Dias Irae Chant Flashcards
What is Dies Irae?
Dies is a Latin word for “day”
Irae is the Latin Word from which the English word Ire is Derived
So, Day of ire or what we more commonly refer to the Day of Wrath is what we are talking about
What is Dies Irae the Name of>
A devoutly religious Latin hymn from the 13th century sung by monks. The style of the structure is that of plainchant-Gregorian Chant
How is the chant supposed to be sung?
Like other plainchants/Gregorian chants, the Dies Irae is meant to be sung in a menotonus/droning tone with a steady rhythm
Why is the tone so boring?
Because the singer and listener can focus on God an dthe message that is being sung. It is not a distraction
What is Dies Irae part of?
Requiam Mass
Who is credited as the composer of the hym
Thomas of Celano (d. 1256)
When did it become part of the Roman Catholic Requiem mass>
It was inducted in the 16th century, but was them removed because of spiritual negetivity
Dias Irea, dies il solvet sa duran in fa vil la Teste David cum sybila
What are some main points
The day of wrath that day will dissolve the world in ashes, as fortold by David and then Sybil.How much tremor there will be
What is programmatic music?
When the interpreation ins left to you. There is often a concious decision to write about somthing telling composers interpretation
Why is Dies Irae Significant?
Because in classical, secular music, it is used as a theme in sometimes programmatic music in which death is the subject
Why is programmatic music used
It is often incorporated as a motif (pattern) that gives the audience a clue or hint about what the composer is saying about the music. Sometimes, used as a warning about impending doom or evil.
What are these examples of?
- Berlioz-Symphonique Fantastique
- Fantastic and Fantasy
- Symphonies that have 4 movements
- Hero is dreaming, falls in love with a beautiful women, goes crazy an kills himself
Program Music
In the 5th and last movement, the Dance of the Witches Sabbath, chimes mark the witching hour and funeral of the hero. What is heard?
Dias Irae
What is 9/11 refered to as>
Judgement Day
The Requiem/Funeral Mass is based off
Dies Irae