Diencephalon Flashcards
Where is the diencephalon located?
- it sits on top of the brainstem and connects it to the cerebral hemispheres
- it is obscured by the cerebral hemispheres
What are the 4 divisions of the diencephalon?
- thalamus
- epithalamus
- hypothalamus
- subthalamus
- both “hypo-“ and “sub-“ mean below
- the hypothalamus is located immediately below the thalamus and the subthalamus is located below and lateral to the thalamus
What type information are the LGN and MGN of the thalamus important for?
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN):
- important structure in the relay of visual information
- connected to superior colliculus via the superior brachium
Medial geniculate nucleus (MGN):
- important structure in the relay of auditory information
- connected to inferior colliculus via the inferior brachium
Label the following structures
- the mammillary bodies and infundibulum (pituitary stalk) are part of the hypothalamus
- the pineal gland is part of the epithalamus
Which structures does the septum pellucidum run between?
What structures are located superior and inferior to the diencephalon?
- septum pellucidum is the wall between the corpus callosum and the fornix
- the diencephalon is wedged between the fornix superiorly and the midbrain inferiorly
What are the following structures?
What is marked by the dotted line and ?
- ? is the roof of the thalamus, which is formed by the choroid plexus of IIIrd ventricle
- dotted line is the hypothalamic sulcus, which separates the thalamus from the hypothalamus
What is located superior, anterior and inferior to the thalamus?
What is the interthalamic adhesion?
- the body of the fornix is located superior to the thalamus
- the choroid plexus of the IIIrd ventricle forms the roof of the thalamus
- the interventricular foramen and column of the fornix are located anterior to the thalamus
- the midbrain forms the inferior border of the diencephalon
- the inter-thalamic adhesion is a small bundle of fibres that connects the 2 thalami to each other
What separates the thalamus from the hypothalamus?
What are the borders of the hypothalamus?
- the hypothalamic sulcus separates the thalamus from the hypothalamus
- the anterior border of the hypothalamus is formed by the lamina terminalis** and the **anterior commissure
- the infundibulum is located ventrally and is connected to the pituitary gland
What is indicated by the *
- recesses of the IIIrd ventricle found in the space bounded by the hypothalamus on both sides
- supraoptic recess
- infundibular recess
- these are spaces within the IIIrd ventricle
- if there is an expanded IIIrd ventricle, these recesses can balloon out and compress structures surrounding them
- e.g. optic chiasm, infundibulum
What are the 2 components of the epithalamus?
habenula + pineal gland
Label the structures and nuclei of the thalamus
- the thalamus is not one homogenous mass, but it is composed of many nuclear complexes
What forms the medial and lateral borders of the thalamus?
- the medial border is the IIIrd ventricle
- the thalamus has a free border medially
- the lateral border is the internal capsule
Label the coronal section
What is located medial, lateral and anterior to the thalamus?
- the medial border of the thalamus is a “free border” formed by the IIIrd ventricle
- the lateral border is formed by the internal capsule
- this is continuous with the cerebral peduncles at the level of the midbrain
- the body of the fornix and choroid plexus are located superiorly
What are the borders of the diencephalon?
What is the massa intermedia?
- another name for the interthalamic adhesion that connects the thalami to each other
- the thalami are bilateral egg-shaped masses of grey matter that sit on top of the brainstem
Why are the thalami referred to as the “receptionist of the brain”?
- they receive information, process it and pass it to the appropriate location in the brain
- they are relay nuclei to the cerebral cortex that are involved in processing sensory impulses
- it is also involved in motor processing through its connection with the basal ganglia and cerebellum
- they do not directly connect to the corticospinal tract
What is the only sense not processed by the thalamus?
What are the fibres that travel between the thalamus and the cortex?
- thalamocortical fibres travel from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex
- corticothalamic projections travel from the cortex to the thalamus
What is the internal medullary lamina and how does it segregate the thalamus?
- it is a Y-shaped layer of myelinated fibres
- it divides most of the thalamus into nuclear groups
- anterior nuclear group
- medial nuclear group
- lateral nuclear group (further subdivided)
What are the thalamic nuclei that are only visible in coronal section?
midline thalamic nuclei (MTN):
- these are adjacent to the IIIrd ventricle
intralaminar nuclei:
- these are embedded within the internal medullary lamina
reticular nucleus:
- this is located lateral to the external medullary lamina
What does the anterior nuclear group communicate with?
Where is it located and what does it form the posterior boundary of?
- the anterior nuclear group communicates with the limbic system
- it relays information related to emotion, memory and learning
- it is located in the more narrow end of the thalamus and forms the posterior boundary of the interventricular foramen