Developmental Theories: Erickson's 8 stages of development Flashcards
Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust
Age: 0-1
* Sufficient supplies enable infant to be assured of care. Soothing so not overwhelmed by stimuli. Outer predictability and inner certainty of mother.
Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame
Age: 1-3
Verbal and conceptual stimulation. Language develops. Permission to explore with protection against danger. Supports of growth. Capacity to move away from. Beginning differentiation.
Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt
Age: 3-6
Beginning move away from home. Permission for exploration. Play with peers. Learning about wider world outside of home. Pride in self and achievements separate from parents. Superego development. Self definition.
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
Age: 6-1`3
Conformity in the educational institution at the sacrifice of some creativity and imagination. Intellectual and social mastery begins. Cooperation with others (peers and teachers) is signal.
Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Age: 13-18
Partial separation from parents. Peer relationships are primary. Sexual identity is confirmed. Conformity within group. Development of vocational goal. Second individuation phase.
State 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation
Age: 18-21
Leaving home. Development of a career. Developing an intimate relationship. Reciprocal commitment to sex, role identity, occupation, social role.
Stage 7: Generativity Vs. Stagnation
Age: 21-65
Achievement of stable new family. Achievement and productivity in vocational area.
Stage 8: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Age: 65+
Acceptance of mortality. Satisfaction with previous life roles. Opportunity for further self development. Adequacy in dealing with loss (death and illness).
Psychosocial theory
personality develops as a result of interaction with and mastery of the social and environment with a progressive development throughout the life cycle.
Reality testing
accurate perception of external environment and internal world.
Capacity to act appropriately (depends on accurate perception and evaluation of a given circumstance)
sense of reality of world and of self
experiences one self in relation to others while maintaining distinct boundaries.
regulatory control of impulses drives and effects
ability to modulate, delay, inhibit or control expression in accord with reality. Ability to tolerate intense, unpleasant emotions without becoming overwhelmed.