development part 3 Flashcards
Axon guidance is ______ between intermediate targets
Layered on top of _________, receptor expression can _____ in response to the environment.
antagonistic gradients. change. In this way axons can be attracted and repelled by the same structure.
Normal development requires______.
In many developmental situations, extra cells/tissues are formed, which are pruned back during later development.
Input neurons ______ for target neurons
By competing, the strongest and best placed cells survive.
Trophic factors
Target neurons secrete trophic factors that help keep cells alive.
Trophic factors induce pro-survival activities,
while their absence causes pro-apoptotic activities.
The default behavior for many developing neurons is to die! These trophic factors keep them alive.
Rita Levi-Montalcini,
Got her medical degree in 1936 from the University of Turin
she began working as a research assistant in neurobiology
Why did Rita Levi-Montalcini lose her jobafter only 2 years of working?
Italy’s fascist regime barred Jews from
working in major professions.
What did Rita Levi-Montalcini do after she got owned?
she set up a makeshift laboratory in her bedroom where she began studying the development of chicken embryos, which would later lead to her scientific breakthrough.
What did Rita Levi-Montalcini do in 1943, when the Nazis invaded Italy?
She fled to Florence and lived underground, assuming false identities.
what did Rita Levi-Montalcini discover and where?
By 1947, Levi-Monalcini was based at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, where she eventually became a full professor.
It was here that she continued her work into cell development and discovered the nerve growth factor.
Multiple axons from motor neurons can innervate a single muscle fiber.
Maturation involves pruning extra axonal projections so
there is one motor nerve per muscle fiber.
What happens to trophic factors encountered by the axon?
Trophic factors encountered by the axon are transported back on the axon to the cell body.
Muscle fiber stimulation _______ the elimination of all but
____ input.
Synapse elimination at the NMJ requires_____.
Blocking a small subset of post-synaptic acetylcholine
receptors leads to
recptor loss and axon retraction.