development pt. 2 Flashcards
what is development
how a country is growing economically and giving people better living standards and quality of life
what is inequality
the difference in levels of developments between and within a country
what is GNP per capita
total value of goods and servies produced by a country
what is literacy rate
percentage of adults that can read or write
what is infant mortality
number of children that die before the age of one
what is life expectancy
average number of years people are expected to live
what the the reasons for wealth inequality between countries
- length of time for development to occur
- impact of colonisation left on the country
- higher presence or higher absence of raw materials
- development of activities like tourism, manufacturing etc
- presence of ports for transport
- government policies
- level of corruption in a country
- level of education promoting more skilled or unskilled workforce
- trade policies
- presence of TNCS
- war
- lack of diversification
reasons for wealth inequality within countries
- some parts have more resources
- some parts have more energy supplies
- some parts have more water supplies
- some parts have more fertile soil
- some parts have more employment in tourism, industry etc
- some parts have more accessibility
- some parts have better access to education
-some parts have better access to healthcare
-some areas are urban some are rural - some areas have ports
- some have more governments investing
- extreme of climate
- mountain areas tend to be less developed
- civil wars
what is the employment structure
a structure of different % of people employed in each industrial sector
what is globalization
globalization is the process by which the world is becoming more interconnected at the result of trade and cultural exchange
reasons for globalization
- to make more money
- easy movement of goods and people across the globe
- reduced cost of transport
- makes trade cheaper
- easier to communicate and share information freely around the world
- growth of TNCs
- growth of social media
- LECDs have higher skills levels and cheap labour
positive impacts of globalization
- faster economic growth
- access to new technologies
- jobs for people in developing countries
- cheaper imports
- greater competition
- efficient world competition
negative impacts of globalization
- TNCs are responsible for global warming
- depletion of resources
- exploiting labour
- loss of culture
- government has little control over countries
- polluting industries
- developed countries interfering in matters of developing countries