clinical, workshops and labs Flashcards
What is diabetes mellitus?
- a metabolic disorder characterised by persistent hyperglycaemia
- in association w/ other cardiovascular risk factors
Why must blood glucose be regulated?
- hydrolysis/digestion of carbohydrates releases glucose absorbed across gut into blood
- low/high BGC levels disrupts cellular processes
- homeostatic control maintains safe BGC levels
- body has robust regulatory processes to prevent hypo- + hyperglycaemia
What is the normal range of blood glucose levels and when are they highest/lowest?
• BG levels 4 to 8mmol/l (70-100mg/dl)
• normally well controlled
- higher after meals
- lowest in morning (‘fasting’)
State the glucose concentration ranges for:
a) renal threshold (approx. at which glucose appears in urine)
b) fasting level diagnostic for diabetes
c) normal (fasting)
d) hypoglycaemic coma
a) 140-180mg/dL (hyperglycaemia)
b) 110-140mg/dL
c) 60-110mg/dL
d) 30-60mg/dL (hypoglycaemia)
What are the 3 key symptoms of diabetes?
- tiredness
- polydipsia (thirst)
- polyuria
(others; increased hunger, weight loss, lack of interest/concentration, blurred vision, frequent infections, slow-healing wounds)
Name some diagnostic tests for diabetes.
- urine dipstick test
- bloods sent for further testing:
• fasting BG levels
• oral glucose tolerance test - after 2 hours BGC should peak (at level)
• HbA1C levels
What is ketonuria?
a medical condition where ketone bodiespresent in urine
Describe the oral glucose tolerance test.
- can be used to help diagnose effect of medication on diabetes/pre-diabetes
- measures how well your body’s cells can absorb 75g glucose after 2 hours and used as a diabetes test
- tests for pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes, insulin resistance, reactive hypoglycaemia (low BG after meal)
Describe the HbA1c blood test.
- amount of glucose that combines w/ Hb ∞ total amount of sugar in system at that time
- RBCs survive for 8-12 weeks before renewal
- measuring glycated haemoglobin (or HbA1c) reflects avg. BGC over that duration, providing useful longer-term gauge of BG control
- if BGC has been high in recent weeks, HbA1c will also be greater
State the FPG, OGTT, HBA1C for those who are:
a) normal
b) pre-diabetes (ranges)
c) diabetes
(from the Oral Glucose Tolerance test)
- FPG: <5.5 mmol/L
- OGTT: <7.8 mmol/L
- HBA1C: <42mmol/L (<6%)
- FPG: 5.5-7.0 mmol/L
- OGTT: 7.8-11.1 mmol/L
- HBA1C: 42-47mmol/L (<6-6.4%)
- FPG: >7.0 mmol/L
- OGTT: >11.1 mmol/L
- HBA1C: >47mmol/L (>6.4%)
What is required to diagnose diabetes (WHO)?
• typical symptoms of hyperglycaemia and:
- random venous plasma glucose: 11.1 mmol/l
- or fasting plasma glucose: 7.0 mmol/l
- or 2-hour plasma glucose 11.1 mmol/l (after 75 g OGTT)
• no symptoms
- at least 2 lab plasma glucose tests (or HbA1c) on different days w/in diabetic range
Describe the epidemiology of diabetes.
- increasing in UK
- prevalence shows ethnic variation: higher in UK Asian population
- years of life lost due to diabetes compared to other common diseases
- early detection + intervention key → before macro + microvascular complications
How is diabetes classified?
• type 1 (IDDM), 10%: immune-mediated or idiopathic
• type 2 (NIDDM), 77%: predominantly insulin-resistance or insulin secretory defect
• gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), 12%
• other specific types, 1%:
- maturity onset diabetes in young (MODY)- mutation, strong familial inheritance
- genetic defects of insulin action
- diseases of exocrine pancreas
- endocrinopathies (pancreatic diseases)
- drug/chemical-induced diabetes (beta-blockers, corticosteroids, antipsychotics)
How many people in the UK are living with diabetes?
4.6 million
What is an exocrine and endocrine cell and how abundant are beta-cells?
- exocrinegland- secretes enzymes to break down proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids in food.
- endocrinegland- secretes hormones insulin and glucagon to control BGC throughout day
- B-cells are most abundant isletcells
Which profiles can help confirm diabetes and which value is essential?
- physiological nocturnal insulin and glucose profiles
- fasting BGC
Describe homeostatic regulation of BGC.
- plasma glucose levels increase → plasma insulin levels increase
- exogenous glucose levels increase → endogenous glucose levels should decrease
- homeostatic maintenance of constant, stable blood glucose concentration (approx 3.3-6.7mmol/l)
- insulin secretion constantly adjusts to achieve this
Name some other important actions of insulin and what excess glucose can lead to.
• lipid metabolism
• cell growth
• protein synthesis
- leads to osmotic diuresis
What is insulin and what effect does it have on GLUT 4?
- a peptide hormone
- binds to its transmembrane insulin receptor
- increases GLUT 4 surface expression
- GLUT4:
• insulin-regulated glucose transporter
• transports glucose into cell
• ensures rate of glucose entry into β-cells is ∞ [extracellular glucose]
What does the insulin signal transduction cascade also results in?
- hexokinase activation so glucose is phosphorylated
- and glycolysis is initiated
Describe the effects of GLUT4 after food on a molecular level.
- rise in BGC after meal, stimulates insulin secretion from B-cells
- insulin binds to IRs on muscle and fat cells
- leads to phosphorylation of IRS-1
- triggers insertion of GLUT4 into cell membrane and uptake of glucose into cell
(IRS = insulin receptor substrate)
State the 5 stages of insulin release from a β-cell.
- glucose that enters β-cell is metabolised via glycolysis (Kreb’s cycle)
- metabolism of glucose produces high ratio of ATP
- increased intracellular ATP:ADP ratio closes ATP-sensitive K⁺ channels preventing K⁺ ions from leaving cell by facilitated diffusion (leading to build-up of intracellular K⁺ ions) so inside of cell becomes -VE w.r.t outside, leading to depolarisation of cell membrane.
- upondepolarisation, voltage-gatedCa2⁺ channelsopen, allowing Ca2⁺ ions to move into cell by facilitated diffusion
- significantly increased amount of Ca2⁺ ions in cells’ cytoplasm causing release previously synthesized insulin (stored in vesicles) into blood
(see notes for diagram)
Describe glucagon release.
• glucagon is a peptide hormone secreted from α-cells of pancreas in response to:
- low BGC
- sympathetic ANS activation in exertion
• glucagon receptors not as abundant on cells throughout body
• liver cell membrane receptors are main targets
What is the role of amylin?
- co-secreted with insulin from pancreatic β-cells in ratio of 100:1
- plays role in glycaemic regulation by slowing gastric emptying and promoting satiety, thereby preventing post-meal (post-prandial) spikes in BGC
What is the relationship between amylin with glucagon and insulin with glucagon?
- synergistic; amylin and glucagon can be produced together
- insulin and glucagon can never be produced together
What happens if insulin and glucagon mechanisms are not controlled at each level?
- low levels- hypoglycemia
- high level- hyperglycemia
- persistently high levels: indicative of diabetes
Describe Type 1 Diabetes (IDDM) including its prevalence, risk factors, environmental agents and genetic factors.
• prevalence:
- 0.5% of UK population
- all ethnic groups affected
- 5-10% of those with diabetes
• Risk Factors
- viruses - enteroviruses (infectious diseases e.g. polio), coxsackie (HFMD), rubella
• environmental agents - cow’s milk protein, nitrites (processed + cured meats)
• genetic factors i.e. HLA types (DQ2/DQ8 celiac disease genes)
Describe Type 2 Diabetes including its prevalence and risk factors.
• risk factors (multifactorial): - genes - environment - obesity - viruses – Hep C • prevalence: - 90% of people w/ diabetes - approx 6.5% of UK population - overrepresented in non-european ethnic groups - uncommon in children
State some medical complications associated with diabetes.
- microvascular; eye, kidneys, neuropathy
- macrovascular; brain, heart, extremities
- microvascular complications (cause disability)
- retinopathy- abnormal blood flow
- neuropathy- damage to peripheral nerves
- nephropathy- damage to kidney vessels
- small vessel arteriopathy
- erectile dysfunction
- absent foot pulses (no reflexes)
- ischaemic skin changes (foot)
- abnormal vibration threshold (foot) *Loss of protective sensation
State some macrovascular diseases (cause disability and premature death) which are associated with diabetes.
• coronary artery disease • cerebrovascular disease • abnormal ECG • hypertension • intermittent claudication • peripheral vascular disease* - 2–3 x increased risk of fatal stroke - 2–4 x increased risk of fatal heart disease - 15 x increased risk of amputation
State some cardiovascular risk factors related to diabetes.
- hypertension
- dyslipidaemia
- obesity
How can the risks of type 2 diabetes be managed (monitoring glycaemic control)?
• blood glucose - short-term - day-to-day variation • glycated proteins - fructosamine test: glycated albumin (approx 2 weeks) - HbA1c: 8-12 weeks • other glycated products - advanced glycated - end-products - proteins and lipids
When is insulin needed for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
- type 1 diabetes – absolute need for insulin
- type 2 diabetes – oral therapies (if they are ineffective/inadequate)
Give a quick background to liver function.
- largest bodily organ
- holds 13% of blood supply at any one moment
- HPV vein and artery deliver O₂ and nutrients to sinusoids
- functions:
• protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, immunological function, drug + alcohol metabolism - formation of biles and breakdown + excretion of RBCs
What can impaired albumin production lead to?
cirrhosis can lead to ascites (abnormal build-up of fluid in abdomen)
Describe clotting in liver disease.
- liver disease impairs production of all liver-produced clotting factors (2,7,9,10)
- vitamin K (needed for production of clotting factors) is a fat-soluble vitamin
- can cause bruising and petechiae (broken blood vessels)
What is oesophageal varices and how is it treated?
- enlarged oesophageal veins
- treated with ligation to prevent bleeding
State some common signs of the three types of liver disease.
• acute liver disease • chronic liver disease (compensated) - gynaecomastia - spider naevi & palmar - erythema - splenomegaly - xanthomas & clubbing • liver disease (de-compensated) - drowsiness - ascites - oedema
What is jaundice and what is its threshold?
- medical name is icterus: yellow discolouration of skin, sclera (yellow eyeballs) and mucus membranes and pale stools and dark urine due to a raised plasma bilirubin
- normal plasma bilirubin = 5-15 mmol/L
- jaundice = >30 mmol/L
What are the clinical and molecular causes of jaundice?
• clinical causes:
- liver + biliary disease
- other system diseases (i.e. haemolytic)
- sometimes not jaundice racial, carotenaemia
• molecular causes:
- problems at any stage of bilirubin excretion (RBC breakdown to secretion of bile)
- excess RBC breakdown
- abnormal liver function
- impaired secretion of bile
What is the classification of jaundice and how can it be confirmed?
• classification:
1. pre-hepatic (hemolytic)
2. hepatic (hepatocellular)
3. post-hepatic (cholestatic)
• confirmed by imaging
- whether bile ducts are dilated distinguishes between obstructive and other causes
- USS: demonstrates dilated ducts quickly, safely and cheaply
How well do drinkers know alcohol limits and how can alcohol content be assessed?
- not all drinkers know what a “unit” is but there is no “safe” level
- spread drinking over 3+ days if you drink regularly and do not drink if possibly pregnant
- 1 unit = 1 pint of 3.5 % lager = 10 mg (8g) of pure alcohol
- alcohol content = a percentage of whole drink: ABV or word ‘vol’
Which illnesses can result from 10-20 yrs of regularly exceeding 14+ units of alcohol per week/
- cancers of mouth, throat and breasts
- stroke
- heart disease
- liver disease
- brain damage
- damage to nervous system
Single-session drinking also pose danger. How can health risks be combated and problem-drinking identified?
- by limiting, slowing, drinking with food and alternating with non-alcoholic drinks
- problem drinkers assessed by:
• CAGE questionnaire
• Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST)
• Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
What is Alcoholic Liver Disease and what are its three stages?
- above recommended alcohol limit → risk of liver damage
- variable risk but depends on sex + genetic factors
- 3 types of liver involvement
1. alcoholic fatty liver - abnormal liver blood tests and liver enlargement only
- reversible if alcohol stopped
2. alcoholic hepatitis - inflammation, damage within liver and patient unwell (jaundiced + anorexic)
- can be fatal and abstinence is only treatment
- supportive therapies: good nutrition, kidney support, treating infection
3. alcoholic cirrhosis (8-20% heavy drinkers) - scarring of liver
- permanent damage
- initially compensated cirrhosis (large reserve so normal liver function) → decompensated cirrhosis (jaundice, fluid retention and clotting problems)
Describe infective hepatitis.
- multiple viruses and parasites infect liver → inflammation
- Hepatitis A-G, Epstein Barr virus (glandular fever), cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Hep B and C
- some cause chronic infection → chronic liver inflammation → risk of cirrhosis + hepatocellular cancer
What is Hepatitis B (HBV) in terms of transmission, infection-clearing rates, the case in endemic countries, treatment, prevention and risk factors?
• transmission: easily parenterally and by bodily fluids
• infection-clearing rates: 90% self-limiting (malaise + jaundice) + 10% uncleared → chronic HBV infection
• endemic countries:
- common (mother to infant transmission)
- congenital HBV chronic + asymptomatic, decompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma
• treatment: chronic and active disease → area of research/drug trials (IFN, lamivudine), liver transplantation
• prevention:
- vaccine for high-risk groups
- if exposed = HBV immunoglobulin + vaccine
• risk factors: drug abuse, healthcare employment, heterosexual exposure, household contacts, homosexual activity
What is Hepatitis C (HCV) in terms of transmission, prevalence and cost, importance, treatment, risk factors and high risk groups?
• transmission: higher in IV drug users and efficiency low in sexual and perinatal/parental transmission
- blood transfusion and products, perinatal, intra-familial, haemodialysis, shared needles, tattooing, needle/sharps injuries, bodily fluids
• prevalence and cost:
- most common cause of chronic hep and reason for liver transplants, huge economic burden, drugs expensive + not always effective, loss of productivity in population
• importance: silent epidemic – doesn’t cause acute jaundice but many develop chronic infection
• treatment: often ineffective (depending on genotype) and no vaccination
• risk factors: contaminated equipment in alternative medicine, tattooing, body piercing, sharing razors + toothbrushes
• high-risk groups - IV drug users, recipients of multiple blood transfusions, haemodialysis patients, HC workers
Briefly describe the transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention of Hepatitis A.
- transmission: faecal-oral route, outbreaks in institutions
- symptoms: several weeks after exposure jaundice after flu-like illness, does not cause chronic liver disease
- treatment: no specific requirement
- prevention: immunoglobulin + vaccination
How is chronic Hepatitis C usually treated?
- incubation 6-12 weeks
- chronicity rate: exceeds 80%
- 10-20% each decade → vast majority asymptomatic 20 years
- no “healthy” carrier state (unlike HBV)
What are gallstones and what do they mean for a patient?
- small stones, usually made of cholesterol, that form in gallbladder
- in most cases, asymptomatic + expectant management required
- but, if gallstone trapped in a duct of gallbladder, can trigger sudden, intense abdominal pain
- history of gallstone disease - asymptomatic (1-4%/yr) symptomatic (1%/yr) → complicated
State the surgical indications, major complications and high risk of associated problems scenarios for gallstones.
- surgical indications: true biliary pain, interfere with life
- major complications: acute cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis
- high risk of associated problems: calcified gallbladder + gallbladder cancer
State the seven risks (F) for the formation of gallstones.
- Female – gender
- Fertile – pregnancy
- Fat – obesity
- Forty – increasing age 40 or above
- Family – genetics/race (Native American, Mexican-American)
- Fasting – rapid weight loss, ICU
- Pharmacology – octreotide, ceftriaxone
State some complications associated with gallstones.
- acute cholecystitis-inflammation of gallbladder
- ascending cholangitis-infection in bile duct
- pancreatitis
- gallstone ileus
- gallbladder cancer (“porcelain gallbladder”)
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) can be done to detect gallstones
State three possible causes of gallstone formation.
- Gilbert’s disease: group of inherited enzyme deficiencies of enzymes which metabolise Hb breakdown products
- decreased glucuronyl transferase (conjugates bilirubin) → common + benign cause of mild jaundice after flu-like illness - pancreatic disease: acute + chronic pancreatitis can cause:
- diabetes
- malabsorption + weight loss
- jaundice (bile duct involved) - pancreatic cancer: pain, weight loss and jaundice often diagnosed at late stage (incurable)
- surgery is only cure but symptoms management available
State four main metabolic functions of the liver.
- carbohydrate metabolism
- fat metabolism
- protein metabolism
- drug metabolism
Alcohol depresses brain functions by inhibiting the reticular activating system (RAS), which regulates the cerebral cortex. Hence, what effects can alcohol have directly-related to blood concentration at the time?
- diminished intellectual faculties
- reduced inhibitory effect of cerebral cortex, resulting in lack of integration between sensory and motor control
- outcome is loss of coordination, judgement and control over movement
Hence, what long-term effects can alcohol misuse have on metabolic functions?
- physical dependence and abstinence can have unpleasant consequences (rebound hyperactivity)
- as inhibition of RAS is removed, results in:
• persistent tremor
• extreme agitation + restlessness
• sleeplessness
• sweating
• frightening visual hallucinations - can damage tissues, liver damage (regular consumption above recommended limit) and knock-on effects on organs, resulting in potentially-serious conditions
What are the current UK Government recommendations for sensible drinking and legal limit for driving?
- 14 units/2-3 days
- legal limit for driving in the UK: 80mg/100ml blood alcohol
Why are there slight differences in threshold limits for men and women?
- females tend to have higher body fat than males
- females also have lower levels of body water so a more dramatic response to alcohol
The average average daily consumption of alcohol in Great Britain is 2.4 units/day and 1.4 units/day in women over 16. Which conditions can moderate alcohol consumption reduce the risk of?
- ischaemic stroke
- atherosclerosis
- heart disease
- only group with potential to have significant overall reduction in risk of death is women over 55
What are the effects of alcohol on the GI tract?
- esophagus: reduced sphincter pressure, impeded (delayed) peristalsis
- stomach: mucosal damage, chronic gastritis, nausea and vomiting, peptic ulcers
- small intestine: reduced permeability to glucose, amino acids, vitamins and minerals
- malabsorption, diarrhoea - GI malignancies
What are the medical consequences of alcohol dependence?
- liver disease -cirrhosis, pancreatitis
- GI problems bleeding; esophagitis
- CV disorders - hypertension
- arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy
- depression
- neurological problems; memory loss, dementia
- malnutrition - vitamin deficiency
- tissue damage
Which prominent changes to the liver occur during excess alcohol consumption?
- cirrhosis: fatty changes in the liver which becomes characteristically knobbly
- an adaptive lesion due to changes in hepatic fat metabolism
- reversible at moderate levels but permanent deterioration of hepatocyte structure occurs can lead to fatalities
- reduces liver’s capacity to oxidise drugs
Why do changes in the liver arise during excess alcohol consumption?
these changes arise because there is:
- high fatty acid production
- ethanol oxidation generates H⁺
- H⁺ increased NADPH production in liver
- high ethanol concentrations are oxidised to acetate
- acetate used as alternative energy source to synthesise fatty acids
- i.e. ethanol → acetaldehyde → acetic acid
(see notes for diagram)
How does alcohol make you hungry?
- ethanol metabolism produces large amounts of NADH
- tends to cause conversion of pyruvate and alanine to lactate (reversible reaction)
- prevents conversion of glycerol to G-3-P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate)
- inhibits gluconeogenesis
- alcohol inhibits gluconeogenesis and lowers BGC making you hungry
(see notes for diagram)
Which conditions which may cause cirrhosis of the liver?
- viral hepatitis B or C
- autoimmune inflammation of the liver
- disorders of the drainage system – primary biliary cirrhosis (autoimmune disease)
- secondary biliary cirrhosis (chronic infection of the bile duct)
- medication - metabolic disorders of iron/copper, Wilson’s disease
Why may malnutrition associated with chronic alcohol abuse?
- alcohol induces euphoria and depression of CNS both of which depress appetite
- ethanol used for caloric intake (7Kcal/g) and thus less glucose and nutrients ingested
- chronic ethanol abuse increases risk of protein energy malnutrition - low intake of proteins, iron and vitamins
- may damage GI tract which impairs absorption
Why are some alcoholics are more likely to develop hypoglycaemia than non-alcoholics?
- under normal conditions low BGC will stimulate production of glucose from glycogen and non-carbohydrate precursors (gluconeogenesis)
- increased acetate levels from ethanol leads to an excess of acetyl CoA and NADH
- this stimulates fatty acid production from acetyl CoA rather than gluconeogenesis
Heavy drinkers presenting to Accident and Emergency departments, often comatose, may be suffering from hypoglycaemia. Why, before administration of IV glucose, are these patients always given an IV injection of thiamine (Vitamin B1)?
- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
- heavy drinkers often suffer from deficiency of thiamine pyrophosphate (VitB1)
- an essential cofactor for activity of two enzymes in link reaction and citric acid cycle, pyruvate dehydrogenase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase -
Why alcohol is contraindicated with:
a) antihistamines
b) chloropropamide
c) metronidazole
d) warfarin
e) diazepam
f) aspirin
a) have sedative activity which is reinforced w/ alcohol administration
- causes flushing in sensitive subjects
- disulfiram-like effect (ALDH inhibitor)
- increased circulating concentrations of acetaldehyde
c) disulfiram-like reaction not due to ALDH inhibition
d) an anticoagulant so alcohol may cause bleeding in small intestine or stomach → enhanced anticoagulant effect with large doses
e) enhanced sedative effect → alcohol inhibits its metabolism under chronic conditions
f) alcohol and aspirin irritate stomach lining → may increase ethanol levels by inhibition of metabolism
Why is there a risk of fatal interaction between paracetamol and alcohol in habitual drinkers?
- alcohol increases the production of CYP 2E1
- increased levels of CYP 2E1 increase ethanol oxidation and increase oxidation of other drugs
- CYP 2E1 oxidises paracetamol to a reactive intermediate (NAPQI) which binds covalently to liver protein
- this is an irreversible reaction → can lead to fatalities
- paracetamol is metabolized by conjugation with glucuronic acid and sulfate but glucuronic acid pathway is decreased by ethanol
- ethanol oxidation catalysed by ADH and glucuronic acid production both require NAD⁺
What is the main drug therapy used to reduce alcoholics’ dependence on alcohol and how does it work?
- disulfiram: used if you’re trying to achieve abstinence but are concerned you may relapse
- deters you from drinking by causingsevere unpleasant physical reactions if you drink alcohol including: nausea, chest pain, vomiting, dizziness → so you are inclined not to drink
- reactions caused by acetaldehyde (poisonous chemical produced when body metabolises alcohol) which builds up
What treatment is available for patients with severely damaged livers and what are the success rates?
- liver transplants
- survival rates are 80-90%
- similar to those w/ non-alcoholic liver diseases unless alcohol abuse continues
How can BMR be measured?
- half-fill spirometer bell with pure O₂ and set up apparatus
- ensure subject’s nose-clip and mouthpiece secure and allow subject to rest while connected (5 mins)
- start spirometer chart and after expiration turn so subject breathes in O₂ from bell (7 mins)
- tear off record (first 2 mins) and draw line through bottom to determine gradient - correct volume to NTP
- estimate SA of subject from H and W using nomogram supplied
- assuming RQ of 0.82 calculate energy expenditure in kJ/m2 body surface/hour (approx. resting metabolic rate)
- estimate metabolic rate again, using same spirometer after exercised subject
What is BMR and what is the average in males and females?
- basal metabolic rate
- metabolic rate under standard conditions
- subject at complete rest 12-18 hours post-meal
- average male = 167 kJ/m2/h
- average female = 150kJ/m2/h
How can body fat content and lean body mass be measured or calculated?
- can be done manually or using bioelectrical impedance analysis, where small current passed through body and impedance as reflection of body composition
- method:
- measure and add skinfold thickness (mm) over biceps, triceps, subscapular and supra-iliac regions and read off % body fat from table (Durnin and Womersely)
- measure height (m) and weight (kg) and calculate lean body mass from equation
- using same subjects, assess % body fat from impedance device adjusted for subject
- calculate lean body mass from equation and BMI from above
- collect data derived by both methods from several subjects and use spreadsheet to compare methods of measurement
What factors associated with exercise might contribute to an increase in metabolic rate?
- exercise increases metabolic rate in proportion to frequency and intensity of exercise
What are the constituents which contribute to the lean body mass?
- organs
- skin
- bones
- body water
Other than subcutaneous sites, where are the main sites of fat storage in the body?
- visceral (within abdomen/on organs)
- epicardial (heart)
- marrow (in bones)
- ectopic (tissues other than adipose)
What is the special role of brown fat in the newborn and what is the difference between this and other types of fat?
- brown fatinnew-borns protects them from hypothermia (drop in core body temperature)
- has more capillaries than white fat
- has a higher oxygen consumption
- produces heat
What is the major excretory product arising from the breakdown of muscle protein and where is this substance produced?
- blood urea nitrogen
- formed in liver and carried to kidneys for excretion