Diabetes: Lecture 4 Flashcards
Does insulin technically have max dose?
but high risk of hypoglycemia
Has any cardiovascular benefit been shown with insulin?
Spikes of glucose will…. with spikes of insulin
One keeps the other lower and in control in normal people
Basal insulin
used to maintain level, cover the glucose that’s been produced over night by the liver
usually constant, about ~50% of basal needs
bolus/Prandial insulin
given at mealtime to prevent the post meal rise in BG
usually about ~50%
Physiological regimen
mimic what we should see in the body but isn’t happening
usually giving a basal insulin dose and then bolus at meal time
Nonphysiological regimen
adding insulin to someone taking orals or GLP1 injectables
When is insulin indicated?
Type 1 = always
Type 2 = monotherapy or in combo with oral/injectable
Gestational diabetes = preferred
In those with decreased eGFR, which should be done with the insulin dose?
Short insulin info
Onset: 30-60min
Peak: 2-3hr
Duration: 4-6hr
Intermediate insulin info
Onset: 2-4hr
Peak: 4-8hr
Duration: 10-16hr
Rapid Acting Analog insulin info
Onset: 5-15min
Peak: 30-90min
Duration: 3-5hr
Long Acting Analog insulin info
Onset: 2-5hr
Peak: Flat
Duration: Up to 24hrs
Ultra Long Acting Analog insulin info
Onset: 1hr
Peak: Flat
Duration: > 25hr
Human Regular
given 30 min before meal
Prandial insulin