Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 + 2 Flashcards
what is type 1 and 2 diabetes?
Type 1 DM = Chronic hyperglycaemia due to insulin deficieny, caused by autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta cells.
Type 2 DM = Chronic hyperglycaemia due insulin resistance. (Insulin is produced by beta cells, but has reduced effect on cells)
Who does type 1 diabetes affect?
Usually juvenile onset. (genetic influence)
who does type 2 DM affect?
Adults (obese, lack exercise)
Increased prevalence in asians,
What are the symptoms of diabetes>
- Polyphagia (increased appetite)
- Polyuria (increased frequency)
- Polydypsia (increased thirst)
What fasting plasma glucose is fitting with diabetes>
Fasting plasma glucose >7.0mmol/L
what tests are done to confirm diabetes?
1) Fasting blood glucose (>7mmol/l)
2) Random plasma glucose (>11mmol/L)
3) Glucose tolerance test
4) HbA1c
What is the classic 2-6 week history that young people present with indicating type 1 diabetes?
1) Weightloss
2) Polyuria
3) Thirst
What are the exam/clinical findings typical of DM?
-weight loss
-sweet breath (ketones)
-diabetic retinopathy
(cotton wool spots)
-other autoimmune conditions (type 1 DM)
What are the complications of DM?
1) MI
2) stroke
3) Ulcers
4) Diabetic retinopathy
5) macular oedema
6) cataract (earlier development)
7) Nephrotic syndrome
8) UTIs
9) neuropathy (glove+stocking)
10) Diabetic ketoacidosis
What are the risk factors for T2DM?
- obesity
- lack of exercise
- calorie excess
How is metabolic control of DM measured?
1) Urine dipstick (look for glucose and protein)
2) Home blood glucose testing
3) HbA1c (should be less tha 7.5%)
what is the management / treatment of diabetes mellitus?
- weightloss
- exercise
- controlled diet
- control CV risk with ACEi, statin, aspirin.
- Type 1 DM => insulin
1) Biguanide (metformin)
2) Sulfonylureas (gliclazide)
3) Thiazolidinediones
4) insulin
Differental diagnosis: what are some endocrine causes of secondary diabetes?
1) Cushing’s disease
2) Acromegaly
3) Thyrotoxicosis
4) Phaemochromocytoma
5) glucagonoma
Differential diagnosis: what are some pancreatic causes of secondary diabtes?
1) chronic pancreatitis
2) pancreatic destruction in haemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis.
3) Pancreatic cancer