Development of Elite Performers in Sport Flashcards
What is talent ID?
Multi- disciplinary screening of athletes in order to identify those with potential for world class success
What are personal factors to develop elite performers?
- Commitment and self- discipline
- Determination to succeed and mentally tough
- Highly motivated
- High pain tolerance
- Willing to sacrifice
What are some socio- cultural factors to develop elite performers?
- High socio- economic status
- Evidence of equal opportunities
- Supportive + high quality education
- High levels of media coverage
What are some organisers involved with Talent ID?
- UK Sport
- NGB’s
- Clubs
What is UK Sport’s mission and main role?
Mission - Work in partnership to lead sport in the UK to world class success, concerned with high performance sport
Main Role - Strategically invest and distribute national lottery funding for elite development in order to maximise the performance of UK athletes in the Olympic games
What are the core responsibilities of UK sport?
- Performers
- Investing in sport
- Major Events
- Talent ID
- Coaching
- Leadership development
What are some partner organisations of UK sport?
- British Olympic Association
- Sportsaid
- Sport England
How do the English Institute of Sport generate income?
- Receive a grant of £40m over 4 years from UK sport (wholly owned by UK sport)
- Generates its own income by providing services to NGB’s such as performance and analysis
What is an acronym for the role of the EIS?
S - Sport science and sport medicine performance
P - performance lifestyle programmes are provided
O - organisations work in partnership
R - research and innovation
T - top quality facilities and high level coaches provided
What to NGB’s do and the acronym?
Help ensure the development of elite performance - PAMPER
P - positive role models to promote target groups
A - accessible facilities
M - meet government policies on sport
P - policies put in place to target under represented groups eg ethnic minorities
E - employment
R - resources invested in inner city areas
What are some key features of NGB’s whole sport plans?
- Lottery funded
- NGBs submit their plans on what investment they need
- Approved by Sport England and they give out funding
What is the performance pathway team?
EIS and UK sport expertise used to identify and develop world class talent
What are some of the different types of performance pathway team?
Pathway education - opportunity to develop coaches linked to elite performer development
Pathway analytics - meaningful measurements of effectiveness
Pathway strategy - assists sports to develop and have clear progressive pathways
What 2 levels does UK sport operate at?
Podium - supporting athletes with realistic medal winning capabilities at the next Olympic games
Podium Potential - compromising of athletes whose performances have suggested that they have realistic medal winning capabilities for Olympics
What are some of the UK sport objectives as a result to staging a major event in the UK?
- Supporting high performance success
- Creating high profile opportunities to engage in sport
- Using the legacy of London 2012 and Glasgow 2014
- Driving positive economic and social impacts in UK
What is the acronym for successful talent ID?
T - testing facilities are high standard
A - analysis of performance via a clear database
L - links between organisations involved in talent ID
E - equal opportunities
N - national development squads
T - talent spotting via high quality coaches
What are the phases of the UK talent team?
Talent ID - phase 1: range of generic physical and skill based tests
Talent development - phase 2/3: more detailed assessments
Talent confirmation - confirmation phase: 6-12 months, fully immersed in sport
Talent Transfer