Dictionary of Equine Terms Flashcards
Entire Book
What is the term for striping on the limbs, neck, withers, or quarters, as in the zebra-striped legs of a dun?
Zebra marks or zebra stripes
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
The term for striping on the limbs, neck, withers, or quarters.
Zebra marks or zebra stripes
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is the offspring resulting from the mating of a horse and a zebra?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is a zebrass?
The offspring resulting from the mating of a horse and a zebra.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
This Russian breed is believed to be a descendant of the Asiatic wild horse, survives on poor food, is resistant to cold, and may travel forty miles per day.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
A deficiency of this can cause depressed appetite, skin lesions, and reduced growth.
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This forms an essential part of many enzymes required by a horse, and is responsible for growth.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is zoonosis?
An infection transmissible under natural conditions from animals to humans.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
If an infection is transmissible under natural conditions from animals to humans, it is called what?
Zoonosis or a zoonotic disease
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
A toxic substance of animal origin is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
A toxic substance of animal origin
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is a zygote?
A fertilized egg
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What is a fertilized egg called?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is zylazine?
A sedative or tranquilizer used commonly in horses, also called rompun.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is another name for rompun?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
What is another name for zylazine?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 298
Name this vice in horses when the horse continually opens his mouth and stretches his head down and out so as to attempt to evade any contact with the bit.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Describe the vice of yawning in horses.
When the horse continually opens his mouth and stretches his head down and out so as to attempt to evade any contact with the bit.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is the term for a horse between one and two years old?
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A horse between one and two years old.
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A young horse from January 1 to December 31 of the year following its birth.
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What term is used to describe a young horse from January 1 to December 31 of the year following its birth?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is a yearling?
A horse between one and two years old; a young horse from January 1 to December 31 of the year following its birth.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
A halter/head collar that is adjustable at the nosepiece to fit the growing head of a yearling is called a what?
Yearling head collar
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is a yearling head collar?
A halter/head collar that is adjustable at the nosepiece to fit the growing head of a yearling.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is a yeld mare?
A mare that did not produce a foal during the current season.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
A mare that did not produce a foal during the current season is known as a what?
Yeld mare
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Describe a yellow dun.
It is a coat color with dark skin with a diffuse yellow coat. The mane and tail may be black or chocolate, and a withers stripe, list, and zebra markings may be present.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Name the coat color described as follows: dark skin with a diffuse yellow coat; the mane and tail may be black or chocolate; a withers stripe, list, and zebra markings may be present.
Yellow dun
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is a yellow star thistle?
A poisonous plant found throughout the southern, western and eastern U.S.
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This poisonous bush, also called Taxus, has green needles and red berries. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental bush, and can cause a horse’s heart to stop.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Describe the yew plant.
A poisonous bush, also called Taxus, with green needles and red berries; sometimes grown as an ornamental bush; can cause a horse’s heart to stop.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Describe a Yorkshire boot.
A rectangle of material, usually felt, with a tape sewn along the center; after the leg is wrapped, the tape is tied just above the fetlock joint and the top of the boot is folded down over it, providing two layers of protection.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Name the piece of equipment described as follows: a rectangle of material, usually felt, with a tape sewn along the center. After the leg is wrapped, the tape is tied just above the fetlock joint and the top of the boot is folded down over it, providing two layers of protection.
Yorkshire boot
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is a Yorkshire halter?
A type of halter with a complete, ribbed, hemp headpiece and nosepiece with a string throatlatch and a fitted shank. It is strong and particularly useful for horses that pull back.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What type of halter is strong and particularly useful for horses that pull back?
Yorkshire halter
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
Name the piece of equipment described as follows: a type of halter with a complete, ribbed, hemp headpiece and nosepiece with a string throatlatch and a fitted shank.
Yorkshire halter
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is the term for young hounds and young riders just entered?
Young entry
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is a youth exhibitor?
An exhibitor less than eighteen years old.
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What term is used for exhibitors less than eighteen years old?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
This breed is an offshoot of the American saddle horse and originated in the U.S. on the McKinzie Ranch in Williamsport, Indiana.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 297
What is the generic name for a tranquilizer of sedative?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 296
This is a type of surface finish on malleable iron stirrups, and is an extra right cadmium plating used in place of galvanizing.
XC finish
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 296
What is an extra right cadmium plating used in place of galvanizing?
XC finish
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 296
Give another name for roentgen rays.
X rays
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 296
These are used to take radiographs of the body, thus locating fractures, etc.
X rays
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 296
This type of coach, used for public service between towns, has a low body with two lengthwise facing seats and a rear entrance.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
What part of the English saddle is just forward of the seat?
Waist (also called the twist)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
When a jockey holds his horse back at the start and in the early stages of a race to be able to come to the front at the latter stages of the race, it’s known as a what?
Waiting race
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
What is a waiting race?
When a jockey holds his horse back at the start and in the early stages of a race to be able to come to the front at the latter stages of the race.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
This Australian breed is a docile, courageous horse originally used by the military.
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Where does the horse breed, the Waler, originate from?
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A natural, slow gait of four beats in which each foot strikes the ground in separate intervals in the following sequence: near hind, near fore, off hind, off fore.
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This piece of equipment is used to exercise horses, consisting of several arms extending from a central pole. Horses are tied to the end of the arms and follow it in a circular path.
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A piece of equipment used to exercise horses, consisting of several arms extending from a central pole.
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This breed was originally developed for plantation riding and is characterized by an easy, running walk.
Walking Horse, or Tennessee Walking Horse
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What is a Walking Horse Class?
Any of various competitions held for Tennessee Walking Horses at horse shows.
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Any of various competitions held for Tennessee Walking Horses at horse shows.
Walking Horse Class
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An organization designed to promote the Tennessee Walking Horse
Walking Horse Owners Association
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In racing, what is a walkover?
A race in which only one horse has been declared a starter.
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What is the term for a race in which only one horse has been declared a starter? Generally, to qualify for the prize money, the horse has to be saddled, paraded before the crowd, and then walked past the winning post.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
To qualify for prize money in a walkover race, what must a horse do?
Be saddled, paraded before the crowd, and then walked past the winning post.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
How many horses are in a walkover race?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
What is a Walk-Trot Class?
For young, beginning riders (generally less than nine years of age) and the walk and trot are the only required gaits.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
Walk-Trot Classes are generally for young, beginning riders less than what age?
Nine years of age
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
What is a walk-trot horse?
A show term meaning a saddle horse that only walks, trots, and canters; distinguished from the five-gaited horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
Give the show term meaning a saddle horse that only walks, trots, and canters; distinguished from the five-gaited horse.
Walk-trot horse
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 286
An upright show-jumping obstacle made of hollow wooden blocks that are painted and stacked to look like a brick wall.
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A cross-country obstacle built of brick, concrete blocks, sleepers, or stone.
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This term is used to describe lack of pigment in the iris.
Walleyed (also referred to as glass, blue, china, or crockery eye)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
This term is used when the eye is bluish white or gray in color.
Walleyed (also referred to as glass, blue, china, or crockery eye)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is another term for walleyed?
Glass, blue, china, or crockery eye)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Walleyed is not considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Walleyed is considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Glass eye is not considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Glass eye is considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Blue eyes are considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Blue eyes are not considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: China eyes are considered a blemish.
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True or False: China eyes are not considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Crockery eyes are not considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Crockery eyes are considered a blemish.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
The part of the hoof that is visible when the foot is placed flat on the ground.
Wall of the hoof
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What part of the hoof is visible when the foot is placed flat on the ground?
Wall of the hoof
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What part of the hoof is divided into the toe, the quarters, and the heel?
Wall of the hoof
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
The wall of the hoof is divided into what three areas?
The toe, the quarters, and the heel.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
Where are the quarters of a hoof wall located?
The sides
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a wanderer foal?
A foal suffering from convulsive syndromes caused by a lack of oxygen at birth.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
A foal suffering from convulsive syndromes caused by a lack of oxygen at birth is known as what?
Wanderer foal
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What term is used to described when a horse has deviated from a straight line or the circle on which he started?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
The term wandering is used to describe what?
When the horse has deviated from a straight line or the circle on which he started.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a warble?
Swelling under the horse’s skin caused by a parasitic larva of the ox warble fly.
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Swelling under the horse’s skin caused by a parasitic larva of the ox warble fly is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a war bridle?
An emergency bridle made of rope.
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An emergency bridle made of rope.
War bridle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
A war bridle is also known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a come-along often made of?
Stiff lariat rope
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
Ware hole or ware wire is what?
A warning given by advance followers in the field to those behind.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is ware hounds?
Warning given if a hound comes up from behind, the front, or the side to avoid followers stepping on him.
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What is ware riot?
The warning to the hounds when they show signs of riot.
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A European term used to describe breeds that have descended from Arab, Barb, and/or Turkmens blood in the original foundation horses.
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This is the result of crossing heavy horses with Thoroughbreds or Arabians.
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Heavy horses are also known as what?
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Throroughbreds and Arabians are also known as what?
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What horses are considered hotblood horses?
Thoroughbreds and Arabians
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What horses are considered coldblood horses?
Heavy horses (also called draft horses pg. 137)
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The term Warmblood could include any breed of horse except what?
Those animals that are 100 percent hot- or coldblood.
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The routine of graduated exercise until the horse is properly conditioned for strenuous effort.
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Define warming-up.
The routine of graduated exercise until the horse is properly conditioned for strenuous effort.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a warranty?
Any description, expression, or statement made concerning any matter relating to the conformation, health, or ability of a horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
Any description, expression, or statement made concerning any matter relating to the conformation, health, or ability of a horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
How and when is a warranty given?
In writing at or prior to a sale.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
True or False: Any legal recourse to litigation for recovery of any possible loss or damages by teh purchaser can only apply to any matter detailed in the warranty.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
In regards to a warranty, any legal recourse to litigation for recovery of any possible loss or damages by the purchased can only apply to what?
Any matter detailed in the warranty.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a warren?
A colony of rabbit burrows
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A colony of rabbit burrows is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What are warts?
Epidermal growths caused by a papilloma virus.
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Epidermal growths caused by a papilloma virus.
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When and where do warts occur on horses?
Usually occur around the heads of young horses up to three years old.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a wash rack?
A specific area for washing horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287-8
A specific area for washing horses.
Wash rack
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287-8
This nutrient is consumed in large volumes.
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An average horse drinks how many gallons of water per day?
Six to ten gallons
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
A brush used to wash the feet and dampen the mane and tail.
Water brush
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
In show jumping, a small sloping brush fence placed in front of a water jump to help the horse take off.
Water brush
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A form of colic resulting from the intake of too much water.
Water gripes
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This can occur if working a horse too soon after drinking or if allowing a hot, stressed horse to drink too much water, especially cold water, before the horse has cooled down.
Water gripes
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
This poisonous plant is found in moist areas throughout most of the U.S.
Water hemlock
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is water hemlock?
A poisonous plant found in moist areas throughout most of the U.S.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 287
What is a water jump?
A spread show-jumping obstacle consisting of a sunken trough of water with a minimum width of 14 ft and a length of up to 16 ft. A small brush fence is usually placed on the takeoff side.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
In show jumping, what is a water brush?
A small sloping brush fence placed in front of a water jump to help the horse take off.
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In show jumping, what is usually placed on the takeoff side of a water jump?
A small brush fence
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
To cool a harness horse after a race by walking him about and only allowing him occasional drinks of water.
Water out
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What does the term “water out” mean?
To cool a harness horse after a race by walking him about and only allowing him occasional drinks of water.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is wave mouth?
A condition of uneven teeth wear found mainly in older horses.
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A condition of uneven teeth wear found mainly in older horses.
Wave mouth
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
The collection of a drop of dry colostrum at the end of each teat that occurs eighteen to forty-eight hours before foaling.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is waxing?
The collection of a drop of dry colostrum at the end of each teat that occurs eighteen to forty-eight hours before foaling.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What does WBC stand for?
White blood cell count
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is weaning?
Removing the foal from the dam.
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What is the term for removing the foal from the dam?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
When is weaning usually done?
Four to six months of age.
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How is weaning usually done?
By separating foal and dam
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What is usually done at four to six months of age by separating foal and dam?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is a weanling?
A weaned foal that has not yet turned one year old.
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A weaned foal that has not turned one year old is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
The amount of biting surface of the incisors that is ground off in chewing.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is wear?
The amount of biting surface of the incisors that is ground off in chewing.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is wear leather?
A piece of leather on a saddle positioned to reduce wear between leathers and other materials.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
A piece of leather on a saddle positioned to reduce wear between leathers and other materials.
Wear leather
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is weaving?
A rhythmic swaying of weight from one front foot to the other when confined.
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A rhythmic swaying of weight from one front foot to the other when confined.
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This nervous condition or habit can be socially contagious and may be a symptom of a horse under too much confinement.
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The width of the horseshoe from the inner to the outer edges.
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What is the web of a horseshoe?
The width of the horseshoe from the inner to the outer edges.
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What is a webbed shoe?
A type of shoe to protect corns.
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What is a webbed shoe used for?
To protect corns.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What does the acronym WEE stand for?
Western equine encephalomyelitis
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
This term refers to a horse that is small, underdeveloped, and lacking in size and muscle when compared to other horses of the same breed.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
A horse that is small, underdeveloped, and lacking in size and muscle when compared to other horses of the same breed is known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is a weigh in?
In certain equestrian sports where a specified weight has to be carried, such as show-jumping, combined training, and racing, the rider has to be weighed immediately after completion of the race or after his round in the competition to ensure the correct weight was carried throughout the event.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
In certain equestrian sports where a specified weight has to be carried, such as show-jumping, combined training, and racing, the rider has to be weighed immediately after completion of the race or after his round in the competition to ensure the correct weight was carried throughout the event. What is this process called?
Weigh in
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What is a weighing room?
The place on a racecourse where jockeys are weighed.
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The place on a racecourse where jockeys are weighed is called what?
Weighing room
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 288
What are weight aids?
When a rider influences the horse by shifting their weight.
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When a rider influences the horse by shifting their weight, such as shifting weight to one seat bone, the thighs or the seat, it is known as what?
Weight aids
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
True or False: Weight aids may also include leaning back or following the movements of the horse more aggressively.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What is a weight allowance?
In racing, it is claimed by a jockey or apprentice who has not ridden a certain number of winners.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
In racing, what is claimed by a jockey or apprentice who has not ridden a certain number of winners?
Weight allowance
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What is a weight cloth?
A cloth carried under the saddle on a horse, that is equipped with pockets in which lead weights may be inserted to achieve the correct weight.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
A cloth carried under the saddle on a horse, which is equipped with pockets in which lead weights may be inserted to achieve the correct weight is known as what?
Weight cloth
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
A method of handicapping horses in a race by their age is known as what?
Weight for age
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
Describe the weight for age method of handicapping horses in a race by their age.
Older horses carry more weight than the younger horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
True or False: In the weight for age method of handicapping horses in a race, the older horses carry more weight than the younger horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
True or False: In the weight for age method of handicapping horses in a race, the younger horses carry more weight than the older horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
True or False: In the weight for age method of handicapping horses in a race, the older horses carry less weight than the younger horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
True or False: In the weight for age method of handicapping horses in a race, the younger horses carry less weight than the older horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
In certain equestrian sports, a specified weight has to be carried, such as racing, combined training, and show jumping. The rider has to be weighed before the race or competition to ensure the correct weight is carried. What is this process called?
Weight out
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What does the term “weight out” refer to?
In certain equestrian sports, such as racing, combined training, and show jumping, a specified weight has to be carried, and the rider has to be weighed before the race or competition to ensure the correct weight is carried.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
Blocks, normally made of lead, placed in the cloth under the saddle and used by the rider who is not heavy enough to make the specified weight for an event are called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What does the term “well in hand” refer to?
A horse running at a fraction of his best speed.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
A horse running at a fraction of his best speed is referred to as what?
Well in hand
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
The term “well let down” refers to what?
The condition of the horse that gives the impression of having a body that appears to be cylindrical or round in shape from the ribs though to the flanks; opposed to a performance horse in training where the flanks are usually tucked up.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
The condition of the horse that gives the impression of having a body that appears to be cylindrical or round in shape from the ribs through to the flanks is known as what?
Well let down
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
This breed originating in Wales is a courageous, agile horse bred from the Welsh Mountain Pony, possibly Arab, Spanish breeds, and the Hackey.
Welsh Cob
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
The Welsh Cob originated from what other breeds?
Welsh Mountain Pony, possibly Arab, Spanish breeds, and the Hackney.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What size is the Welsh Mountain Pony?
Less than 12 hands
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What pony is smaller and probably the most elegant of the Welsh ponies, resembling the Arab, whose appearance combined with action makes it a desirable riding and harness pony?
Welsh Mountain Pony
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
Which Welsh Pony type registers those not exceeding 13.2 hands and are thicker and more short set than others with the same desirable action?
“C” or Cob Type
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Welsh Pony of Cob type registers what type of Welsh Pony?
Those not exceeding 13.2 hands, but that have an appearance that places them in the cob category; thicker and more short set than others with the same desirable action.
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Welsh Pony Section B registers what type of Welsh Pony?
Animals between 12.2 and 13.2 hands and resembles the Welsh Mountain Pony, except it shows more Hackney and Thoroughbred.
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Animals between 12.2 and 13.2 hands which resemble the Mountain Pony, except it shows more Hackney and Thoroughbred are registered as what?
Welsh Pony Section B
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
What is a welt?
A piece of leather stitched into the outer seam in the leather covering of swell forks., extending up the sides of the swells, and necessary to make the leather fork covering conform to the shape of the fork.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
A leather piece stitched into the outer seam in the leather covering of swell forks is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
There are how many types of welts?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
There are two types of welts. Describe them.
A single welt is a single piece of leather between the stitched-together pieces of the leather of the seam.
A turned welt is a double piece of leather between the stitched-together pieces of leather of the seam.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 289
Name the three main parts of a western bridle.
Reins, bit, and headstall
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
Name the type of bridle that is made up of a brown and, crown piece, throatlatch, cheek piece, curb strap, curb bit, and reins.
Western bridle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
A viral disease of horses and mules that causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and is observed west of the Mississippi River in the U.S., but can also be present in the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.
Western equine encephalomyelitis
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
What is western equine encephalomyelitis and where is it observed?
A viral disease of horses and mules that causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. It is observed west of the Mississippi River in the US, and is also present along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
In this western class, the rider is judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show horses. The judges may assign an individual riding pattern.
Western Horsemanship
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
Describe the Western Horsemanship class.
A class in which the rider is judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show horses. The judge may assign an individual riding pattern.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
Describe the Western Pleasure class.
A class in which the western-type horse is ridden in the show ring and judged at a walk, trot, and lope both ways of the ring on a loose rein.
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In this class, the western-type horse is ridden in the show ring and judged at a walk, trot, and lope both ways of the ring on a loose rein.
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Western Pleasure
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In this western class, the rider demonstrates a horse’s ability to perform several maneuvers, especially a series of controlled, collected flying lead changes.
Western Riding
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
Describe the Western Riding class.
A class that demonstrates a horse’s ability to perform several maneuvers, especially a series of controlled, collected flying lead changes.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
This style of riding is used by working cowboys in the US, Canada, and Central and South America, and for pleasure and endurance riding.
Western riding
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In this style of riding, the saddle and seat position forces the rider to adopt a much more comfortable seat position for long rides.
Western riding
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
This common type of saddle is distinguished by a large noticeable fork on which there is some form of horn, a high cantle, and large skirts.
Western saddle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
Describe a western saddle.
A common type of saddle distinguished by a large noticeable fork on which there is some form of horn, a high cantle, and large skirts.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
This is a double-bitted, double-reined bridle where the snaffle and the curb bit are separated.
Weymouth bridle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
What type of bridle is commonly used on three-and five-gaited horses?
Weymouth bridle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
What is a Weymouth bridle?
A double-bitted, double-reined bridle where the snaffle bit and the curb bit are separated. It is commonly used on three-and five-gaited horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290
What is a Weymouth curb bridle?
A double bridle using the English curb bit and a snaffle bit, used primarily on gaited horses, but also used for dressage and sometimes on hunters.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290-92
This double bridle using the English curb bit and a snaffle bit is used primarily on gaited horses, but also used for dressage and sometimes on hunters.
Weymouth curb bridle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 290-92
Whang strings are another term for what?
Saddle strings
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is another term for saddle strings?
Whang strings
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What are wheals?
Smooth, slightly raised areas of the skin surface that are redder or paler than the surrounding areas.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Smooth, slightly raised areas of the skin surface that are redder or paler than the surrounding areas are known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
When a horse turns around suddenly without guidance from his rider, he’s said to have done what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Define the term wheel.
When a horse turns around suddenly without guidance from his rider.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What are wheelers?
The team on the pole or tongue, hitched directly in front of a rig or wagon in a four- (or more) horse hitch.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
The team on the pole or tongue, hitched directly in front of a rig or wagon in a four- (or more) horse hitch is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is a whelp?
A very young puppy
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is the term for a very young puppy?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Who was Whimpy?
The first horse registered in the American Quarter Horse Association.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Who was the first horse registered in the American Quarter Horse Association?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
The term for the horse’s sound that denotes happiness, anticipation, anxiety, etc.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is a whinny?
The horse’s sound that denotes happiness, anticipation, anxiety, etc.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
An instrument or device of wood, bone, plastic, leather, fiberglass, metal, or a combination thereof with a loop or cracker of leather or cord at the upper end is a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
In regards to equipment, what is a whip?
An instrument or device of wood, bone, plastic, leather, fiberglass, metal, or a combination thereof with a loop or cracker of leather or cord at the upper end.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Someone who handle a whip expertly, or one who drives a horse in harness other than racing is known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
One who “whips in” or manages the hounds of a hunt club is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
The one who manages the hounds of a hunt club is known as the what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
A member of the hunt staff who assists the huntsman is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Who is the whipper-in?
A member of the hunt staff who assists the huntsman.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is a whiskey?
A two-person, open carriage with very high wheels.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is the term for a two-person, open carriage with very high wheels?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
Name the coat color that has light hair on white skin.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
A white blanket over back and hips with dark spots is a coat pattern from what breed?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
In which breed would you find the coat pattern described as a white blanket over back and hips with dark spots?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 292
What is the white blood cell count used for?
Assess infection
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What term is used to describe the number of white blood cells in a specific volume of blood?
White blood cell count
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
The number of white blood cells in a specific volume of blood is known as what?
White blood cell count
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What are white cells?
Leukocytes or white blood cells.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Leukocytes or white blood cells are also known as what?
White cells
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Colorless blood cells active in body defense against infection or other assault.
Leukocytes, white blood cells, or white cells
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What do white blood cells do?
They are active in body defense against infection or other assault.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
White blood cells occur in how many types?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Name the five types of white blood cells.
Neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, and basophils.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, and basophils are five types of what?
White blood cells
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
This limb marking consists of the hair immediately above the hoof being white.
White coronet
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
In a white coronet limb marking, where is the white hair?
Immediately above the hoof.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
In a white fetlock limb marking, where is the white hair?
On the fetlock joint in any variation.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
In which limb marking is there white on the fetlock joint in any variation?
White fetlock
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What marker is used in equestrian sports to mark the left-hand extremity of an obstacle?
White flag
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What color marker is used in equestrian sports to mark the left-hand extremity of an obstacle?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is used to mark a set track and must always be passed on the right?
White flag
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is white foal syndrome?
An inherited condition in which the foal is born healthy, all white, with blue eyes, but has a constriction in the large intestine, of which surgical correction is usually unsuccessful.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is an inherited condition in which the foal is born healthy, all white, with blue eyes, but has a constriction in the large intestine, of which surgical correction sis usually unsuccessful.
White foal syndrome
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Define white heel.
A limb marking with white at the back of the pattern to the hoof. May be one or both heel bulbs.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
This limb marking consists of white at the back of the pastern to the hoof, and may be one or both heel bulbs.
White heel
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
An inherited, genetic, lethal condition in foals in which the foal receives the gene for albinoism from both parents, and the embryo will die in the uterus.
White lethal
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What does the term “white lethal” refer to?
An inherited, genetic, lethal condition in foals in which the foal receives the gene for albinoism from both parents, and the embryo will die in the uterus.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
If a foal receives the gene for albinoism from both parents, they have inherited what genetic, lethal condition?
White lethal
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is the white line?
The junction of the wall and sole of the hoof where the sensitive and insensitive laminae meet. It is visible on the bottom of the hoof.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What line, visible on the bottom of the hoof, is the junction of the wall and sole of the hoof where the sensitive and insensitive laminae meet?
White line
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Where do the sensitive and insensitive laminae of the hoof meet?
The white line
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is white muscle disease?
A disease brought about by a selenium deficiency in the diet that eventually damages muscle.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
A disease brought about by a selenium deficiency in the diet that eventually damages muscle.
White muscle disease
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
White muscle disease is brought about by a deficiency of what in the diet?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
A selenium deficiency in the diet will bring about white muscle disease which will damage what in the body?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What does the term “white muzzle” refer to?
A white marking over both lips up to the region of the nostrils.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
A white marking over both lips up to the region of the nostrils is known as what?
White muzzle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What does the term “white pastern” refer to?
A limb marking in which white is from the fetlock downward. may be half pastern, three-quarter, etc.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
A limb marking in which white is from the fetlock downward is known as what?
White pastern. May be half paster, three-quarter pastern, etc.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What does the term “white eye” refer to?
When the sclera around the eye is visible, as in the Appaloosa.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
When the sclera around the eye is visible, as in the Appaloosa, it is called what?
White eye
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is it called when the sclera around the eye is visible, as in the Appaloosa?
White eye
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What does the word “whoa” mean?
It is the command to stop or stand; when repeated softly, it means to slow down; may also mean attention.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
The command to stop or stand. When repeated softly, it means to slow down, and it may also mean attention.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What does the term “whole colored” mean?
It means no hairs of any other color on the body, head, or limbs.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What term is used for when there are no hairs of any other color on the body, head, or limbs?
Whole colored
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is a whorl?
A coat marking that may be a line or spot where hair that lies in different directions meets; often seen on the neck in a circular pattern.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Where is a whorl seen on the body of a horse?
Where hair that lies in different directions meets.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Name a common location to see a whorl on the body of a horse.
On the neck in a circular pattern
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What is the name of a coat marking which may be a line or a spot where hair that lies in different directions meets?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Name a relatively new Polish breed influenced by Arab, Prussian, Hanoverian, and English Thoroughbred bloodlines, used for draft horses and for riding.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
The Wielkopolski breed originated where?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
Where did the Wielkopolski breed originate?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
In what national did the Wild Horse of Wyoming originate?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
What breed in the US originated from Arab, Spanish, Turkmene and Barber lines, and were introduced by colonists and Cortez?
Wild Horse of Wyoming
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
The Wild Horse of Wyoming was introduced to the US by who?
Colonists and Cortez
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 293
This registry gives recognition to wild horses and burros of America.
Wild Horses of America Registry
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Who is Willie Shoemaker?
A jockey whose mounts won more than $63,000,000 in more than 7,200 races and is considered the most successful jockey of all time.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Name the jockey who’s considered the most successful jockey of all time.
Willie Shoemaker
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Name the jockey whose mounts won more than $63,000,000 in more than 7,200 races and is considered the most successful jockey of all time.
Willie Shoemaker
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Give the term for the breathing ability of the horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What does the term wind refer to?
The breathing ability of the horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
True or False: A horse with good wind is sound and has sufficient capacity.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
This term is used when an animal has good wind and will work.
Wind and work.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What does the term wind and work refer to?
When an animal has good wind and will work.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is a windgall?
A distention of the synovial sheath between the suspensory ligament and the cannon bone or of the synovial sheath between the long pastern and the middle inferior sesamoid ligament.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
A distention of the synovial sheath between the suspensory ligament and the cannon bone or of the synovial sheath between the long pastern and the middle inferior sesamoid ligament.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Windgalls are usually a result of what?
Too fast or too hard road work, especially on hard surfaces.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Windgalls are also called what?
Wind puffs or road puffs
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Wind puffs are another name for what?
Windgall or road puffs
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Road puffs are another name for what?
Windgall or wind puffs.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
This term is used to describe a twisting of the striding leg around in front of the supporting leg so as to walk in the manner of a “rope walking” artist.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
A twisting of the striding leg around in front of the supporting leg so as to walk in the manner of a “rope walking” artist.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
The action of winding most often occurs in horse with what type of fronts?
Very wide fronts
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is another term for winding?
Rope walking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Rope walking is another term for what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What are wind puffs?
Enlargements of the fluid sacs or bursa around the pastern or fetlock joint on either the front or rear legs; protrusions of joint capsules and/or tendon sheaths caused by stretching due to excessive fluid.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Enlargements of the fluid sacs or bursa around the pastern or fetlock joint on either the front or rear legs is known as what?
Wind puffs
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Protrusions of joint capsules and/or tendon sheaths caused by stretching due to excessive fluid are called what?
Wind puffs
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is a wind sucker?
A horse that cribs.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
A horse that cribs.
Wind sucker
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Cribbing is also known as what?
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is another term for cribbing?
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Cribbing is another term for what?
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Wind sucking can also be called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Wind sucking is another term for what vice?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
There are two definitions for wind sucking. What are they?
- A harmful habit in which a horse draws in and swallows air, causing indigestion.
- A term applied to mares with flaccid vulvar labia that results in air being pulled into the vagina.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Give the term for a harmful habit in which a horse draws in and swallows air, causing indigestion.
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
A harmful habit in which a horse draws in and swallows air, causing indigestion.
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
This term is applied to mares with flaccid vulvar labia that results in air being pulled into the vagina.
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Term applied to mares with flaccid vulvar labia that results in air being pulled into the vagina.
Wind sucking
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is another term for windy?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Windy is another term for what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Windbroken is another term for what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is another term for windbroken?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What does the term windy mean?
An animal that whispers or roars when exerted.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What does the term windbroken refer to?
An animal that whispers or roars when exerted.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
An animal that whispers or roars when exerted is referred to as what?
Windy or windbroken
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
In jumping, what is a wing?
One of a pair of upright stands with cups or similar fittings used to support the poles or other suspended parts of a show-jumping obstacle.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is a wing?
One of a pair of upright stands with cups or similar fittings used to support the poles or other suspended parts of a show-jumping obstacle.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
One of a pair of upright stands with cups or similar fittings used to support the poles or other suspended parts of a show-jumping obstacle.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Who was Wing Commander?
A Saddle Horse stallion that won the world’s five-gaited championship six times.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Name the Saddle Horse stallion that won the world’s five-gaited championship six times.
Wing Commander
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What Saddle Horse stallion won the world’s five-gaited championship six times?
Wing Commander
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
When the hoof swings in when viewing a horse from the front at the walk or trot, it is called what?
Winging in
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
When the hoof swings in when viewing a horse from the front at the walk or trot.
Winging in
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Winging in refers to what?
When the hoof swings in when viewing a horse from the front at the walk or trot.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Winging out refers to what?
An exaggerated paddling, particularly noticeable in high-going horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What does winging out refer to?
An exaggerated paddling, which is particularly noticeable in high-going horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
An exaggerated paddling, particularly noticeable in high-going horses is known as what?
Winging out
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
In what type of horses is winging out particularly noticeable in?
High-going horses
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
To pass the winning post first at an easy pace.
Win in a canter
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What term is used to describe passing the winning post first at an easy pace?
Win in a canter
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Being far ahead of the rest of the field is referred to as what?
Win in a canter
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What does the term “win in a canter” refer to?
Passing the winning post first at an easy pace; being far ahead of the rest of the field.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is another term for winkers?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is another term for blinkers?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What are winkers?
A pair of eye shields fixed to the bridle or on the head covering, used to prevent a horse from looking anywhere but directly in front of him.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294 & 32
What is the winner’s enclosure?
The place on a racecourse reserved for the first three horses in the race and to which their riders have to return mounted immediately after the end of the race.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Name the place on a racecourse reserved for the first three horses in the race and to which their riders have to return mounted immediately after the end of the race.
Winner’s enclosure
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Where must the first three horses and their riders have to return mounted to immediately after the end of the race?
Winner’s Enclosure
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is a winter horse?
A horse that is kept at a home ranch for use during the winter.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
A horse that is kept at a home ranch for use during the winter is called what?
Winter horse
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
When a horse is left out in the field in the winter rather than brought into the stable, it is called what?
Winter out
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is the term “winter out” used to describe?
When a horse is left out in the field in the winter rather than brought into the stable.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
The highest point of the horse’s shoulders.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
Define the withers.
The highest point of the horse’s shoulders; the bony protrusion between the neck and back.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
The bony protrusion between the neck and back.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 294
What is a Wobbler?
A horse with the condition called Wobbler’s disease.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
A horse with the condition called Wobbler’s disease is called a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Wobbler’s disease is usually seen in what horses?
Young horses under two years of age.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Wobbler’s diseases is characterized by what?
Uncoordinated movement of the hindquarters.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What may Wobbler’s disease be due to?
Some form of injury to the spinal cord.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What are wobbles?
A group of diseases of the spinal column and spinal cord, characterized by various defects of coordination.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Wobbles are also called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Ataxia are also called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Small teeth located in the interdental space just in front of the premolars.
Wolf teeth
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What are the small teeth located in the interdental space just in front of the premolars?
Wolf teeth
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What are wolf teeth?
Small teeth located in the interdental space just in front of the premolars.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Horses may have up to how many wolf teeth?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
This vice generally results from boredom, in which the horses will bite and chew wood, but most horses don’t swallow the wood.
Wood chewing.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Describe the vice known as wood chewing.
A vice that generally results from boredom, horses will bite and chew wood, but most horses don’t swallow the wood.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Fencing constructed from pine, oak, or fir is known as what?
Wood fence
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Most wood fences are what type of construction?
Post and rail.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Describe post and rail fencing.
Wood posts are set in the ground and the rails are run perpendicular to connect them.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
In this class a horse is judged on his performance in cattle working and reining exercises.
Working Cow Horse
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Describe the Working Cow Horse class.
It is a class in which a horse is judged on his performance in cattle working and reining exercises.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
The term “working from the ground” is used to describe what?
The use of longeing and long reining as part of the education process of the horse. It consists of some form of training that is performed without a rider on the horse’s back.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
The use of longeing and long reining as part of the education process of the horse, which consisted of some form of training that is performed without a rider on the horse’s back is known as what?
Working from the ground
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What are working gaits?
When a horse goes forward with adequate energy and rhythm. They are gaits at which most lower level work is done.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
When a horse goes forward with adequate energy and rhythm, those gaits are called what?
Working gaits
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Describe the Working Hunter class.
A class in which the horse is judged on style, form, and his ability to negotiate a course safely.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
Name the class in which an English-going horse is judged based on style, form, and his ability to negotiate a course safely.
Working Hunter
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What does the term “working the rope” refer to?
The action of the roping horse to maintain the tension in the rope attached to the calf at one end and the saddle horn at the other.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
The action of the roping horse to maintain the tension in the rope attached to the calf at one end and the saddle horn at the other is known as what?
Working the rope
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
A jumping obstacle usually consisting of split logs and/or tree trunks and limbs piled on each other in a V-shaped manner.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
In jumping, what is a worm?
A jumping obstacle usually consisting of split logs and/or tree trunks and limbs piled on each other in a V-shaped manner.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What does the term worming refer to?
It is slang for the act of administering medications to help control parasitic infestation.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What is the slang term for the act of administering medications to help control parasitic infestation?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
When worming a horse, how may the medication be administered?
Through tubing, paste, in the feed, etc.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What would be the more correct term for worming?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What is a wrangler?
A person who looks after horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
A person who looks after horses is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
A turn of reins around the jockey’s hands to restrain a horse is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
In racing, what does the term wraps refer to?
A turn of reins around the jockey’s hands to restrain the horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What is a wrong bend?
It is a dressage term to describe a horse that takes a turn without bending into the turn.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
This dressage term describes a horse that takes a turn without bending into the turn.
Wrong bend
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What does a wrong bend look like?
The turn is straight, stiff, or even bent in the wrong direction.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
When a horse picks up a canter with the incorrect lead and the rider does not correct it, it is called what?
Wrong leg not corrected.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What is the term “wrong leg not corrected” used to describe?
When a horse picks up a canter with the incorrect lead and the rider does not correct it.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
What is wry tail?
A tail that is carried to one side rather than being held straight.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
A tail that is carried to one side rather than being held straight is called what?
Wry tail
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
The Wurrtemberg breed originated where?
West Germany
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 295
A small sac containing fluid, such as a blister.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
To protect a horse against a likely disease or infection by the administering of a vaccine.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
To vaccinate a horse is to what?
To protect a horse against a likely disease or infection by the administering of a vaccine.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vaccine?
A suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious diseases.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
A suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious diseases is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vagina?
The canal that leads from the uterus to the external orifice of the genital canal.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
The canal that leads from the uterus to the external orifice of the genital canal.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is vaginitis?
Inflammation of the vagina marked by pain and a purulent discharge.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Inflammation of the vagina marked by pain and a purulent discharge is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a valet?
An employee who takes care of the jockey’s equipment and helps the trainer saddle the horse, and carries the saddle and equipment to and from the paddock.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
An employee who takes care of the jockey’s equipment, helps the trainer saddle the horse, and carries the saddle and equipment to and from the paddock is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What does a valet do?
Takes care of the jockey’s equipment, helps the trainer saddle the horse, and helps carry the saddle and equipment to and from the paddock.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a van?
A horse box or horse trailer.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vaquero?
The Spanish term for cowboy.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is the Spanish term for cowboy?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a varicose vein?
A blood spavin located at the inside of the hock.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Where is a varicose vein located?
At the inside of the hock?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
A blood spavin located at the inside of the hock is called what?
Varicose vein
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a varmint?
Another name for a fox.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is another name for a fox?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a varnish roan?
An Appaloosa roan pattern with a predominance of white hairs with darn varnish-like patches usually on the head, knees, hocks, and lower limbs
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Name the Appaloosa coat pattern which consists of a roan pattern with a predominance of white hairs with dark warnishlike patches usually on the head, knees, hocks, and lower limbs.
Varnish roan
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What does vascular pertain to?
Blood vessels
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Something pertaining to blood vessels is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is vascular tissue?
Tissue with a good supply of blood vessels.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Tissue with a good supply of blood vessels is known as what?
Vascular tissue
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
The tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra in the male is called what?
Vas deferens
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is the vas deferens?
The tue that carries sperm from the epididymus to the urethra in the male.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vasectomy?
Removal of part of the vas deferens in the male.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Removal of part of the vas deferens in the male is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What does a vasectomy cause to happen to the sperm?
A vasectomy causes the sperm to be produced, but prevents the sperm from passing out during ejaculation.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vasoconstrictor?
A muscle that causes constriction of the blood vessels.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
A muscle that causes constriction of the blood vessels is what?
A vasoconstrictor
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is vasodilation?
Dilation or enlargement of a vessel, which causes increased blood flow to the area.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Dilation or enlargement of a vessel, causing increased blood flow to the area is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is vasopressin?
A hormone produced in the posterior pituitary gland that causes the smooth muscles in the blood vessels to contract.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
A hormone produced in the posterior pituitary gland that causes the smooth muscles in the blood vessels to contract is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is vaulting?
The art of gymnastics on the moving horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
The art of gymnastics on the moving horse is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vaulting surcingle?
A thick leather strap with two handles that is fastened around the horse’s barrel just behind the front legs.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
A thick leather strap with two handles that is fastened around the horse’s barrel just behind the front legs is called what?
Vaulting surcingle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is a vector?
A carrier, capable of transmitting a disease. Applies to flies, mosquitoes, ticks, etc.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What is the term for a carrier capable of transmitting a disease?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
What does VEE stand for?
Venezuelan equine encephalitis
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 281
Anything that can mechanically carry diseased organisms from one source animal to another, such as clothing, food, water, and dust.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
In animal health, what is a vehicle?
Anything that can mechanically carry diseases organisms from one source animal to another, such as clothing, food, water, and dust.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is a vein?
Vessel through which blood passes from various organs back to the heart.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Name this vessel through which blood passes from various organs back to the heart.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is Venezuelan equine encephalitis?
A form of viral encephalitis transmitted by insects. (Sometimes called sleeping sickness)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is another name for equine encephalitis?
Sleeping sickness
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is venom?
A poisonous; a toxic substance normally secreted by a snake, insect, or other animal.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A toxic substance normally secreted by a snake, insect, or other animal is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something pertains to the veins, it is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is venous, what does it pertain to?
The veins
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
The ability of air to be exchanged in an enclosed space such as a barn or trailer is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
On or located toward the lower or bottom surface.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is described as ventral, where is it located?
On or located toward the lower or bottom surface.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is on or located toward the lower or bottom surface, it is said to be what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What are venule?
Any of the small vessels that collect blood from the capillaries and join to form veins.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Any of the small vessels that collect blood from the capillaries and join to form veins.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is verminous, what is it pertaining to?
Pertaining or due to a worm.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is pertaining or due to a worm, it is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is a verminous aneurysm?
Localized dilation of the wall of an artery, caused by worm infestation.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What causes a verminous aneurysm?
Worm infestation
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A localized dilation of the wall of an artery is called what?
Verminous aneurysm
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A change of the polarity of the fetus in the uterus in relation to the mare is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
In equine reproduction, what is a version?
Change of the polarity of the fetus in the uterus in relation to the mare.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What are vertebrae?
Bones that make up the spinal column, and extend from the head to the tail.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Bones that make up the spinal column, extending from the head to the tail , are known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Where are vertebrae located?
In the spinal column, extending from the head to the tail.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
In jumping, a straight or upright fence is called a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
In jumping, what is a vertical?
A straight or upright fence.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is perpendicular to the horizon, it is said to be what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is vertical flexion?
An engagement of the entire body (abdomen, hindquarters, back, neck, and head).
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Engagement of the entire body is called what?
Vertical flexion
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is another term for vertical flexion?
Longitudinal flexion
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Longitudinal flexion is also known as what?
Vertical flexion
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Vertical flexion is often mistakenly associated with what?
Head set
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is vertigo?
A feeling of dizziness
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A feeling of dizziness is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What are vesicants?
A counterirritant that produces blistering and scurfing of the skin.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A counterirritant that produces blistering and scurfing of the skin is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is a vesicle?
A small sac containing fluid, such as a blister.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is vesicular disease?
A disease that includes the development of fluid-filled blisters on the outer layer of the skin or mucous membrane.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Name three vesicular diseases in animals.
Foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, and vesicular exanthema.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Foot-and-mouth disease is what type of disease?
Vesicular disease.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A disease that includes the development of fluid-filled blisters on the outer layer of the skin or mucous membrane is called what?
Vesicular disease
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is vesicular stomatitis?
A contagious disease caused by a virus which causes localized inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth and the formation of blisters.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
This contagious disease caused by a virus which causes a localized Inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth and the formation of blisters is called what?
Vesicular stomatitis
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is vesiculitis?
Inflammation of a vesicle, especially the seminal vesicle of the male horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Inflammation of a vesicle, especially the seminal vesicle of the male horse is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is a vessel?
Any channel for carrying fluid.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Any channel for carrying fluid is called a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
The term vestigial pertains to what?
The remnant of a structure that functioned at an early stage of development; rudimentary.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is pertaining to the remnant of a structure that functioned at an early stage of development it is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
A practitioner of veterinary medicine or surgery is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282-3
One who treats diseases or afflictions of animals medically or surgically is known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282-3
What is a veterinarian?
One who treats diseases or afflictions of animals medically or surgically; a practitioner of veterinary medicine or surgery.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282-3
How is a veterinary thermometer used?
It is used to take rectal temperatures.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is used to take rectal temperatures?
Veterinary thermometer
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What does VFA stand for?
Volatile fatty acids
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What does viable mean?
Alive or capable of living
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
If something is alive or capable of living, it is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
The Viatka breed originated where?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
Where did the Viatka breed originate?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What was the name of the horse General Custer rode in the Battle of the Little Bighorn?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Who was Vic?
The horse that General Custer rode in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is a vice?
An acquired abnormal behavior that results from confinement or improper management, and can affect the horse’s usefulness, dependability, and health.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Cribbing, weaving, and kicking are examples of what?
A vice
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Acquired abnormal behavior that results from confinement or improper management which can affect the horse’s usefulness, dependability, and health is known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is a viceroy?
A lightweight, cut under, wire-wheeled show vehicle with a curved dash.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Name this piece of equipment: A lightweight, cut under, wire-wheeled show vehicle with a curved dash that is used for some heavy harness classes, especially Hackney ponies, Shetlands, and harness show ponies.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is a Victoria?
A coachman-driven summer vehicle that was much favored by ladies of fashion due to the ease of entering. A small, four-wheeled carriage with a low seat and a folding top, designed for two persons plus the coachman; usually drawn by one horse, and often used for hire.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Name this vehicle: Introduced by the Prince of Wales in 1869, this small, four-wheeled carriage designed for two people plus a coachman with a low seat and folding top, was usually drawn by one horse, was often used for hire, and was much favored by ladies of fashion due to the ease of entering.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
While some hunts use whistles, this peculiar piercing scream is uttered by some huntsmen when the fox is viewed.
View halloo
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What does the call “view halloo” signify?
The fox is viewed.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What does “viewed away” mean?
When a fox is seen to leave the quarry.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
More common in the open country of England, this call is given when a fox is seen to leave the quarry.
Viewed away
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What are villi?
The tiny, fingerlike extensions of the intestine, designed to increase the surface area.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
The tiny, fingerlike extensions of the intestine which are designed to increase the surface area are known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is viral arteritis?
A contagious viral disease causing inflammation of the arteries, often leading to abortion.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
A contagious viral disease causing inflammation of the arteries and often leading to abortion.
Viral arteritis
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
An organism with great ability to cause disease, being exceedingly pathogenic or noxious is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
If something is virulent, what does that mean?
It is an organism with great ability to cause disease, being exceedingly pathogenic or noxious.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is a virus?
An ultramicroscopic bundle of genetic material capable of multiplying only in living cells and causes a wide range of disease in plants, animals, and humans.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
An ultramicroscopic bundle of genetic material capable of multiplying only in living cells, and which causes a wide range of disease in plants, animals, and humans is called a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What is a vis-a-vis?
An open, four-wheeled carriage with facing seats for four passengers.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Name this piece of equipment: An open, four-wheeled carriage with facing seats for four passengers.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
What are viscera?
Internal organs and glands contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
Internal organs and glands contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities are known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
The term visceral pertains to what?
Pertaining to the large internal organs, especially those in the abdomen.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
If something is pertaining to the large internal organs, especially those in the abdomen, it is referred to as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 283
A small sac containing fluid, such as a blister.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 282
What is a quadrem?
Four horses harnessed one in front of the other.
Dictionary of Equine Terms p. 225
When four horses are harnessed in front of the other, it is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms p. 225
What is a quadrille?
Ballet on horseback; performed by teams in multiples of four; the horses and riders perform various movements of dressage and high school riding to music.
Dictionary of Equine Terms p. 225
If someone references “ballet on horseback,” they are referring to what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What does quality refer to?
Refinement and breed character; generally a horse that shows all the characteristics and features of the ideal horse; to some extent, it is a matter of opinion.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
Refinement and breed character is also known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
The period during which a horse must be isolated from other horses to determine whether the horse has a particular diseases or to prevent the spread of any disease to other horses is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is quarantine?
The period during which a horse must be isolated from other horses, either to determine whether the horse has a particular disease, or to prevent the spread of any disease to any other horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is quarry?
The hunted animal
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
The hunted animal is also called the what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
In regards to the hoof, what is a quarter?
The portion of the hoof wall between the toe and the heel.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
The portion of the hoof wall between the toe and the heel is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
In regards to anatomy, what is a quarter?
The hindquarters; that area of the horse’s body that covers the croup, rump, and down the sides of the body to the gaskins.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is a quarter blanket?
A covering for the horse’s loins and quarters to keep the horse warm while warming up and cooling down, which attaches to the girth. Sometimes known as an exercise rug.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is another name for a quarter blanket?
Exercise rug
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is another name for an exercise rug?
Quarter blanket
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is used in dress parades and to keep horses warm in the saddling enclosure prior to a race?
Quarter blanket or exercise rug
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is a quarter crack?
A crack in the side of the hoof that may extend to the coronary band, which may or may not be a cause of lameness, and should be treated by a farrier.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
This is a crack in the side of the hoof that may extend to the coronary band, which may or may not be a cause of lameness, and should be treated by a farrier.
Quarter crack
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
This popular American breed was originally bred to race at the quarter mile.
Quarter Horse
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What are quarter marks?
Patterns placed or combed into the coat over the hindquarters of a horse, which are normally used to draw the judge’s attention to the horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
These patterns are placed or combed into the coat over the hindquarters, and are normally used to draw the judge’s attention to the horse.
Quarter marks
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What are quarter markers?
Those points around an arena between the center and half marker; denoted by F, K, H, and M; used to define dressage riding patterns and exercises.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
The points around an arena between the center and half markers, denoted by F, K, H, and M, are called what?
Quarter markers
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is it called when instead of following the tracks of the front legs, the hind legs travel on the inside track?
Quarters in
(Also called haunches in? Pg. 130)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
Define the term “quarters in.”
Instead of following the tracks of the front legs, the hind legs travel on the inside track.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
The execution of the half pass where the horse should travel forward and sideways with the body remaining largely parallel to the side of the arena is known as what?
Quarters leading
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
Define “quarters leading.”
The execution of the half pass where the horse should travel forward and sideways with that embody remaining largely parallel to the side of the arena.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 225
What is meant by the term “quarters not engaged?”
The hind legs of the horse are placed too far behind the hindquarters, with insufficient flexion in the joints of the hind legs, so insufficient power is delivered to the hindquarters.
Dictionary of Equine Terms. Pg. 226
If the hind legs are placed too far behind the hindquarters, with insufficient flexion in the joints of the hind legs, what is this called?
Quarters not engaged
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What term is used to describe when insufficient power is delivered to the hindquarters?
Quarters not engaged
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What does “quarters out” mean?
Instead of following the tracks of the front legs, the hind legs swing outside the circle.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
When the hind legs swing outside the circle, instead of following the tracks of the front legs, what do we call this?
Quarters out
(Haunches out pg. 130)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
This registry is for Quarter Horses and all sport horse breeds.
Quarter Sport Horse Registry
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
When the horse is not accepting any pressure from the rider’s legs, swinging his hindquarters slightly away from the rider’s leg as a form of evasion, this is known as what?
Quarters swinging
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
Describe the term “quarters swinging.”
When the horse is not accepting any pressure from he rider’s legs, swinging his hindquarters slightly away from the rider’s leg as a form of evasion.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
To ask a horse to perform to the best of his ability, or to require a horse to go to the limits of his capabilities is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
If you were to question a horse, what are you doing?
Asking a horse to perform to the best of his ability; to require a horse to go to the limits of his capabilities.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What does the quick cover?
The pedal bone
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What is a quick?
A series of membranes containing a large number of very small blood vessels, which covers the pedal bone.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
This is a series of membranes containing a large number of very small blood vessels, which covers the pedal bone.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
When a horseshoe nail penetrates the sensitive tissues, we call it what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
True or False: A quicked horseshoe nail may cause an abscess.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
The term “quicked” is used to describe what?
When a horseshoe nail penetrates the sensitive tissues, possibly resulting in an abscess.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
The term “quickened rather than extended” refers to what?
Rather than a horse lengthening his stride for an extended gait, he increases the frequency of his strides.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
When a horse increases the frequency of his strides rather than lengthening his strides for an extended gait, it is known as what?
Quickened rather than extended
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
This term relates to the use of growing plant or hedge material in the construction of jumps cut down or removed from its natural surroundings.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What is the term quickset used in reference to?
The use of growing plant or hedge material in the construction of jumps cut down or removed from its natural surroundings.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What is quittor?
A wound of the heel or rear quarter of the hoof that discharges pus above the coronet.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
This is a wound of the heel or rear quarter of the hoof that discharges pus above the coronet.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 226
What is kabakhi?
A Russian horse sport comprised of archery at full gallop.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This Russian horse sport is comprised of archery at full gallop.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Where did the Kabardin breed originate?
In the Caucasus in Russia
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What does the term kak refer to?
Cowboy slang for saddle
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What are kallidin?
Factors formed by a group of enzymes produced by the body that maintain dilation of the blood vessels in the inflammatory process.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Factors formed by a group of enzymes produced by the body that maintain dilation of the blood vessels in the inflammatory process are known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
The Karabair breed is primarily what color?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Where did the Karabair breed originate?
The central Asian mountains
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This Russian breed lives in the mountains that separate Azerbaijan from northwest Iran.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Where does the Karabakh breed live?
In the mountains that separate Azerbaijan from northwest Iran
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Where did the Karacabey breed originate?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This breed, originating in Turkey was derived from crosses of local brood mares and imported Nonius stallions.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What is the Kathiawari?
A breed that appears to have started when native ponies bred with Arabs that swam ashore from a cargo ship that wrecked off the shore of India.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Where are the Kathiawari from?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This breed of pony originated from Russia and has an average height of 12.2-13.2 hands.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Where did the pony breed Kazakh originate?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
A grass field used for grazing is called what?
A pasture or keep
Dictionary of Equine Term pg. 160
What is a free keeper?
A piece of leather seamed together at the ends in the shape of a rectangle that encircles two or more straps of leather, whose purpose is to keep the straps together neatly and yet allow any movement necessary .
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This is a piece of leather seamed together at the ends in the shape of a rectangle that encircles two or more straps of leather. Its purpose is to keep the straps together neatly and yet allow any movement necessary.
Free keeper
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What is a stationary keeper?
A keeper is stitched to one strap in a fixed position, the second strap is inserted through the stationary keeper and is held in place.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This is the term for when a keeper is stitched to one strap in a fixed position, and the second strap is inserted through this and is held in place.
Stationary keeper
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What does the term “keeping the rein” mean?
Maintaining light contact with the bit through the reins
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
If a rider is maintaining light contact with the bit through the reins, they are doing what?
Keeping the rein
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What does the term “keeping a tight rein” mean?
The rider is restraining the horse by applying continual and stronger pressure than normal to the bit.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
If a rider is restraining the horse by applying continual and stronger pressure than normal to the bit, they are doing what?
Keeping a tight rein
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What are keg shoes?
The most commonly used manufactured or preformed shoes.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
The most commonly used manufactured or preformed shoes are called what?
Keg shoes
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
A sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, enlarging scar is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What is a keloid?
A sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, enlarging scar.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
Who was Kelso?
A horse that won $1.9 million in the 1950s, and was selected as Horse of the Year for five years.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
This horse won’t $1.9 million dollars in the 1950s and was selected as Horse of the Year for five years.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
The fox’s lair is known as what?
Kennel, earth, or den
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What is the Kentucky Oaks?
A race for 3-year-old Thoroughbred fillies.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
What is keratin?
An insoluble protein that is the principal constituent of the epidermis, hair, nails, horny tissues, and the enamel of teeth; the sulfur-containing protein comprising the structure of hair and hoof.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160-1
An insoluble protein that is the principle constituent of the epidermis, hair, nails, horny tissues, and the enamel of teeth.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160
The sulfur- containing protein comprising the structure of hair and hoof.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 160-1
What is keratitis?
Inflammation of the sensitive transparent cornea.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
Inflammation of the sensitive transparent cornea is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a keratoma?
A horny tumor on the inner surface of the wall of a horse’s hoof.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
A horny tumor on the inner surface of the wall of a horse’s hoof is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is ketamine?
An injectable drug used for short-duration anesthesia in horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This injectable drug is used for short-duration anesthesia in horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What are ketone bodies?
Normal metabolic products; acetone, acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
Acetone, acetoacetic acid, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid are normal metabolic products known as what?
Ketone bodies
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a keyhole race?
A race run over a course that is laid out with a limed keyhole on the ground.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
A race run over a course that is laid out with a limed keyhole on the ground is known as what?
Keyhole race
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This movement by a horse of the back or front leg or legs, with the intent to hit a person or other object is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a kick?
Movement by a horse of the back or front leg or legs, with the intent to hit a person or other object.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a kicker?
A horse prone to kicking people and/or other horses.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
A horse prone to kicking people and/or other horses is known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a kidney?
One of the main organs involved in the removal of waste products through urine, termed excretion, from the body of the horse; a filtering system for the blood.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This is one of the main organs involved in the removal of waste products through urine.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a kidney link?
The metal carrier on the lower portion of the harness collar, used to hold the breastplate in position.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
Used to hold the breastplate in position, this metal carrier is on the lower portion of the harness collar.
Kidney link
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a kidney pad?
A cowboy’s derisive term for an English saddle.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a kimberwick bit?
A combination of snaffle and very mild curb action that does not have curb shanks. The kimberwick bit has loops at the tops of the rings for the bridle and curb chain attachment.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This bit is a combination of snaffle and very mild curb action that does not have curb shanks.
Kimberwick bit
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is another term for a Kimberwick?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is another term for a kimblewick?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This breed, originating in Czechoslovakia, takes its name from the royal stud at Kladruby.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This is the famous white horse of Czechoslovakia.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a knack?
An old, worn-out, or useless horse?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This term is used to describe an old, worn-out, or useless horse.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a knacker?
A person who buys and slaughters horses, generally for pet food.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
A person who buys and slaughters horses, generally for pet food, is known by what term?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
The joint between the forearm and the cannon bone.
Knee (also known as the carpal joint)
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is another term for the knee joint?
Carpal joint
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is another term for the carpal joint?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
Where is the knee?
It is the joint between the forearm and the cannon bone.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What does the term knee sprung refer to?
A condition when the knees protrude too far forward; the horse stands with his knees slightly bent forward.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
This is a condition when the knees protrude too far forward, and the horse stands with his knees slightly bent forward.
Knee sprung
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is a knockdown?
When the rail or the top element of a jump is displaced by the horse during a jump.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
When the rail or the top element of a jump is displaced by the horse during a jump, it is known as a what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 161
What is another name for epiphysitis?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
What are knock-knees?
In foals, when viewing them from the front, the knees bend in toward each other. Sometimes due to dietary deficiency. Also called epiphysitis.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
When viewing a horse from the front, if the knees bend in toward each other, it is called what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
What is a knowledge bump?
The point of the cranium
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
The point to the cranium is called the what?
Knowledge bump
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
Where is a knowledge bump located?
The point of the cranium
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
The Polish name for this breed means “little horse.”
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
Where did the Konik breed originate?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
This Polish breed has played an important part in the formation of numerous other breeds of Polish and Russian horses and ponies.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
What color is the Polish breed Konik?
Mouse dun and dun with eel stripe, lower limbs dark or black, sometimes with zebra markings.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
What is kumiss?
A drink made from fermented mare’s milk that may be distilled to produce a strong alcoholic spirit. It is common in the Mongolian area of China.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
This drink, made from fermented mare’s milk, is common in the Mongolian area of China.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
What is kur?
Musical freestyle in dressage.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
Musical freestyle in dressage is known as what?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
What is the Kustanair?
A general-purpose Russian breed used for riding and draft work.
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162
Where did the Kustanair originate from?
Dictionary of Equine Terms pg. 162