Diabetes Flashcards
What are the stages of development for a Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU)
Pain - first symptom Callus Numbness Deformity Ulcers Gangrene - treated with amputation
What are two causes of DFU
Reduced blood flow and Damaged Nerves
- Diabetes makes it worse
- Macrovascular diseases
- Microvascular diseases
Microvascular disease leads to which 3 things?
Nephropathy, Neuropathy, Retinopathy
-As blood vessels in the nerves dwindle, the nerves also become affected (myelin sheath)
How many patients have neuropathy as the time of DM diagnosis?
50% will develop neuropathy within 25 years of initial Diabetes diagnosis
What % of neuropathies are assoicated w/ pain?
Pain can vary
How do calluses form?
Repeated friction leads to thicken skin - precursor to DFU
What are sensory issues that come with neuropathy?
Loss of feeling –> loss of protective sensation, ulcers.
Loss of proprioception –> poor balance
-Also leads to loss of sweat –> dry, cracked skin (breeding ground for bacteria
Motor neuropathy can lead to foot drop and deformities
What happens when gastroc get tight in motor neuropathy?
foot stuck in PF, mid foot collapses.
1st MT elevates, inc. pressure on 2-4 MT.
Check balance
REverse callus formation
*bad shoes can lead to callus on tip of toes
What a bad place for those with sensory neuropathy?
The beach - can eb disasterous.
Do 5.07g monofilament testing at 7 spots.
How to check for autonomic neuropathy?
Take off socks and shoes - look at the skin
Get an XRay to look for undiagnosed fracture
What is the pathophysiology of DFUs?
Inc Glucose over the long-term
Inc glycation of lipids and proteins
Both cause molecular re-arrangement
Accelerated production of advanced glycated end products (AGEs) - leads to modifications of extracellular structural proteins
What does increased AGE production lead to?
Accelerated production of advanced glycated end products (AGEs) - leads to modifications of extracellular structural proteins
- Tissue destructive Matrix Metalloproteinases
- Fibroblasts unable to produce normal levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) - dec collagen!!!
- Dec NO production in DM –> dec platelet derived growth factor (dec collagen) –> dec tissue strength!!!!!!!!!!
What do you want blood work to look like with DM?
FSBG less than 110
HgA1C less than 6.5 for wound healing (7 otherwise)
BUN - normal 5-20
Creatine - normal 0.5-1.2
Albumin - higher than 3.0
Pre-Albumin - higher than 17 is wanted, but anything below 14 is bad for wound healing
Smoking status - none. 0 ppd. (O2 cut in half after just one cig)
Clinical Assessment for DFU?
Pulses, ABI, Diagnostics
Monofilament, tuning fork
Deformities, Pressures, footwear
Where are the Top 3 locations for DFUs?
Heel, Hallux, and lateral foot due to Abnormal Lateral Loading (ALL) - check w/ Harris Mat and outline shoe
What’s bad about heels?
Pressure on met heads
No ankle support
Dennis is pissed.
What’s bad about flip flops
Diabetics don’t have feeling and will wear them in the snow
Do diabetics like tight shoes?
How can you revascularize with DFU?
Angioplasty (balloon)
What to do first when you see wound (review from lecture 1)?
Check for infection and pulses
Non-audible: ABI (if above thershold, treat as audible pulse)
Audible: debride if > 50%, modalities if less
What do you do if the wound bed is dry?
Add/retain moisture
What do you do if the wound bed is wet?
Absorb moisture
See PPT for different dressings and topical agents
Way too many to list here
What’s bad about REGRANEX Gel? (Promotes angiogenesis and granulation tissue formation)
Increased rate of mortality secondary to malignancy in pts that used 3+ tubes. Only use if benefits outweight the large risks