Diarrhea Flashcards
oral replacement solution (ORS)
WHO-ORS pedialyte gatorade chicken broth ginger ale
Directions for ORS
Mild to moderate dehydration:
Drink 2-4 liters of ORS over 4 hours
Minimal to no dehydration:
Drink 0.5-1 cup of ORS per loose stool
Dosage form
Length of treatment
counseling point
Caplets—2 mg
Liquid—2 mg/15 mL
4 mg initially, then 2 mg after each loose stool
Max=8 mg/day
48 hours
Only use in patients >6 years of age
Side effects: occasional dizziness, constipation
Bismuth subsalicylate
Dosage form
Length of treatment
counseling point
Tablets—262 mg
Caplets—262 mg
Liquid—262 mg/15 mL and 525 mg/15 mL
525 mg every 30-60 minutes
Max=4200 mg/day or 8 doses/day
48 hours
Only use in patients >12 years of age - reyes syndrome.
Use caution if patient is concurrently using aspirin.
Side effects:
Harmless black staining of stool or darkening of tongue
Discontinue if patient experiences mild tinnitus or signs of neurotoxicity
Digestive Enzymes
Dosage form
Length of treatment
counseling point
Chewable tablets, caplets, liquids
Package directions with first bite of dairy product
with each diary product
Used for patients with lactase deficiency
Make sure to counsel to take with first bite of dairy