Dialysis Flashcards
What are the implications of renal failure?
- Electrolyte imbalance (hyperkalaemia/ hyponatraemia)
- Acidosis
- Fluid retention
- Retention of waste products (small/ middle molecules and phopshate)
- Secretory Failure (EPO/ D3)
- Symptoms
- Anaemia (Low EPO)
- Renal bone disease (Low vit. D3)
What symptoms do you get in renal failure?
Tiredness, lethargy
Shortness of breath, oedema
Pruritis, nocturia, feeling cold, twitching
Poor appetite, nausea, loss of/nasty taste, weight loss
What are the implications if there is a lack of treatment?
Hyperkalaemia- arrhythmias/ cardiac arrest Pulmonary oedema N/V Cachexia Fits Increasing coma Death
What are the types of renal replacement treatments (RRT)?
Treatment not curative
What are the types of dialysis?
Haemodialysis (Mostly hospital, can be done at home) Peritoneal dialysis (home treatmeant)
What are the aims of RRT?
- Correct electrolyte and fluid imbalance
- Remove waste
- Improve symptoms
- Maintain QoL for patients
What is the timeline for RRT?
i. Educate
ii. Establish chosen RRT - eGFR <10ml/min- START DIALYSIS if benefits > risks
- eGFR <6ml/min- START DIALYSIS when no reversible features
- START DIALYSIS if life threatening complications
What are the benefits of dialysis?
- Improve uraemic symptoms
- Tiredness, nausea, pruritis - Correct fluid balance
- Less SOB and oedema - Avoid life-threatening events
- Severe acidosis
- Severe hyperkalaemia
- Pulmonary oedema resistant to diuretics
What are the risks of dialysis?
- Dialysis related complications
- Infections
- Hypotension, arrhythmias (HD only)
- Access related - Adverse effects on QoL
- Work
- Family life
- Travel
What does dialysis not treat?
Low D3
Co morbidities like SLE, diabetes or vascular disease
What are the features of haemodialysis?
- Hospital based
- 3x a week, 4 hrs also recovery and transport
- Vascular access needed
- QoL (limits travel and work, not at home, loss of independence)
What are the features of periotneal dialysis?
- Home based
- Daily and continuous
- Less haemodynamic stress
Limited by access to peritoneum and ability to do technique - QoL (more independence, easier for work and travel, avoids swings, less dietary and fluid restrictions)
What are the benefits of transplant?
Better renal replacement Improvement in metabolic disorders - Anaemia - Renal bone disease Costs less in long-term Prolonged survival Quality of life - Avoids disadvantages of HD/PD - Much easier to travel, work, maintain independence
What are the risks of transplant?
Older and sicker patients not eligible - Immunosuppression - Increased infection Increased malignancy Not a cure - Surgical complications - Hospital visits – particularly frequent at start Often worse off if/when transplant fails