Developmental Psychology Unit 3 Flashcards
Years of rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that end childhood, producing a person of adult size, shape, and sexuality
First menstrual period signaling ovulation
How does family stress and conflict affect the onset of puberty?
Hastens in girls
For boys, what is the usual sequence of physical changes of puberty?
Growth of testes, pubic hair, penis, spermarche
For girls, what is the usual sequence of physical changes of puberty?
Growth of breasts, pubic hair, growth spurt, menarche
First hormones to begin puberty?
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
First signs of growth spurt?
Increased appetite and weight
What is the last body part to grow from the growth spurt?
Primary sex characteristics
Parts of the body directly involved in reproduction
Secondary sex characteristics
Physical traits not directly involved in reproduction but that indicate sexual maturity
Adolescent egocentrism
Adolescents focus on themselves and on what others think of them
At what age does the brain fully mature?
Imaginary audience
Other people are watching and taking note of appearance, ideas, and behavior
Invincibility fable
Idea that death will not occur unless it is destined
Formal operational thought
Piaget’s 4th stage characterized by more systematic logical thinking and by the ability to understand and systematically manipulate abstract concepts
What question(s) are crucial for adolescent personality development?
Who am I?
Identity vs. role confusion
Discovering oneself or confused about who to be/who they are
Identity achievement
When people know who they are as unique individuals, combining past experiences and future plans
Role confusion
No clear identity, fluctuating from one persona to another
Adopt parents’ or society’s’ roles and values without questioning
Negative identity
Rejecting all elder’s values without questioning
Finding identity
Choice of a socially acceptable way to postpone making identity-achievement decisions