diet Flashcards
average calories needed per day (but changes depending various factors)
calorie- A unit which measures heat or energy production in the body, normally expressed as Kcal.
adult male- 2500 Kcal
adult female- 2000 Kcal
what average calorie intake depends on (can vary per day based on what youre doing)
- age of the individual: after 25, calorie needs start to fall
-gender: men need more
-energy expenditure: the more exercise the more calories required
-basal metabolic rate: how fast energy is being used/ minimum number of calories required for to carry out basic functions.
nutrition def
(7 classes of food)
The intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition is an
adequate, well balanced diet, combined with regular physical activity
balanced diet def
It is defined as eating:
* the right amount (of calories) for energy expended
* according to how much you exercise
* different food types to provide suitable nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
reasons for having a balanced diet
To have a suitable intake of calories, to match energy expenditure/ exercise.
there is not single food that contains all nutrients body needs.
balanced diet contains, lots of different food types, to provide the suitable nutrients, vitamins + minerals required.
balanced diet should contain:
the seven classes of food (all nutrients):
55-60% carbohydrate
25-30% fat
15-20% protein
importance of having balanced diet
-unused energy is stored as fat, which could cause obesity (particularly saturated fat, found in deep fried food). so carb and fat intake shouldn’t be excessive.
-suitable amounts of energy consumed, to be available for exercise/ activity (reduces fatigue during exercise)
-human body needs nutrients for energy, growth + hydration
the main + preferred energy source for all types of exercise, of all intensities.
it’s the main source of glucose (energy fuel).
complex carbohydrates- (starches) are good sources of energy, at any time, as the body can easily store the energy/glucose for sustained use (it lasts longer), so it also be used after a long time. so it can be consumes prior (hours/day) before exercise, as it lasts/is stored. also contains other useful nutrients E.g: pasta, bread+ potatoes have rich sources of starch.
simple carbohydrates- (sugars) can provide a lot of energy for immediate use, but contains no other useful nutrients. can be consumed during exercise. e.g: processed foods
an energy source + helps carry vitamins in the body.
provides more energy that carbohydrates (more than double the amount), but the energy can only be used at low intensities (like walking+ light jogging).
-saturated fats: found in meat and dairy
-unsaturated fats: vegetable fats/ oils
high fat intake (particularly saturated)- inc cholesterol levels, inc risk of coronary heart disease, inc chance of obesity, heart probelms, body fat increases.
-impact on sports (too much)- reduces flexibility, CV endurance, agility and speed
-too less fat intake- anorexia
predominantly for growth+ repair of muscle tissue.
this is most manipulated in diet for athletes, to grow max muscle, to inc their power, strength, and speed.
essential to maintaining optimal health+ physical performance.
found in- meat, eggs, fish, nuts, dairy
not enough in diet- muscles likely to get injured, less hypertrophy, muscles may degrade
15-20% of balanced diet
assists digestive system/ digestion.
having in diet- prevents constipation, helps reduce blood cholesterol + controls weight gain.
found in: high fibre/whole grain cereals, whole grains, fruits+ vegetables
vitamins +minerals
vitamins- Organic substances that are required for many essential processes in the body.
minerals- Inorganic substances which assist the body with many of its functions.
they maintain the efficient working of the body systems +general health.
found in- fish, (citrus) fruits, vegetables +dairy
diff vitamins + minerals
(not needed)
vitamin A- skin structure+ function, found in dairy
deficiency: poor eye sight
vitamin B- body function, found in fish
deficiency: anaemia
vitamin C- immune system, found in citrus fruit
deficiency: scurvy
vitamin D- bone function, found in oily fish
deficiency: rickets
iron (mineral)- red blood cell production, in sea food+meat
deficiency: anemia
calcium (mineral)- for bone strength+ formation, in dairy.
deficiency: osteoporosis
assists/ helps body function normally, by maintaining hydration levels, and preventing dehydration.
helps with reactions, lubrication + maintaining correct body temp.
water consumption per day depends on:
-environment (hot/cold), temperature you are in, amount of exercise being done (may need to rehydrate to prevent dehydration).
defs of rehydration, dehydration and hydration.
hydration- Having enough water to enable normal functioning of the body.
dehydration- Excessive loss of body water interrupting the function of the body.
rehydration- Consuming water to restore hydration.