic duct to gall bladder for concentration and storage
- sphincter of Oddi normally closed so cannot enter duodenum
- bile stored + released on feeding:
- hepatic bile = gold/brown
- cystic bile = dark brown
- contraction after feeding results action of CCK, released from duodenal mucosa by chyme entry
- CCK relaxes sphincter of Oddi so bile can enter duodenum
- gastrin and distention of stomach contract gall bladder
Describe liver pathology and pathophysiology.
- hepatocyes exposed to blood draining from stomach and intestines, which contains absorbed microorganisms + toxins
- damage may interfere with blood flow and cause rise in portal venous pressure
- but, liver has great reserve capacity + regenerative capability
What are the types of liver failure and what may disorders of the biliary tree result in?
- hyperacute, acute, subacute, chronic
- may block bile flow into duodenum and damage hepatocytes
Hepatitis can lead to liver disease. What is it and how can it be caused?
- inflammation of the liver (acute/chronic)
- viruses selective for the liver → A + E (faecal oral transmission) B + C (blood transfusions/contaminated needles) D + G
- viruses not selective for liver → Epstein-Barr, herpes, yellow fever
- parasites → Schistosoma mansoni, Amoeba histolytica, Echinococcus, malaria + liver fluke
- drugs + chemicals e.g. CCl4, benzene, plant toxins
Cirrhosis can lead to liver disease. What is it and how can it be caused?
• diffuse and progressive chronic inflammation of liver, typically resulting from chronic alcoholism or severe hepatitis • can be caused by: - infection (Hep B + C) - chemical damages (alcohol abuse) - obstruction of bile flow (cholestasis)
Liver tumours can lead to liver disease. How can they occur?
- usually multiple secondaries from metastatic tumours in colon, breast, lung
- more rarely, occur as primaries following hepatitis B and C
What are the main features of liver disease?
- jaundice
- malabsorption
- portal hypertension
- disordered hepatic metabolism
What are gallstones (cholelithiasis), why do they form and what can they lead to?
- usually form in gall bladder from bile
- usual precipitates are cholesterol, calcium, bilirubinate and calcium carbonate
- formation usually causes inflammation of gall bladder (cholecystitis), possible infection, peritonitis
- lack of bile in intestine reduces fat absorption and leads to bacterial overgrowth
How can we investigate hepatobiliary disease?
- blood and urine tests (using direct + indirect indicators)
- imaging techniques
- needle biopsy/histology
- serology for viral hepatitis and autoantibodies
Which factors affect body mass?
- energy balance – 1st law of thermodynamics with energy
- energy measurement
- joules/calories/kcal on packaging
- 1 kcal = 1 C = 4.18 kJ = energy needed to raise 1 kg of water by 1°C
By which processes is more energy used up by?
- thermic effect of food
- physical activity
- cold-induced thermogenesis
- psychologically-induced thermogenesis
- drug-induced thermogenesis
- special conditions (e.g. pregnancy, lactation)
What are the factors affecting energy balance?
- reduced energy expenditure
- increased availability of food/hidden energy dense foods
- complications with hunger-satiety cycle
- psychological stress
- genetics and pre-natal programming
- appetite exceeding hunger
What does the hunger-satiety cycle control?
- appetite: demand for particular food not purely a biological response
- hunger: demand for energy
- satiety: state where hunger and/or appetite is completely met
What are the biological drivers of hunger with an empty and full stomach?
• empty stomach - mechanoreceptors
- stomach releases ghrelin secretion
- low levels of circulating sugars, FAs, AAs, peptides and satiety factors
- intestines release CCK, GIP, GLP-1 and PYY(3-36)
• full stomach- mechanoreceptors
- stomach decreases ghrelin secretion
- high levels of circulating sugars, fatty acids, AAs, peptides
- insulin stimulates leptin release from fat cells
What are the short-term and long-term influences on “feeding”
• short-term control: signals to brainstem (via vagus nerve) from: - stretch receptors - chemoreceptors - peptide hormone receptors - in liver + GI tract • long-term control: controlled by brain itself, plus: - insulin from pancreas - leptin from adipose tissue - ghrelin + peptideYY3-‐36 from GI tract
How does leptin act as a satiety signal?
- produced by adipocytes
- secreted as proportion of body fat (more fat cells = more leptin)
- leptin receptors present in different tissues with a variety of roles:
- hypothalamus and brain stem → decreased appetite
- fat cells
→ increased lipase activity
→ decreased acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) expression
→ increased mitochondrial uncoupling proteins - muscle cells → increased mitochondrial uncoupling proteins
What does leptin decreases appetite via?
- decreasing neuropeptide Y (appetite stimulant)
- increasing α-MSH (appetite suppressant)
Describe peptide YY (PYY3-36) and its in food intake.
- released in ileum and colon following a meal:
- slows gastric motility + emptying
- decreases appetite (anorectic)
- reduces circulating ghrelin
- increases energy expenditure + fat oxidation rates
- levels decreased in obese patients → predisposition of obesity
Describe insulin and its role in food intake.
- on feeding, released to lower BGC
- increases fat storage
- decreased levels following a fast
- regulates production of ghrelin, leptin and neuropeptide Y
Describe hormone adiponectin and its role in food intake.
- produced by adipose tissue
- secretion increased by weight loss
- involved in glucose regulation + lipolysis
- role in resisting metabolic derangements associated with diseases
- reverses insulin resistance in mice in combination with leptin
- effects on weight reduction via brain (similar to leptin)
- works synergistically with leptin
What are the different types of leptin insufficiencies and how do they affect food intake?
1) leptin mutation resulting in insufficiency
- 12 cases worldwide with this mutation, ob mouse model, treated with leptin injections
2) mutation in α-MSH expressing hypothalamic neurones - 5% of morbidly obese people, constant hunger, degree of obesity proportional to degree of mutation
3) down-regulation of leptin receptor in NY expressing neurons - reality is most obese people have high leptin production (lots of adipose), like T2DM, high background noise results in loss of sensitivity to leptin
In which cases may appetite exceed hunger?
• sensory-specific satiety: when people offered range of food they eat more
• palatability: feeding stimulates dopamine release (reward NT), bigger meals, higher fat, more CHO = more dopamine (food addiction)
- compounds which inhibit dopamine reuptake suppress appetite
• seratonin (5-HT) : involved in appetite + mood regulation and 5-HT receptor antagonists can increase appetite
What are the different types of stress and how do they affect food intake?
1) fight-or-flight: increases HR, respiration, blood flow to muscles and availability of glucose and FAs → suppressed appetite
2) chronic stress: cortisol release stimulates appetite + neuropeptide Y → perceived stress in adults positively correlates with fatty food intake
3) acute stress: NA → result in decreased appetite, reduced food intake
How can genetics and pre-natal programming affect food intake?
- obesity not purely down to environment
- thrifty genes: idea of an evolved ability to efficiently store fat in times of plenty to cover for times of hardship
- thrifty phenotype: studies suggesting some epigenetic maternal programming which influences fetal + neo-natal metabolism and metabolite programming
What is the possible treatment for obesity?
- lifestyle + diet changes
- pharmacological intervention
- following period of guided weight loss, GP prescribes orlistat, requirements:
- BMI 28-30 (28 → with related co-morbidities to obese)
- must continue low-fat diet
- 3-months, review, continue up to 12 months → if significant weight loss (≥ 5%) → pancreatic lipase inhibitor (= reduces 1/3 lipid uptake, increased faecal fat excretion)
- oily stools, abdominal discomfort, increased defecation → aversion therapy - bariatric surgery
- BMI of 35 + co-morbidities or 40+
- gastric band (obstruct stomach) or gastric bypass (bypass lower stomach + upper small intestine)