What is dextromethorphan indications?
Temporarily use to control cough or suppress it.
ER formulations help with sleep as well
What is maximum dosage of dextromethorphan in
Adults/ children >12 yrs?
6-11 yrs of age?
2-5 yrs of age?
120 mg
60 mg
30 mg
What is Dextromethorphan Contraindicated with?
MAOis - Mono-amine-oxidase inhibitors
DO NOT USE WITHIN 14 days of MAOis.
List ALL the MAOis drug names
Phenelzine (Nardil)
Tranylcypromine (Parnate)
Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
Selegiline (Emsam, Zelapar)
Moclobemide (Aurorix, Manerix)
Rasagiline (Azilect)
What is dextromethorphan drug-drug interactions?
- Strong CYP-2D6 Inhibitors will DECREASE dextromethorphan metabolism cause increasing concentration of dextromethorphan in the blood.
-SSRI / SNRI Medications with dextromethorphan will cause “ SEROTONIN SYNDROME”
- AVOID in patients who are CYP-2D6 poor metabolizers.
Where does Dextromethorphan acts on?
SERETONIN re-uptake inhibitors.
@ high dose it acts on NMDA-receptor blocker (antagonist) will cause hallucinations
What is some of “SEROTONIN SYNDROME” symptoms
Increase blood pressure
Hyperpyrexia (high fever 41C or 105F)
Myoclonus ( Involuntary muscle movement (Con co giat co)
what is PK of Dextromethorphan such as onset of action? Duration of action?
3-6 hrs
2 hrs
CYP-2D6 poor metabolizer half life took 45 hours