developmental milestones Flashcards
GM - 3mnths
minimal head lag
lying on abdo –> good head control
GM - 6 months
lying on abdo –> arms extended
lying on back –> lifts and grasp feet
pulls self to sitting
rolls front to back
GM 7-8 months
sits without support
GM 9 months
pulls to standing
GM 12 months
walks with one hand held
GM 13-15 months
walks unsupported
GM 18 months
squats to pick up toy
GM 2 years
walks upstairs and downstairs holding onto rail
GM 3 years
rides tricycle using pedals
go upstairs w/o holding rail
GM 4 years
Hops on one leg
FM 3 months
reaches for object
visually alert - esp human faces
fix and follows to 180 degrees
FM 6 months
holds in palmar grasp
pass object from one hand to another
visually insatiable - looking n every direaction
FM 9 months
points with finger
early pincer
FM 12 months
good pincer grip
bangs toys together
FM 15 months
tower of two
looks at book and pats page
FM 18 months
Tower of 3
circular scribble
turns pages (several at a time)
FM 2 years
tower of 6
copies vertical line
turns pages one at a time
FM 3 years
tower of 9
copies circle
FM 4 yrs
copies cross
FM 5 years
copies square and triangle
SH 3 months
quietens to parent voive
turn towards sound
SH 6 months
Double syllables (adah / erleh)
SH 9 months
mama and dada
understands no
SH 12 months
knows and responds to own name
SH 12-15 months
knows about 2-6 words (REFER AT 18 MONTHS)
understand simple commands e.g. give it to mummy
SH 2 years
combine two words
points to part of body
SH 2 1/2 years
vocab of 200 words
SH 3 years
talk in short sentence (3-5)
asks what and who questions
identifies colour
counts to 10
SH 4 years
asks why when and how questions
SP 6 weeks
SP 3 months
enjoys friendly handling
SP 6 months
not shy
may put hand on bottle when being fed
SP 9 months
takes everything in mouth
plays peek-a-boo
SP 12-15 months
drinks from cup +uses spoon (develops over 3 months)
helps getting dressed / undressed
waves bye-bye
plays pat-a-cake
SP 18 months
takes off shoes + hat but unable to replace
plays contentedly alone
SP 2 years
competent w spoon
doesn’t spill w cup
puts on hat and shoes
plays near others not with them
SP 3 years
uses spoon and fork
SP 4 years
can dress and undress independently laces and buttons
plays w other children
SP 5 years
uses knife and fork