Diabetes Flashcards
lifestyle changes were more effective than
metformin in preventing development of DM2 in pts >age of 60.
what are lifestyle changes defined as for diabetes prevention
brisk walking for 30 minutes for 5 days a week with goal of losing about 5%-10% of body weight decrease insulin resistance by 60% in some studies
when to start metformin as primary prevention for diabetes
>age 60
prior gestational DM2
or those who are <60 but are high risk for development
what does intense lifestyle intervention do for patients with type 2 diabetes?
improved quality of life, mobility, fitness, urinary incontinence, depression and OSA and it lead to lower progression to insulin therapy and improvement in glycemic control.
Diabetic medications that lead to some benefit with cardiovascular protection include?
GLP-1 agonists, SGLT2 inhibitors,.
what intervention helped with decreasing cardiovascular dx and mortality in DM2?
weight loss surgery.
what is LADA or latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood?
10% of all adults with presumed type 2 diabetes who actually have type 1 diabetes. PTs with LADA have circulating anti islet cell antibodies (ICA) and antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
pts who have LADA are at increased risk for
DKA, have a lower BMI and respond poorly to dietary therapy and oral diabetic medications and require insulin much sooner
clinical screening criteria for LADA
age of onset is >35 yrs but <50 yrs acute onset of symptoms personal and family history of autoimmune disease 2 or more of the above criteria associated with 90% sensitivity and 70% specificity for LADA
check for these antibodies if considering LADA?
basically DM1 that manifests later in life check anti islet cell and glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies.
what antibody is found in DM1?
antiglutamic decarboxylase antibodies
what antibody is associated with Celiac’s dx
anti tissue transglutaminase antibodies.
what causes type 2 diabetes
complex interplay including insulin resistance and progressive beta cell failure (relative insulin deficiency) these patients transition from normoglycemia to hyperglycemia with their relative insulin deficiency is unable to overcome their insulin resistance
time course and natural history of diabetes will lead
pts who are welly controlled with one medication may need additional therapy after a few years to maintain their glycemic control.
Basal cell function in DM2 and the time course for DM2 insulin resistance
HgbA1c goal for older adults with complex medical history and significant comorbidities?
aim for A1c goal of 7.5-8%
arthritis, cancer, CHF, depression, emphysema, falls, HTN, incontinence, stage 3 or worse CKD and MI and stroke pts.
no targets for A1c in pts who have life expectancy <10 yrs due to advanced age 80 or older, residence in a nursing home, chronic conditions like dementia, cancer, ESRD and COPD or CHF because harms outweigh the risk. but maybe try to keep <8.5 due to risk for dehydration, glycosuria, infections and HHS.
goal A1c for someone with complex health or poor health
< 8.5%
poor health - long term care facility or end stage chronic dx (Stage 3 or 4 HF, oxygen dependent lung dx, ESRD, uncontrolled metastatic cancer) moderate to severe cognitive impairment or dementia or two or more dialy living activities are dependent.
disadvantages of using A1c for diagnosis of DM2
lower sesnitivity compared to fasting plasma glucose or 2hr post prandial glucose
erroneous increases pregnancy
erroneously decreased in : blood loss, hemolysis, Fe def anemia, CKD, liver dx (Faster turnover rate so less glycosolation)
Variation in AA, southeast Asian and Mediterrean
affected by G6PD variants
Fasting plasma glucose disadvantages for DM2 diagnosis
inconvenient needs 8 hr fasting required and restriction on time collection
affected by illness and stress
measures one time point
blood sample unstalbe after colection
diurnal variability
diabetic complications are not as closely linked to FPG as to A1c
assay standardization incomplete
disadvantages of using 2hr Post prandial glucose after an oral glucose test for diagnosis of DM1
same disadvantages as fasting plasma glucose:
measures one poitn in time,
risk of hypoglycemia at 4-6 hrs in normal persons
poor reproducibility
Diagnosis of DM2 is based on:
random plasma glucose >200 + symptoms of hyperglycemia
fasting plasma glucose >126
2 hr plasma glucose during a oral glucose dose >200
pre diabetes is defined as A1c levels of
A1c: 5.7-6.4%
2 hr plasma glucose post OGTT: 140-199
fasting plasma glucose is 100-125
if there’s an abnormal fasting plasma glucose, OGTT, HgbA1c, what should be done to confirm DM2
repeat the same test on a separate day.
If two separate tests are have discordant resutls, repeat the test with abnormal results.
NEED AT LEAST TWO of the same test to be ABNORMAL TESTS.
A1c + FPG, repeat A1c or A1c + A1c on two separate times.
DM2 screening is for:
Screen overweight adults (BMI>25 or Asian >23)
Screen 1st degree relatives with DM2
Screen high risk race: AA, Hispanic, ASIAN, Native Hawaiin, Pacific Islander
Screen with gestational DM2
Screen CAD hx
Screen HTN, PCOS, prior abnormal screening DM2 exams
Screen ppl with HDL <35 and/or TG>250
Screen anyone from 40-70yrs who are overweight or asymptomatic OR has other risk factors like: high abd fat %, HLD, HTN, physical inactivity, and smoker