Diabetes Flashcards
type I diabetes
- Formerly insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes
- Represents 10-15% of all diabetics in the U.S.
- Onset usually below age 30, usually abrupt, and preceded by weight loss
- Severely insulin deficient and, therefore, absolutely dependent on insulin therapy
- Probably an auto-immune disorder
- Patients are usually slender or frankly underweight
- May occur in the elderly
type II diabetes
-Formerly adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes
-Represents 85-90% of all diabetics in U.S.
-Onset usually above age 30, but can occur at any age
-Pancreas produces insulin, but not sufficient to maintain normal glucose levels
-Most patients are also “resistant” to insulin action
-Onset often insidious and classic symptoms may be
-May be controlled by diet and/or oral hypoglycemic drugs
-Usually obese, 65-75% / hypertensive/ hypercholesterolemia
-Genetic/familial component
what are the three P’s in the presentation of diabetes?
polyuria (peeing a lot), polydipsia (drinking a lot), polyphagia (eating a lot)
casual plasma glucose value that is diagnostic for diabetes
> 200 mg/dl + symptoms of diabetes
Fasting plasma glucose value that is diagnostic for diabetes
> 126 mg/dl
2-hour plasma glucose during an oral glucose tolerance test that is diagnostic for diabetes (
> 200 mg/dl
Fasting Plasma Glucose
FPG < 100 mg/dl = normal fasting glucose
FPG > 100 and 126 = diabetes mellitus
Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT):
2-hour post glucose load > 140 and <200 mg/dl
Glycosylated hemoglobin/Glycated hemoglobin/ HbA1C/hemoglobin A1c
- Measures percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin
- Provides estimate of approx. 90-days’ glycemic control (life cycle of an RBC)
- Normal ranges : approx. 4 to 5.6%
- DM: > 6.5%
- Desired goal for diabetics : < 7% (these patients you can treat without reservation)
3 Acute complications for diabetes
Diabetic pat that has 3 P’s (polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia), dehydration, rapid deep respirations, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting is having what high mortality rate acute diabetic complication
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis usually develops in what diabetic type patient
type I
diabetic ketoacidosis
Usually develops in Type 1 patient or uncontrolled Type 2 (rare)
-Less insulin leads body to use fatty acids, ketones are byproducts of fat metabolism . “acetone breath”
-Lab – hyperglycemia, acidosis, ketosis
-Usually precipitated by stress, infection, surgery, drugs, or
poor compliance
-Signs and symptoms – 3 P’s, dehydration, rapid deep respirations, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting
-High mortality if not rapidly treated! Refer patient immediately if diagnosis suspected
Diabetic acute complication that usually occurs in insulin-treated patients, but may occur in patients on oral agents usually from skipping meals, vigorous exercise, or an error in insulin dosage
your diabetic patient starts: sweating, trembling, weakness, anxiety, hunger, blurry vision, confusion, seizures, come, and death