What are the two key concepts of liberalism ?
What are the religious roots of liberalism ?`
-reformation (15th-16th century)
-break from Catholicism
-belief that each person is responsible for their own relationship with God
How does enlightenment relate to liberalism ?
-the period sought to take individualist ideas (key liberal concept) into the secular world
-based on reason > faith
-each individual has free will
-influenced American and French revolutions
What is the Mechanistic Theory ?
-humans are rational
-therefore have the ability to think about the ideal state to live
-contrasts “divine right of kings”
What are the distinctive features of classical liberalism ?
-revolutionary potential
-negative liberty
-minimal state
-laissez faire capitalism
What is negative liberty ?
-any infringement on individual rights is unjust`
What is laissez-faire capitalism ?
-capitalism without limits, no gov interference
Why would classic liberals disagree with referendums ?
-leads to tyranny of the majority
What is developmental individualism ?
-individuals have the right to develop their potential
What are some of John Locke’s beliefs ?
-human beings are rational beings so the state of nature is peaceful with people seeking to develop themselves
-the state must be representative
-society existed before the state
-gov guidance in economics only to better the state of society
What is positive liberty ?
- People should be supported by the state/govt
What is ‘tyranny of the majority’ ?
- What ever the majority decides happens (referendums)
What are the Liberal tensions in terms of Human Nature ?
- All believe that humans are rational
- Locke and Hayek believe humans are innately respectful
- Mill and Rawls believe enlightened liberal authorities need to support respectfulness.
What are the Liberal tensions in terms of Society ?
- All liberals see Society as diverse and autonomous individuals
- Classical Liberals think human society predates the State.
- Neo Liberals think ‘dependancy culture’ must see a radical decrease of the State
What are Liberal tensions in terms of The State ?
- All Liberals believe that the State should function according to pre arranged rules
- Classical Liberals believe in ‘negative liberty’ and so a small state should exist
- Modern Liberals believe in ‘positive liberty’ and so a larger state should exist
What are some modern liberal beliefs about the economy ?
- minimal gov interference
- Keynesian economics
- positive liberty
What are the classical liberal beliefs about the economy ?
- laissez-faire capitalism
- negative liberty
What is meritocracy ?
- belief that individuals who have, through talent and effort, proven they deserve should be trusted to govern
- rejects the idea of the “divine right of kings”
Describe the traditional state
- monarchial
- absolutist
What is collectivism ?
- a larger state means more freedom
What is foundational equality ?
- all individuals have equal natural rights and are of equal value
Name a neo-liberal
- Friedrich Hayek
Who are some modern liberals ?
- John Rawls
- Keynes
Who are some classical liberals ?
- Adam Smith
- John Locke
What is utilitarianism ?
- the greater good for the greatest number of people
Describe Keynesian economics
- gov could, with funding and regulations, intervene with economics and the free market
- the job of the state to create demand
What was John Locke’s idea of the state of nature ?
- underpinned by natural laws and rights
- peaceful, rational, harmonious
What is the liberal view on human nature ?
- optimistic, unending ability to forge happiness
- rational therefore problem solvers
- humankind’s innate reason is manifested in debate, discussion and peaceful argument
- ability to plan is natural
What is egotistical individualism ?
- humans are drawn to their own advancements
What is the simple liberal view on the State ?
- it exists to ensure individualism
” that which man has mixed with his labour”
who said that ?
- Locke
What is individualism ?
- the belief that individual needs should be the primary focus of political, economic and social thought
Who wrote the “Wealth of Nations” ?
- Adam Smith
Capitalism is often referred to as…?
- economic liberalism
What did Adam Smith believe about the economy ?
- if free trade was allowed to exist unfettered, the “invisible hand” would guide humans to success
- the success will then “trickle down” to everyone else
What is the State ?
- hypothetical state of gov
“government should always be servant, not master of the people”
who said that ?
- Locke (again)
“I detest what you say but will defend unto death your right to say it”
who said that ?
- Voltaire
What are some of Jeremy Bentham’s beliefs ?
- liberal state should be more proactive
- each individual would seek to maximise their own “utility” (usefulness) by maximising personal pleasure and minimising personal pain
” man is not free unless government is limited “
who said that ?
- Old Mc’Ronald !
Ronald Reagan
What are some neoliberal concepts ?
- laissez-faire capitalism
- privatisation of public spending
- lower taxes
- constitutional reformation
- modern liberalism is a sell out of the original