development of the fruit and seed Flashcards
define a fruit
a structure developing from the ovary wall containing one or more seeds
define a seed
a structure developed from the fertilised ovule containing an embryo and food store enclosed within the Testa
outline the events of the formation of a fruit and seed
1) the diploid zygote divides by mitosis becoming an embryo consisting of a plumule and radicle, along with one or two cotyledons
2) the triploid endosperm develops into a food store providing nutrients for the developing embryo
3) outer integuments dry out, harden and becomes waterproof becoming Testa
4) the ovule becomes the seed
5) the ovary becomes the fruit
what does the triploid endosperm turn into
a food store or nutrient supply
what does the embryo consist of
1) the plumule which is the developing shoot
2) the radical which is the developing root
what do the outer integument walls turn into
the testa
what turns into the seed
the ovule comprising of the embryo, endosperm and testa
what is a dicotyledon
a species whose seeds have two cotyledons where the embryo lies between them and the endosperm is absorbed into the cotyledons
what is a monocotyledon
a species seed who only has one cotyledon and the endosperm remains as the food store and the cotyledon remains small and doesn’t develop further
give an example of a dicotyledon and monocotyledon
D- broad bean
M= maize
compare a monocotyledon and dicotyledon
m= one cotyledon seed, leaf veins are parallel, vascular bundle scattered in stems and roots
d- 2 cotyledons, leaf veins form a network, vascular bundles in a ring in stems and in the centre of roots