Dictionary Flashcards
Abnormal involuntary movement derived from the Greek word “dance”. It is characterized by brief, abrupt, irregular, unpredictable, non-stereotyped movements.
Causes: Huntington’s Disease, Lupus, medicatrions.
Cramping rectal pain. Feeling of the need to evacuate the bowels, with little or no stool passed.
(of a disease or symptom) severe and sudden in onset.
Sudden muscular weakness triggered by strong emotions such as laughter, anger and surprise. The loss of muscle tone that occurs may range from a just-perceptible weakening of the facial muscles through weakness at the knees, to total collapse on the floor. Speech may be slurred, and eyesight impaired (double vision, inability to focus) but hearing and awareness remain undisturbed.
Associated with narcolepsy.
Acute porphyrias
The acute porphyrias (acute intermittent porphyria, variegate porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, and 5-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase deficiency porphyria) are hereditary disorders of haem biosynthesis.
Certain drugs can induce acute porphyric crisis.
A condition in which widened venules (tiny blood vessels) cause threadlike red lines or patterns on the skin. “spider veins”.
During or relating to the period of about six weeks after childbirth during which the mother’s reproductive organs return to their original non-pregnant condition.
causing nausea and vomiting
Oculogyric crisis (OGC)
A dystonic reaction to certain drugs or medical conditions characterized by a prolonged involuntary upward deviation of the eyes.
Tardive dyskinesia
Chewing, grimaces, choreoathetosis.
Movement disorder that causes involuntary twitching or writhing.
Dilation or distention of a tubular structure
Benign epithelial tumor growing exophytically (outwardly projecting) in nipple-like and often finger-like fronds. (wart like).
A group of rare inherited blood disorders affecting production of heme. Caution when taking lots of drugs.