Dicipline & Punishment Flashcards
On the soul- internalized, transform and make useful
Prison & Capitalism
Instead of religion- want prisoners to internalize what is useful to capitalism:
Order, self-regulation, classification, good work habits
Rise of commodity
Value: quantity of human labor
Time: quantified and monetized, prison based on time.
Three Technologies of Discipline
- Hierarchical Observation
- Normalizing gaze
- Examination
Hierarchical Observation- Control through observation. EX. Bleachers, Panopticon
Normalizing gaze- individuals are described, judged, measured, classified, compared with others. Outliers are corrected, humiliated, or excluded. Ex: who wore it best?
Examination - Combines first two into instruments of power. Ritualized, individualized, records: medical exams, grades, attendance, driving record.
On the body - Public execution, spectacle, deterrent to those watching