dict4a - Sheet1 Flashcards
“to be out of the ordinary”, kabuki can be interpreted as “avant-garde” or “bizarre” theatre.[1] The expression kabukimono (歌舞伎者) referred originally to those who were bizarrely dressed and swaggered on a street. an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion, reminiscent of the Kabuki style of Japanese stage play.[1][3][4] It refers to an event that is designed to create the appearance of conflict or of an uncertain outcome, when in fact the actors have worked together to determine the outcome beforehand.
beneficent spirit-beings who came with the Hopis from the underworld. The underworld is a concept common to all the Pueblo Indians. It is a place where the spirits or shades live: the newly born come from there and the dead return there the Hopis began impersonating them, wearing their masks and costumes, and imitating their ceremonies in order to bring rain, good crops, and life’s happiness.
It is used in South Africa to refer to a black person. Now widely considered an offensive ethnic slur, it was formerly a neutral term for South African blacks.
kaffe klatch
A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation.
a variant of the robe or tunic, versions of which have been worn by several cultures around the world for thousands of years. It is of ancient Mesopotamian origin and is often worn as a coat or overdress, usually reaching to the ankles, with long sleeves. It can be made of wool, cashmere, silk, or cotton, and may be worn with a sash.
a traditional Middle Eastern headdress fashioned from a square scarf, usually made of cotton. It is typically worn by Arabs, Kurds and some Turks.
It is commonly found in arid regions as it provides protection from sunburn, dust and sand. Its distinctive standard woven checkered pattern may have originated in an ancient Mesopotamian representation of either fishing nets or ears of grain,[1] but the true origin of the pattern remains unknown.
a “priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, expert in any profession
kaposis sarcoma
a cancer that causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow under the skin, in the lining of the mouth, nose, and throat or in other organs. Symptom of AIDS
a long, single-edged sword used by Japanese samurai.
meaning “cat’s wail” (caterwaul) and hence “discordant sound”, sometimes used to indicate a general state of depression or bewilderment. It has also been used as a term for a hangover, with the sufferer’s groans of discomfort being humorously likened to a wailing cat.
to move (a ship) by means of a line attached to a small anchor dropped at the distance and in the direction desired
any of a Dutch breed of compact medium-sized dogs that have a dense heavy grayish coat and a foxy head.
a coarse hair or strand of hair, esp one in a fleece that resists dyeing
Range of vision.
the ‘self-emptying’ of one’s own will and becoming entirely receptive to God’s divine will.
A to-do or fuss:
adjust the spacing between (letters or characters) in a piece of text to be printed.
design (metal type) with a projecting part beyond the body or shank.
the body is burning fats instead of carbohydrates
A small, fat-cheeked, wide-eyed doll with a curl of hair on top of the head
key grip
Before filming begins, he attends location scouts and meets the Director of Photography to determine what additional tools (location-specific motor vehicles, dollies, cranes, mounts, etc.) will be needed, orders and preps required equipment, and transports equipment to the filming location.[2] Once on set, he coordinates with the electric and camera departments alongside the Director of Photography to control lighting and camera movement and setup.[
a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture
to talk to someone in a friendly and informal way. : to watch other people and make unwanted comments about what they are doing.
kick pleat
an inverted pleat extending upward a short distance from the hemline at the back of a narrow skirt.
a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying something, especially one for firing pottery, calcining limestone, or baking bricks
proper or usual state or condition
kim chi
a vegetable pickle seasoned with garlic, red pepper, and ginger that is the national dish of Korea
a loose, wide-sleeved robe, fastened at the waist with a wide sash, characteristic of Japanese costume. 2. a woman’s loose dressing gown
a small store in a building or on the street where things (such as newspapers or candy) are sold. : a small structure that provides information and services
a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
a large chamber, often wholly or partly underground, in a Pueblo Indian village, used for religious ceremonies and other purposes
a gathering characterized usually by informal conversation.
a loud electric horn, formerly used on automobiles, trucks, etc., and now often used as a warning signa
A traditionally itinerant Jewish folk musician of eastern Europe performing in a small band, as at weddings.
2. The Jewish folk music played by small, traditionally itinerant bands.
klinefelter’s syndrome
the presence of an extra X chromosome in a male. adversely affects testicular growth, and this can result in smaller than normal testicles. This can lead to lower production of the sex hormone testosterone. Itmay also cause reduced muscle mass, reduced body and facial hair, and enlarged breast tissue. The effects of vary, and not everyone with it develops these signs and symptoms.
It often isn’t diagnosed until adulthood. Most men with Klinefelter syndrome produce little or no sperm. But assisted reproductive procedures may make it possible for some men with Klinefelter syndrome to father children.
A system, especially a computer system, that is constituted of poorly matched elements or of elements originally intended for other applications
to summon or to ring especially for a death, funeral, or disaster : toll. 2. : to sound in an ominous manner
Long bloomers formerly worn as underwear by women and girls
knife pleat
A type of sharply pressed pleating, especially in a skirt or kilt, in which all of the folds are turned in one direction, with each pleat being three layers of fabric thick
a small round or square of dough stuffed with a filling (as potato) and baked or fried
a heavy scourge-like multiple whip, usually made of a bunch of rawhide thongs attached to a long handle, sometimes with metal wire or hooks incorporated.
to apply oneself vigorously and earnestly; become serious // an angle or protrusion at the intersection of two members or surfaces, as in the timbers of a ship or in a roof
a small projecting knob or ridge, especially in a series around the edge of something.
A puzzling, often paradoxical statement, anecdote, question, or verbal exchange, used in Zen Buddhism as an aid to meditation and a means of gaining spiritual awakening.
korsakoff’s syndrome
a neurological disorder caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the brain or viral encephalitis[1]. Its onset is linked to chronic alcohol abuse or severe malnutrition, or both. anterograde amnesia, inability to form new memories
retrograde amnesia, severe loss of memories formed before the onset of the condition
confabulation, that is, invented memories which are then taken as true due to gaps in memory sometimes associated with blackouts
minimal content in conversation
lack of insight
apathy - the patients lose interest in things quickly and generally appear indifferent to change.
a wealthy or prosperous peasant, generally characterized as one who owned a relatively large farm and several head of cattle and horses and who was financially capable of employing hired labour and leasing land. Before the Russian Revolution of 1917, they were major figures in the peasant villages. They often lent money, provided mortgages, and played central roles in the villages’ social and administrative affairs.
a type of burial mound or barrow, heaped over a burial chamber, often of wood.[1] These are mounds of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves.
Used generally in the statistical field, kurtosis describes trends in charts. A high one portrays a chart with fat tails and a low, even distribution, whereas a low one portrays a chart with skinny tails and a distribution concentrated toward the mean.
to complain, especially chronically.
A brief responsive prayer used as the first item in the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass or in any of various other Christian liturgies, traditionally beginning with the Greek words Kyrie eleison (“Lord, have mercy”).
an ancient Greek statue of a nude male youth standing with the left leg forward and arms at the sides.
The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a falcon crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.
ordinary or common people who do not have a lot of money, power, or social status.
having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.
rack (v)
to cause to suffer torture, pain, anguish, or ruin
a : to stretch or strain violently
b : to raise (rents) oppressively
a type of linear actuator that comprises a pair of gears which convert rotational motion into linear motion. A circular gear called “the pinion” engages teeth on a linear “gear” bar called “the rack”; rotational motion applied to the pinion causes the rack to move, thereby translating the rotational motion of the pinion into the linear motion of the rack.
a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way.
arranged or having parts arranged in straight lines coming out from the center of a circle
a chitinous band in the mouth of most mollusks, set with numerous, minute, horny teeth and drawn backward and forward over the floor of the mouth in the process of breaking up food.
unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner.
a melodic framework for improvisation and composition.
raglan sleeves
a set-in sleeve that starts at the neck of the garment, with a slanting seam from neckline to armhole.
A well-seasoned meat or fish stew, usually with vegetables. 2. A mixture of diverse elements.
friendly joking about or with somebody
raison d etre
the thing that is most important to someone or something : the reason for which a person or organization exists
a man who is habituated to immoral conduct, particularly womanising. Often he was also prodigal who wasted his (usually inherited) fortune on gambling, wine, women and song, incurring lavish debts in the process. Comparable terms are “libertine” and “debauchee”.
Having a trim, streamlined appearance; smart; jaunty; dashing:
a small, usually round bowl that has steep sides and that is used for cooking and serving food for one person
Fortification. a broad elevation or mound of earth raised as a fortification around a place and usually capped with a stone or earth parapet.
a metal bar that is used to push explosive material down into the barrel of some old-fashioned guns.
(of unpleasant feelings, experiences, etc.) to continue to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment within the mind; fester; be painful.
rape oil
Traditional and other uses have been for lamp oils, soap making, high-temperature and tenacious high-erucic acid lubricating oils, and plastics manufacturing.
descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point.
(especially in international relations) an establishment or resumption of harmonious relations.
a coarse file, used mainly on wood, having separate conical teeth // to speak in a way that sounds rough or harsh.
A mechanism consisting of a pawl that engages the sloping teeth of a wheel or bar, permitting motion in one direction only. // A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she’s wrong.
(of a person or their actions) prompt and eager.
(of flowers or fruit) blooming or ripening early in the year.
To reason methodically and logically.
any of the small transverse ropes attached to the shrouds of a ship so as to form the steps of a rope ladder
a plant with very long, strong stems that are woven together to make baskets, furniture, etc
something (such as a car) that is old, noisy, and not in good condition
fabrics are soft, smooth, cool, comfortable, and highly absorbent, but they do not insulate body heat, making them ideal for use in hot and humid climates, although also making their handfeel cool and sometimes almost slimy to the touch
the true situation that exists : the real situation
: something that actually exists or happens : a real event, occurrence, situation, etc.
a system of politics based on a country’s situation and its needs rather than on ideas about what is morally right and wrong
a large quantity of something, typically paper or writing on paper.
a riddle or puzzle made up of letters, pictures, or symbols whose names sound like the parts or syllables of a word or phras
having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.
a hymn sung while the clergy and choir process out of church at the end of a service.
a person’s view //the action or process of calculating or estimating something
(of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse.
make counteraccusations.
morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness
(especially of a person or human figure) lying down.
characterized by recurrence or repetition, in particular.
relating to or involving the repeated application of a rule, definition, or procedure to successive results.
relating to or involving a program or routine of which a part requires the application of the whole, so that its explicit interpretation requires in general many successive executions.
red herring
something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.
drive with (a car engine) at or above its rated maximum rpm.
refuse (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk.
strongly reminiscent or suggestive of (something).
tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, especially one viewed as crude.
a local administrative agent of an Anglo-Saxon king. 2. : a medieval English manor officer responsible chiefly for overseeing the discharge of feudal obligations.
a dining room, especially in monasteries, boarding schools, and academic institutions. One of the places the term is most often used today is in graduate seminaries.
the thing that a word or phrase denotes or stands for.
he change in direction of propagation of a wave due to a change in its transmission medium. The phenomenon is mainly in governance to the law of conservation of energy and momentum. Due to change of medium, the phase velocity of the wave is changed but its frequency remains constant.
resistant to stimulus; stubborn or unmanageable.
a person in the former Soviet Union who was refused permission to emigrate, in particular, a Jew forbidden to emigrate to Israel.
a person who refuses to follow orders or obey the law, especially as a protest.
a boat race, as of rowboats, yachts, or other vessels. 2. an organized series of such races.
a prescribed course of medical treatment, way of life, or diet for the promotion or restoration of health.
enlarger of the people), son of Solomon by the Ammonite princess Naamah // Rehoboam was stricken with a running sore as a punishment for the curse which David had invoked upon Joab (II Sam. iii. 29) when he prayed that Joab’s house might forever be afflicted with leprosy and running sores
make (something abstract) more concrete or real.
to change or rearrange in a new or different way, especially by the use of techniques not always considered ethical
the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute.
A hormone that is produced during pregnancy that facilitates the birth process by causing a softening and lengthening of the cervix and the pubic symphysis (the place where the pubic bones come together). Relaxin also inhibits contractions of the uterus and may play a role in determining the timing of delivery.
A position in which the dancer rises from any position to balance on one or both feet on at least demi-pointe, or possibly full pointe
a thing that has survived from an earlier period or in a primitive form.
To send or order back, especially: a. To send back (a person) into legal custody, as to a jail or prison.
Having to do with the kidney.
address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment.
a network or grid.
a plain net ground used in lacemaking.
a reference marking pattern on a photograph, used in astronomy and surveying.
the process or action by which something is reabsorbed.
to send (money) as a payment. : to cancel or free someone from (a punishment, debt, etc.)
a condiment invented in France usually aioli- or mayonnaise-based. Although similar to tartar sauce, it is often more yellowish (or reddish in Louisiana), often flavored with curry, and sometimes contains chopped pickles or piccalilli. It can also contain horseradish, paprika, anchovies, capers and a host of other items. While its original purpose was possibly for serving with meats, it is now more often used as an accompaniment to seafood dishes
a herd of horses from which ranch hands select their mounts. The word is of Spanish derivation, for “change of horses” and is commonly used in the American West. The person in charge is generally known as a wrangler.
go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract.
The process of reproducing, reprinting, or copying graphic material especially by mechanical, photographic, or electronic means.
a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. They act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits.
literally means the recurrence of stenosis, a narrowing of a blood vessel, leading to restricted blood flow.
(of a person’s memory) having the ability to remember facts and impressions easily.
(of a substance) able to absorb and hold moisture
a Roman gladiator who fought with equipment styled on that of a fisherman: a weighted net (rete, hence the name), a three-pointed trident (fuscina or tridens), and a dagger (pugio). He was lightly armoured, wearing an arm guard (manica) and a shoulder guard (galerus). Typically, his clothing consisted only of a loincloth (subligaculum) held in place by a wide belt, or of a short tunic with light padding. He wore no head protection or footwear.
a series of fine lines or fibers in the eyepiece of an optical device, such as a telescope or microscope, or on the screen of an oscilloscope, used as a measuring scale or an aid in locating objects.
a light-sensitive layer of tissue, lining the inner surface of the eye. The optics of the eye create an image of the visual world on it (through the cornea and lens), which serves much the same function as the film in a camera. Light striking the retina initiates a cascade of chemical and electrical events that ultimately trigger nerve impulses.
say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner.
adj. (of a person’s nose) turned up at the tip, especially in an attractive way.
a policy of seeking to retaliate, especially to recover lost territory.
a bugle call, trumpet call or pipes call most often associated with the military; it is chiefly used to wake military personnel at sunrise. T
electronically produced echo; an effect whereby the sound produced by an amplifier or an amplified musical instrument is made to reverberate slightly.
a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream.
a piece of music that is meant to express a lot of emotion and does not have a regular form. : a written or spoken expression of great enthusiasm, praise, etc.
used in applications that require the adjustment of current or the varying of resistance in an electric circuit, it can adjust generator characteristics, dim lights, and start or control the speed of motors. Its resistance element can be a metal wire or ribbon, carbon, or a conducting liquid, depending on the application.
a watery fluid that collects in or drips from the nose or eyes.
The traditional term covers such a range of different problems that to ascribe symptoms to “” is not to say very much. Nevertheless, sources dealing with rheumatism tend to focus on arthritis.
a continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.
an oblique-angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal. shoulder/back muscles
They are herbaceous perennials growing from short, thick rhizomes. They have large leaves that are somewhat triangular, with long fleshy petioles. They have small flowers grouped in large compound leafy greenish-white to rose-red inflorescences.
In culinary use, fresh raw petioles (leaf stalks) are crisp (similar to celery) with a strong, tart taste. Most commonly, the plant’s leaf stalks are cooked with sugar and used in pies and other desserts.
a curve that crosses each meridian at the same angle. This curve is also referred to as a loxodrome (from the Greek loxos, slanted, and drome, path). Although a great circle is a shortest path, it is difficult to navigate because your bearing (or azimuth) continuously changes as you proceed. Followingthis line covers more distance than following a geodesic, but it is easier to navigate.
having a pattern of raised bands.
the softening and weakening of bones in children, usually because of an extreme and prolonged vitamin D deficiency.
a fixed grimace or grin.
riding crop
a short type of whip without a lash, used in horse riding, part of the family of tools known as horse whips.
A rocky shoal or sandbar lying just below the surface of a waterway. b. A stretch of choppy water caused by such a shoal or sandbar; to shuffle by dividing the deck in two, raising the corners slightly, and allowing them to fall alternately …
right ascension
the celestial equivalent of terrestrial longitude. Both measure an angle that increases toward the east as measured from a zero point on an equator.
a young child’s one-piece outer garment.
rood screen
a common feature in late medieval church architecture. It is typically an ornate partition between the chancel and nave, of more or less open tracery constructed of wood, stone, or wrought iron.
ruling passion
an interest or concern that occupies a large part of someone’s time and effort.
rumble strip
also known as sleeper lines, rumple strips, audible lines,[1] “the corduroy,” and growlers, are a road safety feature to alert inattentive drivers of potential danger, by causing a tactile vibration and audible rumbling transmitted through the wheels into the vehicle interior.
give a creased, ruffled, or disheveled appearance to
a noisy disturbance; a commotion.
runciple spoon
a sharp-edged fork with three broad curved prongs
any of the characters in the alphabets that were used in ancient times by people of Northern Europe
running board
a narrow step fitted under the side doors of a car or truck. It aids entry, especially into high vehicles, and is typical of vintage cars
a dry, hard cookie that is eaten especially by young children
go to, live in, or spend time in the country.
fashion (masonry) in large blocks with sunk joints and a roughened surface.
make a soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves or paper.
yellow turnip, or neep is a root vegetable that originated as a cross between the cabbage and the turnip. The roots are prepared for human food in a variety of ways, and the leaves can be eaten as a leaf vegetable.
a school or style in Japanese arts, especially in the martial arts.
A cereal grass (Secale cereale) of cool climates, widely cultivated for its grain.
2. The grain of this plant, ground into flour or used in making whiskey and for livestock feed.
a long, complicated, and annoying process, description, etc.
frost formed on cold objects by the rapid freezing of water vapor in cloud or fog.
A tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some fruits, or the coating on cheese or bacon
a lock of hair hanging in a corkscrew-shaped curl.
a brown butterfly that has wings bearing eyespots that are typically highlighted by a paler color.
a short metal pin or bolt for holding together two plates of metal, its headless end being beaten out or pressed down when in place.
a coat color found in many animals, including horses, cattle and dogs. It is defined generally as an even mixture of white and pigmented hairs that do not “gray out” or fade as the animal ages
consistent in performance or behavior; “dependable in one’s habits”; “a steady-going family man”
used a more jocular, florid, and graceful approach to the Baroque. Their style was ornate and used light colours, asymmetrical designs, curves, and gold. Unlike the political Baroque, it had playful and witty themes. The interior decoration of rooms was designed as a total work of art with elegant and ornate furniture, small sculptures, ornamental mirrors, and tapestry complementing architecture, reliefs, and wall paintings.
the mass of eggs contained in the ovaries of a female fish or shellfish, typically including the ovaries themselves, especially when ripe and used as food.
the ripe testes of a male fish, especially when used as food.
days of prayer and fasting in Western Christianity
of, relating to, or situated on the banks of a river.
such as to provoke laughter.
a north Italian rice dish cooked in broth to a creamy consistency. The broth can be derived from meat, fish, or vegetable. Many types of contain butter, wine and onion. It is one of the most common ways of cooking rice in Italy
- To rend or tear apart. 2. To break into pieces, as by a blow; cleave or split asunder. 3. To break or distress (the spirit,
rob roy
A cocktail made with Scotch whisky, sweet vermouth, and bitters.
a white vestment generally worn by a Roman Catholic or Anglican bishop in choir dress.
to upset; make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment.
enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy or boisterous way.
a systematic approach to address goals for the theorized alignment and movement of various body areas.[11] The purpose is to educate the body to have better alignment within gravity.[9][12][13] Rolfers manipulate the fascia until they believe it is operating in conjunction with the muscles in a more optimal relationship
roman e clef
novel with a key, is a novel about real life, overlaid with a façade of fiction.[2] The fictitious names in the novel represent real people, and the “key” is the relationship between the nonfiction and the fiction.[3] This “key” may be produced separately by the author, or implied through the use of epigraphs or other literary techniques.[4]
roller bearing
a bearing similar to a ball bearing but using small cylindrical rollers instead of balls.
roman flueve
a set or series of novels which share common themes, characters, or settings, but where each novel has its own title and free-standing storyline, and can thus be read independently or out of sequence.
strike (another ball) with one’s own
a debauched man, especially an elderly one.
optimistic; promising good fortune. rose-colored
a hard and slightly sticky substance that has various uses (such as to make the bows of violins and similar instruments move more easily across the strings)
a raised platform on which a person stands to make a public speech, receive an award or medal, play music, or conduct an orchestra.
mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned.
roto tiller
a landscaping implement with engine-powered rotating blades used to lift and turn over soil
any building with a circular ground plan, sometimes covered by a dome. It can also refer to a round room within a building (a famous example being within the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.)
not elegant; denoting wood or stone that has been cut with a tool such as an ax, so that its surface is not smooth.
a dish of filled rolled meat or pastry. Traditionally found in various European cuisines