Diarrheagenic Protozoan Flashcards
Acquiring Giardiasis
zoonosis - beaver, dogs, cats, and primates
drinking contaminated drinking water
At risk for giardia
children immoncompromised day care workers backpackers/campers drink shallow well water oral sex travel
What causes giardiasis
G. Lamblia (G. intestinalis)
Most commonly identified intestinal parasite in the world
G. lamblia
G. lamblia description
flagellate protozoan; no intermediate hosts required
Morph stages of g. lamblia
Trophozoite, cyst (infective)
Trophozoite of g. lamblia
exists freely in small intestine; TEAR DROP W/ BILOBED VENTRAL DISCS, FLAGELLA AND 2 NUCLEI; does not invade tissue/RBC; feeds on mucous
Cyst of g. lamblia
form passed into environment;
oval, hyaline wall
4 nuclei when mature
1 cyst = 2 trophozoites
Giardia life cycle:
ingest cyst –> encystation in stomach (acid/enzymes) –> trophozoites (pathogenic) pass into small bowel where they divide quickly (9-12 hrs) –> trophozoites in large bowel encyst in neutral pH and bile –> cyst passed to environment
Epidemiology of Giardiasis
highly contagious
drinking water contaminated w/ feces
Children/developing countries (June-Oct)
Rocky Mountains
Infective dose of g. lmablia
10-25 cysts (>25% = 100% infection rate); 2 week incubation; can be STI
Sx of giardia
Watery Diarrhea (NO BLOOD) Stomach pain/anorexia B12 Deficiency (malabsorption)
Virulence of G. lamblia
ventral disc imprints on intestinal mucosa – damages mucosa by flattening vili (leads to malabsorption)
Dx of g. lamblia
O&P exam/stool sample
ELISA - detects GSA65 (problem: antibodies carried >2 years in humans)
Prognosis of G. lamblia
excellent most pt. asymptomatic and self-limiting weight loss, growth retardation re-infection are possible Mortality rare = dehydration
Protozoan illness that can result in colitis and liver abscess
Cause of amoebiasis
E. hysitolytica
Species of entamoeba
many are nonpathogenic; E. histolytica is only one that causes disease; E. dispar is commensal (HIV positive patients)
Causes wide spectrum of illness
E. histolytica (intestinal and extraintestinal)
Morph of E. histolytica
Trophozoite (invasive, pathogenic), cyst (infective)
Trophozoite of E. histlytica
1 nucleus non-flagellated feeds (invades tissue/RBC) pseudopod-forming invasive and pathogenic
Cyst of E. histolytica
round/oval; 4 nuclei
infectious stage
Life cycle of E.histolytica
ingest cyst –> excystation in colon –> forms highly motil trophozoites –> colonizes the mucosa of the colon (encyst and pass in feces OR invade intestinal mucosal barrier and go into bloodstream (dissemination))
E. histolytica invading and going into bloodstream
Epidemiology of Amoebiasis
most prevalent in tropical/subtropical
fecal contamination of watter and food
causes more deaths that any parasite other than malaria and shistosomiasis
reportable disease