development block Flashcards
L1 - Poverty and Development
Myth of developed/ developing world
Global consensus on aims- the millennium development goals or mdgs
Critcal questions about mdgs
Sustainable developemnt goals and global challenges
L1 - poverty and development
what were the 8 goals of millenium development goals
eradicate extreme poverty and hunger—targets include halving the proportion of people living in poverty and suffering from hunger;
achieve universal primary education;
promote gender equality and empower women—targets include eliminating gender disparity in education, employment, and political representation;
reduce child mortality—target of reducing child mortality rate by two-thirds;
improve maternal health—targets to reduce maternal mortality ratio by 75%, universal access to contraception;
combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases—halt and reverse spread of HIV/AIDS and incidence of malaria;
ensure environmental sustainability—reduce biodiversity loss and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, halve proportion of people with access to improved water and sanitation; and
develop a global partnership for development—debt relief for least developed countries, increase development assistance, and access to information technology