Diabetology Flashcards
Insulin resistance is most common in:
a) DM 2
b) DM 1 in family history
c) DM 1
d) Pancreatitis
Sugar and acetone in urine indicate: a) Hypoglycemia
b) The examination is not used any more
c) Starvation
d) Developing ketoacidosis
Intensified insulin regime is used for:
a) It is not used for treatment in diabetes
mellitus type 2
b) Treatment of diabetes mellitus type 1 and well as type 2
c) Only for diabetes mellitus type 1 treatment
d) Treatment of both types of diabetes after
development of diabetic complications
a) Can cause salt and water retention in the short term
b) Leads to weight loss
c) Increases the risk of a cerebral vascular
d) Increases triglyceride levels in an uncontrolled
diabetic patient
Which of the following are associated with diabetes type 1
a) Thyropathy and bulimia
b) Thyropathy and celiac disease
c) Thyropathy and anorexia
d) Celiac disease and lactate intolerance
Microalbuminuriainpatientswithtype2diabetes reflects most commonly:
a) Isolated ongoing diabetic nephropathy
b) It is a common finding in hyperglycemia
c) Underlying cardiovascular disease rather than
diabetic nephropathy
d) Malignant tumor of a kidney
DM 2:
a) Cured by pancreatic beta cell transplantation
b) There is no cure
c) Cured by early insulin therapy
d) May be Cured by bariatric surgery
Which of the following are associated with diabetes type 1
a) Thyropathy and bulimia
b) Thyropathy and celiac disease
c) Thyropathy and anorexia
d) Celiac disease and lactate intolerance
Diabetic retinopathy:
a) Is always present together with a diabetic
b) Manifests by eye pain
c) Always manifests by sight deterioration
d) May be asymptomatic for a long time
Physiologic effect of insulin:
a) Inhibition of glycogenolysis
b) Increase gluconeogenesis
c) Increase ketogenesis
d) Increased lipolysis
a) DM 2
b) DM 1 in family history
c) DM 1
d) Pancreatitis
DM1 associated with: (each option has 2 of the below)
a) Thyropathy
b) Anorexia
c) Bulimia
d) Lactate intolerance
e) Celiac disease
a) Caused by ingestion (usually surreptitious) of
hypoglycemic (e.g. sulfonylureas or insulin) by the
patient, often a non-diabetic patient
b) Hypoglycemia in patients with insulinoma
c) Hypoglycemia in patients with renal insufficiency
d) Hypoglycemia in patients with tumors in abdominal
Glucagon levels in diabetic ketoacidosis are:
a. Reduced
b. Elevated
c. Glucagon does nto play a role in the pathophysiology of diabtetic ketoacidosis
d. Glucagon levels are indirectly proportional to severity of the acidosis
Higher intake of alcohol may induce:
a. Cholecystitis
b. Decreased triglyceride level
c. Hypoglycemia
d. Hyperglycemia