Developmental Genetics Flashcards
What is development?
- A progressive change in cell and tissue organisation; changes in cell structure and function,
- Involves the specialisation of tissues and morphogenesis (creation of form)
What is a mophogen?
- A diffusible molecule (protein) that influences cell fate in a concentration-dependent manner
e. g. Fgf, Wnt
What is the early process of drosophila embryo structure development?
- Initially after the egg has been fertilised multiple divisions of nuclei occur but no cytokinesis which creates a syncytium (large cell multiple nuclei)
- The nuclei of the syncytium migrate to the edge of the cell and continue to divide
- The nuclei then are enclosed in membranes
What is the basic flow of gene hierarchy in the development of the drosophila embryo?
- Maternal effect genes:
- TF mRNAs
- set up anterior posterior axis
Zygotic genes-
- Gap genes:
- encode TFs
- expressed in broadly overlapping domains - Pair-rule genes:
- encode TFs
- Divide embryo into modular units (striped expression) - Segment Polarity genes:
- Further divide embryo into 14 sections- define anterior and posterior of each segment
(3+4) = 5. Homeotic selector genes:
- Determine the fate of each segment
How do maternal effect genes: bicoid and nanos work?
- When an egg is fertilised there are already maternal effect genes (maternal mRNAs) within the egg
- The bicoid mRNA is tethered at the anterior end of the embryo and its products (TFs) diffuse out
- The nanos mRNA is tethered at the posterior end of the embryo and its products (TFs) diffuse out
- These two genes set up a concentration gradient that controls 2 other maternal effect genes: hunchback and caudal
How do maternal effect genes: hunchback and caudal work?
- These two maternal effect gene mRNA products are laid down evenly across the whole oocyte/embryo
- Bicoid activates the expression of hunchback mRNA and represses caudal
- Nanos activates expression of caudal and represses hunchback
How do gap genes work?
- These gap genes are controlled by maternal effect gene gradients that are set up when the embryo is still in a syncytium
- The gap genes are activated or repressed by maternal effect genes (and hunchback which is also zygotic) in one or two broad domains across the A-P axis
- The gap gene expression boundaries are also reinforced by repressive interactions between teh gap genes themselves
- The gap genes encode TFs
e. g. expression of the gap gene, Kruppel: - stimulates by bicoid and intermediate levels of hunchback
- inhibited anteriorly by high hunchback and posteriorly by low/no bicoid nor hunchback
How do pair-rule genes work?
- Pair rule genes respond to upstream maternal effect and gap genes to define their expression boundaries
- Pair rule genes are expressed in seven stripes along the embryo: each stripe is regulated by a different combination of upstream maternal or gap genes (not that factors can be activators or repressors in different stripes)
- When these genes are expressed the embryo is still in syncytium but just starting to segment
e. g. expression of 2nd stripe of even skipped:
- activated by bicoid and hunchback
- repressed by Krupple and Giant
What are segment polarity genes?
- These act when the embryo is no longerr a syncytium and the there are discrete cells which signal to each other
- Encode transcription factors such as engrailed as well as signalling molecules like wingless and hedgehog
- Expressed in 14 stripes
How do segment polarity genes function?
- Engrailed is expressed where the pair rule genes eve and Ftz are expressed
- Wingless is expressed in cells where eve and Ftz are not expressed
- This creates expression of wingless (anterior edge of posterior region of segment) and engrailed (posterior edge of posterior region of segment)
- This causes a reciprocal interaction between cells:
1. Engrailed activates hedgehog
2. Secreted hedgehog binds to its receptor patched- this activates smoothened with goes to nucleus and activates certain genes- in particular wingless gene expression
3. Wingless is secreted
4. Wingless binds to Frzld receptor- this stabilised B-catenin which goes into nucleus and activates target genes including engrailed
What are homeotic selector genes?
- These are genes that provide exact positional information to cells so as to specify the structures that will develop
- They do not directly build structure by provide the key positional info.
- Homeotic selector genes include the Hox genes which are on chromosome 3 and are arranged into an antennapedia complx and a bithorax complex
What is a homeotic transformation?
- A mutation in which one body part develops as another e.g. antennapedia
How many hox clusters are in:
- Drosophila
- Humans
- Drosophila: 1
- Humans: 4
What hox genes are paralogues?
- Genes with the same number have arisen through the genome duplication
e. g. a4, b4, c4 etc.
What does co-linearity in terms of Hox genes refer to?
- There is co-linearity between expression in embryo and position on chromosome
- genes at the 3’ end such as a1, b1, c1 are expressed earlier in development and more anteriorly
- genes at the 5’ end such as a-10, b-13, d-12 are expressed later and more posteriorly
What are the features of homeobox genes?
- Homeobox genes can be scattered across the genome or organised into clusters e.g. the four Hox clusters in mammals
- They contain a homeobox which encodes a homeodomain which binds to the major groove of DNA
What is the effect of a hox mutation in human vertebrae?
- Causes homeotic transformation whereby the vertebrae that has had its hox gene mutated will acquire the features of the segment anterior to it
What is a pleiotropic gene?
- A pleiotropic gene influences more than one developmental process/phenotypic trait
- Mutations in pleiotropic genes can result in abnormalities in more than one organ/structure
What is morphogenesis?
- The development of form
e. g. limb development
How does the limb bud form?
- The limb bud forms from lateral plate mesoderm that migrates out to form a bulge of mesenchymal cells
1. Specific combination of Hox proteins stimulates retinoic acid (morphogen that is secreted)
2. Retinoic acid turns on Tbx transcription factors (Tbx5 in forelimb and Tbx4 in hindlimb)
3. Tbx transcription factors activate the Fgf 10 gene in the mesoderm
4. The Fgf 10 gene product diffuses out to the ectoderm and via Wnt signalling activates the secretion of Fgf 8 from the ectodermal cells
5. The Fgf8 secreted by ectoderm causes the ectodermal cells to proliferate into the apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
6. The Fgf8 stimulates the mesodermal cells to produce more Fgf10 which stimulates the production of more Tbx which stimulates more Fgf 10 production and so on- this is a self-perpetuating loop resulting in the formation of the early limb bud - In this system:
Transcription Factors: Hox, Tbx
Signalling molecules: Retinoic acid, Wnt and FGFs
What factor is critical for limb outgrowth?
- Fgf10- stimulates the formation of the AER which produces Fgf8 causing the mesenchymal cells to grow out
How does proximal-distal patterning occur?
- A gradient of FGF diffuses from the AER
- The cells closer to the AER are exposed to the higher dose of FGF leading to the development of distal identity
How is the anterior-posterior axis patterned in limbs?
Anterior posterior axis: e.g. in hand, anterior is thumb, posterior is little finger
- Established by a region of mesoderm at the posterior border of the limb called the Zone of polarising activity (ZPA)
- The ZPA releases a gradient of the singnaling molecule sonic hedgehod (SHH)
- Transplantation of ZPA or SHH soaked bead to anterior portion of limb bud causes a mirror duplication of the hand/wing
- In the hand the time and concentration of exposure confers digit identity
What creates dorsal-ventral patterning in the limb?
- Wnt 7a is expressed in the dorsal region of the limb and activates Limx1 (an isolated homeobox gene) which causes dorsal patterning
- BMP activates engrailed in the posterior region which inhibits Wnt7a (and thus Limx1) which causes ventral patterning
What is organogenesis?
- The organisation of tissues into organs
What is the pathway of sex determination?
- Genetic Sex = Sex-determing gene in embryo (Y or no -Y) is activated in embryonic gonads
- Gonadal sex = testes or ovaries form
- hormones are released - External genital sex = external genitalia formed due to action of hormones
- Assigned sex
What is a disorder of sex development?
-DSD: the genetic sex is discordant with the gonadal and/or genital sex
What is the structure of an early embryonic gonad?
- Has both sets of ducts (Mullerian and Wolffian)
- Genital ridge
- Is bi-potential
How does differentiation of the bipotential gonad into the male reproductive system?
- The embryo has the genotype XY
- The Y chromosome contains the SRY region
- This activates a pathway of male sex genes which cause the embryo to differentiate into testes
- The testes produce:
1. Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH): destroys Mullerian ducts
2. Testosterone: confers male brain sex and causes the Wolffian duts to differentiate into male structures
How does differentiation of the bipotential gonad into the female reproductive occur?
- The embryo is XX
- This means that the embryonic gonad will form an ovary
- Ovaries create no testosterone- this absence of testosterone means the embryonic gonad goes down the default female development pathway
- The Wolffian ducts regress
- The Mullerian ducts develop into the uterus etc.
What governs differentiation of external genitalia?
- Both sexes begin with the same bi-potential tissues
- Females: default development (when there are no androgens present)
- Males: the testosterone produced by the testes is converted to DHT in genital tissues and male external gender develops
What are the testes determining genes?
- SRY activates a related gene called Sox9 which promotes testes development
- Sox 9 negatively feedbacks to turn off SRY once it is activated
- Sox9 turns on Fgf9 which also promotes testis development
- Fgf9 positively feedbacks to increase Sox9 expression
- Fgf9 also inhibits Wnt4 expression
What are the ovary determining genes?
- There is no master ovary determining gene on the X chromosome
- There are two important genes however:
1. R-spondin: activates B-catenin pathway and thus increases Wnt4 expression
2. Wnt4 binds to its receptor Frzld and stabilises B-catenin - The stabilisation of B-catenin means it can go into the nucleus and acitvate the expression of certain genes that cause ovary development
- R-spondin1 also inhibits Sox9
- A lack of Rspondin1 can cause testes development in XX embryos
How was it determined what genes are vital for sex development?
- They were knocked out
What are the two main categories of DSD?
They can be classified as either:
- Atypical gonad formation
- Normal gonads- but abnormal testosterone action
What is the Prader Scale?
- Defines external genitalia:
Scale of Female (0) to Male (6)
Describe an atypical gonad formation disorder: 46, XY, DSD (female):
- Fibrous streak gonad
- Sterile
- Female uterus and external genitalia (can be slightly ambiguous)
- 66% have unknown cause
- 34% are due to sex gene mutations: mostly due to loss of function mutation in SRY, 1% due to loss of function of RSPO-1
Describe an atypical gonad formation disorder: 46, XX, DSD (male):
- Small testes, sterile, no female ducts
- External genitalia that range from normal male to ambiguous
- 90% due to SRY translocated onto X
- 1% due to loss of function of RSPO
- 9% unknown
Describe Abnormal Androgen action: 46, XY, DSD (female):
- Chromosomally and gonadally male (SRY is intact)
- Externally female
- Due to receptors being partially insensitive to androgen (testosterone)
- Variable phenotype: mild (PAIS) or complete (AIS)
Describe Abnormal Androgen action: 46, XX, DSD (male):
- Normal ovaries
- Externally male (masculinised)
- Abhorrently increased testosterone levels due to increased testosterone production in adrenal glands)
- Called congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Cause of CAH is loss of function mutation in 21-hydroxylase
- Leads to not only excess testosterone but also salt wasting (can’t make cortisol)