Developmental milestones Flashcards
Age range of early adolescence
10 to 13/14
Follows a 2-step instruction
30 months (2.5 years)
Puts something in container, i.e., a block into a cup
12 months
Serves themselves food or pours water with supervision
4 years
Uses or recognizes simple rhymes (i.e., “bat-cat”, “tall-ball”)
5 years
Makes cooing sounds like “oooh, ahh”
4 months
Takes a few independent steps
15 months
Ride a 2-wheel bicycle
6 years
Copy a triangle
5 years
Calms within 10 minutes of you leaving
3 years
Shy, clingy, fearful around strangers
9 months
Helps you dress them – pushing arm through a sleeve, etc.
18 months
Eats with a spoon
2 years
Moves away from parent while playing, but looks to make sure they are close by
18 months
Draws a person with at least 3 body parts
4 years
Age range of mid-adolescence
14/15 to 17
Walks holding onto furniture
12 months
Likes to be a “helper”
4 years
Holds pencil between fingers and thumb (not in a fist)
4 years
2 words together
2 years
Uses words about time (e.g., yesterday, tomorrow, morning, night)
5 years
Buttons some buttons
5 years
Tells a story they made up with at least 2 events (i.e., a cat got stuck in a tree, then firefighter saved it)
5 years
Points to at least 2 body parts
2 years
Speech 75% understandable
3 years
Many sounds like “maamaama”, “baabaabaa”
9 months
Tells what comes next in a well-known story
4 years
Pushes up with straight arms while prone
6 months
Uses hands to twist things – like door knobs, lids, etc
30 months (2.5 years)
Kicks a ball
2 years
Speaks in 4+ word sentences
4 years
Tries to use things correctly, like a phone, cup, book, etc.
15 months
Copies other kids while playing
15 months
Notices other kids and joins them playing
3 years
Looks at familiar object when you name it
15 months
Converses with 2+ back-and-forth exchanges
3 years
Tandem walking
6 years
Catches a large ball most of the time
4 years
Names some numbers between 1-5 when you point to them
5 years
Understand the concept of “today”
24 months
Drinks from a cup without a lid (may spill occasionally)
18 months
Avoids danger, like not jumping from a tall height on a playground
4 years
Draw a person with 6 body parts
5 years
Transfers things from hand to hand
9 months
Answers simple questions, like “what is a crayon for?”
4 years
Wiggle thumbs
3 years
Simple problem solving – i.e., stands on stool to reach something
30 months (2.5 years)
Age range of late adolescence
Shows you an object they like
15 months
Says ~50 words
30 months (2.5 years)
Normal duration of crying (and when does it peak?)
During first 6 weeks: 2-3 hours per day
During 10-12 weeks: 1-2 hours per day
Crying peaks at 6 weeks!
Pincer grasp
12 months
Knows at least 1 color
30 months (2.5 years)
Opens hands briefly
2 months
Lifts arms to be picked up
9 months
Drinks from a cup without a lid as you hold it
12 months
Parallel play, sometimes playing with other kids
30 months (2.5 years)
Reaches for toys that they want
6 months
Looks at their hands with interest
4 months
Smiles/laughs at peek-a-boo
9 months
Turns book pages one at a time
30 months (2.5 years)
Looks at your face to see how you react to a situation
2 years
Makes sounds other than crying
2 months
Has a 5-10 minute attention span during activities like story time, crafts, etc. (screen time does not count!)
5 years
Hugs stuffed animals/toys
15 months
Talks about at least one thing that happened during the day
4 years
2 years
Uses arm to swing at toys
4 months
Cut a circle with scissors
4 years
Follows simple routines when you say things like “it’s clean-up time!”
30 months (2.5 years)
Copy a cross and square
4 years
Pretends to be something else during play (i.e., a dog, a teacher, etc.)
4 years