Dharma Flashcards
What is dharma
- personal code or religious practice
- What you must do to complete each stage of life
- Dharma is the collection of laws that uphold, maintain, sustain and uplift the universe.
What does the Sanskrit root of Dharma mean ?
- dhr, means to uphold
What is rta
principle of cosmic order, responsible for the functioning of the natural, moral and sacrificial order of the universe.
What is asramavarnadharma?
Dharma depending on your age and caste in Hinduism.
What is Jati dharma?
dharma depending on family, and jati. Each family has different responsabilities
What is Sva dharma
personal dharma
What is Sanatana Dharma
- the souls never ending propensity to serve God
- A fundamental principle in guiding moral behaviour and social relationships.
- A right way of life, duties and responsibilities, principles of order and harmony.
what is Stridharma
women’s dharma
What are the two categories in Sadharan dharma?
1) prhibition of murder, cruelty, incept. Must respect god and parents, be honest and moral.
2) Beyond the call of duty - punya
What are the 4 aims of life aka YAMAS if you follow Karma Marga
1) Arta - earning honest money
2) Kama- enjoyment of lifes pleasures
3) Dharma - knowing religious and social duty
4) Moksha - liberation and escape from samsara
What is karma
- action and fruits of action
- if you perform an action it must be paid back to you
- chain that binds the atman into the wheel of samsara
what is satya
- truth/ reality
- being truthful in ones thoughts, speech and actions
What is asteya
‘not stealing’
What is sauca
purity and cleanliness
What is punya
merit from good karma
what does Sanatana mean
timeless, eternal, without beginning or end
Why do Hindus believe their religion in sanatana dharma
it is :
- eternal
- fundamental
- universal
- natural & god based
- right way of being and living
what is the exclusive view about sanatana dharma
only Hinduism is santana dharma, our way of life is the right way. It doesnt include any other religions
What is the pluralist view on sanatana dharma
Hinduism is only part of sanatana dharma, there are other ways people can live the right way of life through other religions.
What do Sanatanists believe according to Lipner?
- that they are apart from reformed Hindus
- they are apart from non Hindus
- they are purer than everyone
What did lipner say sanatana dharma is
an ancient and continuing guideline relative to age and class
What did lipner say sva dharma was
the personal implement of class
give 5 differences between SD and VAD
- SD = god centred, god is doer. VAD is human centred & earth bound, chose actions which will effect karma.
- SD presumes all are equal. VAD is very exclusive, only males in top 3 castes.
- SD more inclusive, we all have atman can all achieve moksha. VAD judged on purity very elitist.
- SD could apply to all religions VAD only for hindus
- SD has one aim, to achieve moksha. VAD has many aims aka punya