Diagnostic stains Flashcards
What are the different diagnostic stains?
Lissamine green
Rose Bengal
What are the uses for fluorescein?
- Assessment of corneal integrity – Trauma – Disease – Contact lens after-care
- Rigid contact lens fitting
- Contact tonometry
- Lacrimal patency (open)
- Lacrimal drainage
What are the uses of rose bengal?
Staining of dead and devitalised cells in the cornea and conjunctiva - aids dry eye diagnosis.
What are the uses of lissamine green?
Stains lipid-like structures, dead/dying epithelial cells, membrane damaged cells mucus. Does not stain healthy cells.
What is the disadvantage ofn fluorescein?
Affinity of psuedonomas bacteria
What are the disadvantages of using rose bengal?
Irritates dry eyes on instilation. Stings. Can also stain healthy cells
Why is fluorescein deemed not a ‘true stain’?
Not a true stain • Colours the tear film - not the cornea as long as the tear film isn’t compromised
This is because the Lipid membrane part of tear film is impermeable to water • Epithelial damage means fluorescein can gain access to deeper layers
When may fluorescein be injected into the eyes?
Injected systemically for fluorescein angiography
What are contraindications of Fluroescein use?
– Known sensitivity – Soft contact lenses
What are cautions to consider when using fluorescein?
Contamination problem in hospitals in 1950s – Fluorescein is used on damaged cornea – Pseudomonas has an affinity for fluorescein • Progresses rapidly • Corneal perforation within 48 hours
What does rose bengal stain?
Stains devitalised epithelial cells of cornea and conjunctiva. Also stains mucous strands
Does rose bengal sting on insertion?
Stings on insertion • Especially in dry eye conditions • Use anaesthetic? • May also cause punctate staining • Has toxic effect on human corneal epithelial cells, enhanced by light exposure
What is rose bengal helpful for identifying?
Keratoconjuctivitis sicca Dendritic keratitis Neuroparalytic keratitis Exopthalmos Pressure areas due to contact lens wear
What filter can be used with rose bengal stain?
A red free filter
Describe lissamine green
■Actions similar to Rose bengal ■Stings less ■Less toxic ■No antiviral effects ■Like Rose bengal, binds to nuclei of severely damaged cells ■Staining effect lasts longer than Rose bengal
What is the onset time for lissamine green?
Observe 1-4 minutes after instillation ■ Too soon-staining pattern won’t have developed. Too late-some of the pattern may fade ■ Begin with low illumination, high illumination will bleach out the appearance of some of the staining
What may alcian blue stain be used for?
It stains mucus
What does trypan blue stain?
Mucus and dead cells which have undergone structural changes
What does Bromothymol blue stain?
Degenerate and dead cells, mucus, used to investigate damage by chemical agents
What does Methylene blue stain?
Bacterial stain that will also stain nerve tissue
What do Tetrazolium and Iodonitrotetrazolium stain?
Tetrazolium –stains degenerate cells (not living or dead) Staining of tumours and assessing corneal grafts