Dictionary of Equine Terms - Z Flashcards
Letter Z
What is the term for striping on the limbs, neck, withers, or quarters, as in the zebra-striped legs of a dun?
Zebra marks or zebra stripes
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
The term for striping on the limbs, neck, withers, or quarters.
Zebra marks or zebra stripes
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is the offspring resulting from the mating of a horse and a zebra?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is a zebrass?
The offspring resulting from the mating of a horse and a zebra.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
This Russian breed is believed to be a descendant of the Asiatic wild horse, survives on poor food, is resistant to cold, and may travel forty miles per day.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
A deficiency of this can cause depressed appetite, skin lesions, and reduced growth.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
This forms an essential part of many enzymes required by a horse, and is responsible for growth.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is zoonosis?
An infection transmissible under natural conditions from animals to humans.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
If an infection is transmissible under natural conditions from animals to humans, it is called what?
Zoonosis or a zoonotic disease
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
A toxic substance of animal origin is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
A toxic substance of animal origin
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is a zygote?
A fertilized egg
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is a fertilized egg called?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is zylazine?
A sedative or tranquilizer used commonly in horses, also called rompun.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is another name for rompun?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is another name for zylazine?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298