development of both gonads Flashcards
urogenital system development arises from what?
the intermediate mesoderm
excretory ducts enter a common cavity (cloaca)
what is the urogenital ridge?
gives rise to gonads - testes or ovaries
ductal system
what is the cloaca?
gives rise to anal canal (posteriorlly)
and gives rise to urogenital sinus (anteriorly)
where is cloaca in close relation to?
week 4-6 marks what journey of the PGC’s
- PGC’s within the yolk sac migrate via dorsal mesentery to intermediate mesoderm (genital ridges)
coelomic epithelium profilerates and thickens to form what?-
genital ridges
proliferating epithelium will form somatic support cells which envelop the PGCs and forms what?
primitive sex cords
what are the 2 types of ducts the urogenital ridge gives rise to?
- wolffian duct (mesonephric duct)
- mullerian duct (paramesonephric duct)
- gubernaculum sits in between 2 structures
male XY - changes occur where in gonads
- medulla
female XX - changes occur where in gonads
cortex of gonads
what is the Sry gene?
- expressed if on Y chromosome
- if expressed gives rise to TDF - testes determining factor which gives rise to testes
Sry protein stimulates formation of what cell?
- sertoli cells which secrete MIF and stimulates gonadal ridge cells to form leydig cells to make testosterone
testosterone being produced by leydig cells stimulate what duct to form what structures?
wolffian ducts to form epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles
if Sry negative what happens?
no TDF production therefore ovaries arise
as there is no production of sertoli cells = no MIF which means what for female reproductive tract?
stimulation of mullerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts) which allows for development of fallopian tubes, uterus, upper 2/3 of vagina
what is the gubernaculum?
guides descent of male or female reproductive system
in the male what is the direction of travel of gonads?
abdominal cavity to scrotum
pull down testes, male ductal system and blood vessels to help with formation of spermatic cord
in female what direction of travel of gonads?
guides ovaries/ductal system into pelvis
ligaments prevent its full descent through inguinal ring
- ovarian and round ligament assist here
what hormone is involved in production of male external genitalia
what hormone is involved in production of female external genitalia
testes descend into scrotum when?
26 weeks and is complete around 35 weeks (8 months)
before descent testis connect to what 2 structures?
- CSL - cranial suspensory ligament
- gubernaculum
- attaches the developing gonad to the posterior abdominal wall
- ligament that attaches to inferior part of the testis to developing scrotum
wolffian duct?
- forms epididymis and vas deferens
mullerian duct?
regresses in males
2 phases of testis descent?
transabdominal phase - week 7-8 (gubernaculum enlarges, testis moves closer to future inguinal canal)
inguinoscrotal phase - 25-35
(gubernaculum elongates towards the scrotum, testis follows and enters the scrotum)
testis descent, what could go wrong?
congenital cryptorchism
inguinal hernia or hydrocele
acquired cryptorchidism