diabetes Flashcards
DM therapy goals
alleviation of symptoms
achievement of glycemic, BP, & lipid targets
prevention of acute/chronic complications
leading cause of death in diabetics
DM diagnosis
fasting BGL >126 mg/dL x2 occasions
expected insulin requirements for type 1
0.5-0.8 units/kg/day
somogyi effect
low 0300 BG
high pre breakfast BG
decrease HS dose
dawn phenomenon
insulin desensitization at night
high 0300 BG
high pre breakfast bg
increase HS dose
DKA hallmarks
hyperglycemia (>250)
ketoacidosis (pH <7.3, bicarb <15)
DKA s/s
dry skin, mucous membranes, decreased skin turgor
kussmaul respirations
ketotic breath
s/s of infection - tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, hypothermia, fever
abd tenderness
DKA diagnostics
ABG - pH <7.3, pCO2 decreased
CMP - bicarb <15, BG >250, hyperK (initially), hypoNa, elevated BUN/Crt
Serum osmolality - elevated
Serum ketones - positive
Beta-hydroxybutyrate - 3-8
UA - + glucose, + ketones
fluid deficit - 100ml/kg
imaging - CXR, HCT
DKA fluid requirements
0.9% NS or LR
1-3L hr in first hour
1 L hour 2
2 L hours 3-4
1L q4 hours
change to D5 0.45% when BG <250
adolescent DKA fluids
10-20 ml/kg in first 1-2 hours
total volume 40-50 ml/kg in first 4 hours
DKA insulin regimen
start 1h after IVF, K recheck
initial bolus 0.1 unit/kg
cont infusion 0.1 unit/kg/hr
optimal BG decline is 100 mg/dL/h - 10% in first hour
DKA K repletion
K >6 - do not replete
K 4.5-6 - 10 mEq/h
3-4.5 - 20 mEq/h
DKA bicarb repletion
only if the patient is decompensating
pH <7.0
1.2 amps Na bicarb in 1L 0.45% saline
can cause worsened hypokalemia
can cause cerebral edema
additional DM diagnostics
RBG >200 w symptoms
BG >200 2 h after 75 g glucose challenge
HgbA1c >6.5
insulin durations
lispro, aspar, glulisine (rapid) - 3-4 h
regular (short) - 6-8h
NPH (intermediate) - 10-20h
Glargine (long) - 24h
Detemir (long) - 17h
first line for T2DM
CI in eGFT<45
AE - diarrhea, lactic acidosis
sick day insulin dosing
cut long acting insulin in 1/2
beta-hydroxybutyrate requiring hospitalization
> 3
Dm therapy goals
fasting BG 80-130
postprandial <180
BP <130/80
total cholesterol <150
exam findings for T2DM
acanthios nigricans
most commonly prescribed diabetic agent
sulfonylureas (G-ide)
2nd line after metformin
hypoglycemia, weight gain