Dialogue Flashcards
What are some ways that British life is structured around the Christian calendar?
- School terms are arranged around Christmas and Easter
- Large stores cannot be open on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday
- The week has 7 days which is reflective of the creation of the world.
Who is the monarch?
The head of state of the UK and the other Commonwealth countries. Also the Defender of the Faith and the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
What does the monarch do now?
- Approves the appointment of senior clerics by recommendation of the Prime Minister who considers a list provided by the Church.
- Opens new sessions of the General Synod
- Keep the vow made at his coronation to maintain the Church.
Evidence to support that Christianity plays a significant part in the public life of Britain.
‘It is because of Christain values that Britain has been such a successful home to people of all faiths.’ - DAvid Cameron
What does the House of Lords in parliament do?
holding the government to account for its actions and its spending, and making laws.
What are the Christian rites of passage?
- Baptism
- Marriage
- Funerals
What are the Christian public holidays?
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
How many of the schools in England and Wales are state schools?
about one-third
What is meant when a school has a religious character?
it means the school has formal links with a faith organisation
What is the law regarding religious education?
all pupils must be taught religious education and all schools should provide a daily act of worship
What are arguments against religious groups using public money to run schools?
- If churches want faith schools they should fund themselves
- It is wrong that children should not be allowed to attend their local school because of their religious views
- Faith schools select pupils from the wealthiest families and so do not represent local communities
What are arguments for religious groups using public money to run schools?
- 10 percent of costs of faith schools are contributed so they’re actually paying for public education
- If some religious families are wealthy, this means they pay higher taxes and in turn contribute more to state education
- Parents should be able to choose schools for their children that share their own values
What is secularisation?
the idea that religious beliefs, practices and organisations are becoming less important in society
What did MAx Weber say about secularistation?
As society modernises and becomes more industrialised and scientific in its outlook, people have less need to rely on ideas that cannot be proved.
What are some arguments for secularistaion happening?
- Religious organisations are no longer respected
- People can rely on material comforts for happiness and so don’t need to believe in supernatural ideas
- Religion has become a private matter and has less influence in public life
- People are less committed to religious values and practices
What is the general trend of the proportion of people in Britain who say they belong to a religion?
Fallen, over the last 30 years
People use science to explain the universe and the place of humans in it. They reject religion, which cannot be proved.
The church used to control or influence large parts of people’s lives and today those aspects are all run by different non-religious organisations
Decline of community
As means of communication and the exchange of information has improved, the world seems bigger. People no longer live in small communities, which used to be held together by the church
What happens as a result to the decline of religion’s power and authority today?
- Fewer people attend church services
- Fewer people are willing to work in the church
- Churches are closed or sold off
- Fewer people get married now
- Fewer people are baptised and confirmed
- Christmas and Easter have lost their significance
What evidence is there to suggest that religion is still important in todays society, but that the nature of its importance is changing?
- Most people still hold religious beliefs
- Religion is still very important in many social groups
- Some new religious movements have experienced a lot of popularity
- Religion is still going strong in other parts of the world
What is humanism?
a way of seeing and reacting to the world using science, logic and reason and rejectinng religious beliefs and ideas.
How did humanism come about?
Thinkers started to question the authority of the Church and the idea that human goodness and ethics came from human reason was promoted
What are the 3 central principles humanists base their beliefs on?
- A scientific view of the universe that rejects supernatural beliefs
- A concern for the welfare of other human beings and animals based on reason, not divine authority
- The need for each person to create meaning in their own life without a belief in life after death
What does the British Humanist Association of 1967 campaign to do?
- Disestablish the Church of England
- Remove the right of Anglican bishops to sit in the House of Lords
- Abolish faith schools
What is a marriage from a Christian perspective?
a special relationship between a man and a women that is created by God (therefore when a couple get married they make promises before God that their relationship will be faithful and permanent, regardless of circumstances)