Diabetes Dietary Effect Flashcards
Why applying Diet Therapy (3)
1. encourage the attainment or maintenance of a healthy body weight
2. achieve the best possible metabolic control (w/o seriously compromising quality of life (glycemic control, lipid profile, BP))
3*.to delay or prevent complication
Goals of Diet therapy (3)
- provide specific guidelines for a different stage in the life cycle (as DM is a long term disease)
2*. to promote self-care ( by providing the necessary knowledge, skills, resources and support) - to encourage overall health (by practical instructions in optimal nutrition)
On the nutrition Checklist: refer? follow? individualize? choose? know? encourage (2)?
refer to RD for NUTR counselling; follow CFG; individualise the dietary advice by preference and Tx goals; choose low GI food; know the alternative dietary patterns for DM2; Encourage matching insulin to CHO in DM1; encourage the balanced calorie-reduced diet in pt with O/W and obesity
the procedure of nutritional management of hyperglycemia in DM2
- clinical assessment by RD (+ healthy behaviour intervention)
- to achieve/ maintain a healthy body weight by initiating an intensive healthy behaviour interventions or energy restriction + PA
- provide counselling in a diet tailored to individuals
- if not at target, continue healthy behaviour interventions and add pharmaco-therapy
- timely adjustment to interventions:
Healthy behaviour inter. : 2 to 3 months to attain A1C; if combining with Pharmaco-therapy: 3 to 6 months
Diabetes Canada: Macro-nutrient component in a diet
CHO :45-60%
Protein: 15-20%
Diabetes Canada:
why should more than 45%
the limitations (3)
- to prevent high intake of Sat fat to incr. risk of CVD
1. minimum intake: 130g/d
2. <10% added sugar (sucrose)
3. at high range ~ 60%: should inclue low GI food and high fibre intake
def. Glycemic Index (GI)
- area under the curve, AUC, in blood glucose response of a given food, compared to standard for the same content in g of CHO
- with the scale 0-100
what’s glucose standard?
- CHO or white bread
def. glycemic load
the accounts for available CHO in portion
How to calculate glucose load?
glucose load=#g CHO content in the given food * GI/100
How to calculate GI?
AUC given food/AUC glucose(the same content CHO) *100
standard range GI:
L: no more than 55
M: 56-69
H: no less than 70
no unit
standard range GL:
L: no more than 10
M: 11-19
H: no less than 20
no unit
T/F High GI must be with a high GL
T/F high GL must cause a high GI
T/F a high GL food may be high GI
T/F a high GI food may be with low GL