Development/Social Flashcards
T/F First born children speak later than subsequent children
F - First born children speak earlier
T/F Girls speak earlier than boys
T/F Twins speak earlier than singletons
F - Twins speak later
T/F Tongue tie and cleft palate are risk factors for speech delay
F - they may affect speech QUALITY though
A 4 year old should be able to give their home address T/F
F that is more typical of a 5 year old
Note: 5 years old should also be able to drawn a triangle, dress and undress unaided and write their name and make good cuts with scissors
At what age would you expect a child to have a 100 word vocab?
3 yrs
Note: think 3 digits 3 yr old should also speak in 3-4 word phrases Match 2 colors Copy a circle Jump Ride a tricycle Build a tower of 9 blocks
In a pt with macrocephaly and a strong family history when is reassurance and no further work up appropriate
Only if none of the following: neurodevelopmental abnormalities; abnormal growth velocity or macrocephaly >3 sd above average
Causes of toe walking?
Prematurity Unilateral hip dislocation Duchenne MD Spastic CP Spinal tumors
UA should be performed in all children that present with nocturnal enuresis T/F
F - Do not perform urinalysis routinely in children and young people with bedwetting, unless any of the following apply:
- bedwetting started in the last few days or weeks
- there are daytime symptoms
- there are any signs of ill health
- there is a history, symptoms or signs suggestive of urinary tract infection
- there is a history, symptoms or signs suggestive of diabetes mellitus.
Waking or lifting children and young people with bedwetting, at regular times or randomly, will promote long‑term dryness. T/F
First‑line treatment to children and young people whose bedwetting has not responded to advice on fluids, toileting or an appropriate reward system
Desmopressin is indicated for use in those who have daytime urinary wetting only T/F
But it can be used in patients who have both daytime and nocturnal enuresis
Desmopressin use is CI in those with sickle cell disease T/F
F - but it must be stopped during times of crisis
Desmopressin can be used for nocturnal enuresis for those > 7 yrs only T/F
F - can consider in those 5-7 yrs
Roughly how many newborns will have hearing loss?
1-2 in 1,000
Note: this number increases to 1 in 100 if they have spent at least 48 hours in special care
Emotional deprivation is a known cause of speech delay T/F
Other known causes: any type of learning disability, hearing defects, CP, autism, developmental expressive aphasia
When does the Morro reflex disappear?
Around 4 months, persistence past 6 months is always abnormal
When does the palmar reflex disappear?
Around 3 months
Which is the last of the postural reflexes to develop?
Parachute reflex . Develops around 9 months, around the time the baby is learning to balance and sit unsupported.
At what age should a child be able to write their name?
5 yrs
At what age should a child with a squint be referred for work up?
Over 6 months old. However can wait up to 18 month if transient and only lasting a few seconds
By what age would a neat pincer grasp be demonstrated?
By 12 months
Building a tower of three cubes and following a one step command - what age?
By 18 months
In a patient with nocturnal enuresis and only a partial response to desmopressin the next medication is imipramine T/F
F - imipramine is used for this; but first should try to add an anticholingeric.
Note: anticholinergic should not be used for those with nocturnal enuresis without daytime wetting and it should not be combined with tricyclic therapy.
Paiget stages of development of cog abilities?
0-2 yrs - sensory motor
2-7 pre operational
7-11 concrete operational
11+ formal operational
A children should be referred for a hearing test if they have no single words by what age? And no intelligible speech by what age?
18 month for single word
3 yrs for intelligible speech
Other indications: parental concern, strong family history of congenital deafness or bacterial meningitis
What age should a child be able to copy a circle
3 yrs
What age should a child be able to count to 10?
4 yrs
Also should be able to copy a cross, draw a person with 3 parts and stand on one foot well
Menstrual cycle which comes first follicular phase or luteal?
Follicular (d 1-14)
During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle there is an increase in oestrogen what does this lead to?
Increase in LHRH and decrease in FSHRH
At what age would a child be expected to fix and follow through 90 degrees in horizontal field?
6 weeks
Also: startle to loud noises and smile (but not social)
At what age would a child be expected to fix and follow in vertical and horizontal field?
12 - 16 weeks
A 2 yr old would usually share their toys and play with others? T/F
F - this would be more typical of a 4 yr old
A 2 yr old would play alone, “alongside” other children but not with them
At what age can a child draw a diamond?
7 yrs
A 7 yr old can also write their full name, and write the numbers up to 9
At what age can a child draw a person with defined features, such as hands and feet
8 yrs
At what age can a child write their first name?
6 yrs
Should also be able to draw a slanted rectangle
When should a child start to show hand preference?
18 months
When do the first teeth usually erupt in children?
Around 6 months
At what age should a child pull to sit?
6 months
Note: also transferring objects from hand to hand, follow objects with eyes, rolling front to back, babble and laugh, recognise parental voices
At what age should a child pivot to reach objects?
9 months
Note: also finger feed
At what age should a child walk up stairs with support?
16-18 months
Note: without support is 24 months
At what age should a child be able to bounce and catch a ball?
5 yrs
At what age should a child be able to pull and push large wheeled toys?
2 yrs
Note: should also be able to squat to play with toys on the floor
At what age should a child be able to run on tip toes?
3 years
Up until what age is separation anxiety normal?
3-4 yrs of age
Note: equal in boys and girls
When should the moro reflex and the stepping reflex persist until?
Stepping about 2 months
Moro reflex until about 4 months
A child can build a tower of 9 blocks, what age would this be expected?
3 yrs
Hopping is typical of what age?
4 yrs
Enuresis is defined as bedwetting past what age?
Past 6 yrs old
A patient with an IQ of 55 is considered to have what type of intellectual disability?
Note: > 70 normal, 70-50 mild; 49-35 moderate; 34-20 severe; <20 v severe
At what age would a pt be expected to start mirroring simple facial expressions such as smiling or frowning?
4 months (16 weeks)
At what age would you expect a child to wave bye bye?
12 months
At what age would you expect a child to indicate toilet needs?
18 months
At what age would you expect a child to finger feed?
9 months
Note: also pivots to reach objects
At what age should a child be able to say their full name?
3 yrs old
Around what age should a child have understanding of object permanence?
12 months