Developmental Milestones Flashcards
2 months
Lifts head 45 degrees in prone
Head lags on pull-to-sitting (traction reflex)
Begins prone on elbows with elbows behind shoulders
Head bobs in supported sitting
1 month
Lifts head Follows moving object and exhibits reflex stepping Positive support reflex Decreased flexion Hands fisted with indwelling thumb Reciprocal and symmetrical kicking Neonatal reaching
3 months
Can prop self onto prone on elbows with weight on forearms
Takes weight with toes curled in supported standing
Head elevation to 90 degrees
4 months
Can prop up head and chest for along time Pivot prone Head no longer lags in pull to sit Sits with support Laughs out loud Rolls prone to side Supine to side Optical and Labyrinthe head righting present Ulnar palmar grasp
5 months
Roll from prone to supine
Head control in supported sitting
Weight shifting from one forearm to the other in prone
6 months
Rolls from supine to prone
Independent sitting
Pulls to stand
Prone on hands with elbows extended while weight shifting from hand to hand
7 months
Maintain quadruped Pivots on belly Prone extension position Pivot prone Assumes sitting from quadruped Trunk rotation in sitting Recognizes time of voice
8-9 months
Belly crawls Quadruped creeping Side sitting Pulls to stand through kneeling Cruises sideways Can stand alone Pincer grasp with thumb and forefinger Transfer objects from one hand to the other Moves quadruped to sitting
10-15 months
Stands and begins to walk unassisted Begins self feeding Searches for hidden toys Plays party cake and peek a boo Imitates Reaches with supination Neat pincher grasp with release
18-20 months
Walk up & down stairs with assistance Ascends stairs with step-to pattern Sits on a small chair Begins to run more coordinated Jumps off bottom step Plays make believe
2 years
Runs wells Ascends stairs reciprocally Active Restless Tantrums
3 years
Descends stairs reciprocally Rides tricycle Begins to catch a ball Jumps with 2 feet Understands sharing Stands on one foot briefly
3.5 years
Hops on one foot
Kicks a ball
4 years
Hips on one foot several times Climbs Throws ball overhead Stands on tiptoes Relates to friends
5 years
Kicks a ball well
Dresses and undresses self