Diagnosing with OCT Flashcards

Diabetic Macula Oedema

Mac off RD with extensive SRF

AMD with SRF and Pr shagging

Temporal PED with adjacent intraretinal exudates

CSCR with focal PED

Multifocal large PEDs in PCV [Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy]

ORT [Outer retinal tubulation] overlying an area of geographic atrophy

Inner and outer cavitary changes with ILM drape in mac telangectasia type 2

Intraretinal Schisis

Loss of ganglion cell and NFL in LHON [Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. No cure/tx for LHON. Low vision care.]

Intact photoreceptor integrity layer (PIL) in a patient with significant inner retinal disruption and good VA

Large POHS scar obliterates temporal macula but leaves majority of photoreceptor integrity layer (PIL) unaffected nasally

Broad VMA (Vitreomacular adhesion) with normal foveal contour

Focal VMT with altered foveal contour and pseudocyst in a patient with non-exudative AMD
[Add more images sometime later]