Development of the Urinary System Flashcards
What is the primordia of the lung?
intermediate column and splanchnopleure of the hindgut
intermediate column develops a ______ along its length consisting of a medial _____ and lateral _____
urogenital ridge
gonadal ridge
nephrogenic cord
What are the series of three embryonic kidneys?
metanephros (functioning kidney)
mesonephric duct (wolffian duct)
a structure in the UG ridge that connects mesonephric tubules in the nephrogenic cord with the hindgut cloaca
it is the embryonic ureter
Where do permanent kidneys develop from?
mesodermal ureteric bud off the mesonephric duct near the cloaca
invades the metanephric mass of the intermediate mesoderm (nephrogenic cord)
significant events in early kidney development
intermediate column develops a urogenital ridge
primary germ cells migrate from the gut tube into the gonadal ridge
nephrogenic cord forms
mesonephric duct connects mesonephric tubules in the nephrogenic cord with the hindgut cloaca
permanent kidneys develop from the mesodermal uteric bud, which invades the metaneprhic mass
significant events of later development of the kidneys
developing kidney migrates from pelvis to posterior abdominal wall
cloaca expands and divides into two parts, rectum and urogenital sinus
cloaca becomes the UG and anal membranes
paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts invaginate on the lateral surface of each UG ridge and fuse in the midline
a small genital tibercle develops
pelvic kidney
when the kidneys fail to ascend
horseshoe kidney
when the inferior poles of the kidneys fuse in the pelvis
during ascent, they hook around the inferior mesenteric artery off the aorta as a horseshoe kidney
What does the cloaca divide into?
rectum and urogenital sinus
exstrophy of the bladder
an inferior abdominal wall defect resulting from improper folding of the gastrula during the fourth week
a think UG membrane may rupture, and the mucosa of the posterior bladder wall protrudes through the defect
paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts
ducts that invaginate into the lateral surface of each UG ridge and fuse in the midline
significant events of the indifferent stage
8 weeks
all embryos have a single, common set of UG structures:
gonads attached medially to the mesonephros (from the genital ridges)
mesonephric (wolffian ducts)
paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts
UG sinus
genital tubercle (phallus)
labioscrotal folds
metanephric diverticulum (ureteric bud)
originates from the mesonephric duct, but soon makes its own connection to the cloaca
gives rise to ureters, renal pelvis, calyces, and collecting ducts and tubules in the pyramids
significant events after 8 weeks of development
kidneys ascend and the bladder develops from the UG sinus above the entrance of the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts
lower part of the UG sinus develops into the urethra and related glands in both sexes
the allantois degenerates to form the urachus, a permanent fibrous cord
the ductules of the testis and the mesonephric duct will become the ductus deferens and epididymis
mesonephric mesoderm
gives rise to kidney nephrons
congenital anomalies involveing the urachus
lumen may persist as urachal cysts
sinuses (blind pouches) can extend from the navel and/or bladder
multiple reanal arteries
persistence of new arteries that connect with the metanephric kidneys as they ascend
a lower renal artery supplying the inferior pole of the kidney may compress the ureter that causes urinary distension of the renal pelvis and calyces
abnormal divisions of the ureteric bud
can form a double renal pelvis or ureter
if the metanephric mesoderm is involved, there iwll be a double kidney on one side
How does renal agenesis occur?
if the ureteric bud does not engage the metanephric mesoderm
too little amniotic fluid
indicates renal agenesis