Development and Resource Issues 📈 Flashcards
What are the four measures of global patterns of development?
• ECONOMIC- increased employment and rising income
• SOCIAL- rising life expectancy and access to healthcare, water and education
• POLITICAL- stable governt and freedom of speech
• ENVIRONMENT- sustainability, preservation and rest of natural environment
Describe the development gap, continuum and how development is measured. What are some problems??
• BRANDT LINE= north south divide
Becoming less and less relevant tbh due to MINT countries and NICS.
Continuum better- sliding scale, ranked in gross national income per capita-
- Upper middle
- Lower middle
- NICS= massive recent boost in development
Maybe Mumbai?
How is economic development measured?
• GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
• GNI (Gross national income)
• employment- how formal the work is/ what work they do
• poverty- less than $1.90 a day
What are the limitations of evidence of development?
• measure wealth, not social factors
• do not recognise disparity/ inequality within a country
• do not consider COST OF LIVING
UNITED NATIONS uses HDI (human development index), which combines life expectancy, education and per capita.
EMPHASISE that QUALITY OF LIFE should be the ultimate measure of a counties development, not economic growth alone
How does trade operate? How could this cause uneven development?
1) GLOBAL TRADE- value of exports higher than cost of imports, country makes money. MANY LICS exploited bc dependant on it but HICS have the power to go wherever cheapest- limited purchasing power.
• lics export low value goods ie Malawi = little income, borrow money, further dept, detrimental to development
• also LICS disadvantaged by protection policies: tariffs and quotas. However, positives inc subsidies- government benefits
2) FREE TRADE- without limits, tarrifs or control. More job opportunities, both directly and indirectly, More choice and lower prices. Happens in TRADE BLOCS. A= large workforce and make more money = develop
D= country swamped by cheap imports, damage own industry.
Explore advantages and disadvantages of belonging to a Trade Bloc
• NO TAXES = goods cheaper
• WIDER VARIETY= inc qu o/ life
• QUOTAS= stop markets being flooded with cheap goods
• discourages international buying which does one of two things:
1) lower product quality, ie eu bananas
2) LICs out of loop= cheaper elsewhere
• depends on politics and continues success of EU
How have the patterns of development changed?
Pt 2= what characteristics an NIC
WORLD BECOMING INC INTERDEPENDENT bc massively increased trade and growth of NICS.
Whilst ur at it, what characterises a NIC?
• rapid eco growth
• industrialisation and urbanisation
• foresight investment
• infrastructure
• dev o/ MNCs
• expansion of domestic market
Compare a LIC to a NIC regarding government and qu o/ life
LIC- Malawi
Agriculture 84% labour and 85% of export earnings.
90% exported to UK and South Africa
Dependent on aid from world bank &IMF
NIC- Vietnam
Thirty years ago rlly poor. 1986 communist government= eco and pol reforms. Population embraced liberalisation, opened up to foreign investment and heavy invested in education.
ATT BIG COMPANIES IE SAMSUNG. Also big clothing companies= large exporters.
2002-2018, 45 million out of poverty
How does Global trade change?
1) Technology and communication
2) improved transport
3) restrictions on trade lifted
4) growth of MNCS
What are the impacts of MNCs on the country? (Yes that’s right, massive case study time) 👟
1) PROVIDES JOBS and skills for people
2) MULTIPLIER EFFECT spreads wealth out > INC QU O/ LIFE of workers
3) competition encourages improved quality of products
1) profits sent back to HIC
2) DOES NOT support local companies
3) if an MNC finds it cheaper to operate in a diff country, move
4) EXPLOITATION- lack of international laws= child labour, unsafe cond, etc
Give an example of an MNC in an LIC
• worlds most valuable clothing brand 2025
• valued at $137 billion
• MNC operates and sells in over 140 countries
Benefits- substantial employment, (40,000 jobs) higher than average wages, cumulative causation (attract other companies (MNCs)), exports high, more formal work, MORE TAX.
G9- Vietnam attracts MNCs which boosts local economy and job offers. Competition between MNCs= higher pay and rights
Disadvantages- BEHIND SWOOSH- suffer sexual and verbal abuse, lack of healthcare and compulsory overtime; child labour; undermine culture; HUGE fossil fuel demand. Company image undermine national culture, political influence.
G9- easily go to another country with worse laws/ that is poores, ie late 1980s labour costs in Korea rose, moved to Indonesia. GIVES COUNTRY NO STABILITY!!
OUTSOURCING- giving work to everyone else and not paying fairly, ie factory owner takes 100x, each worker gets x.
What are key drivers of the Tourism economy?
- ageing population= more people surviving and going on holiday
- modern aircrafts = cheaper and more comfortable
- holiday companies= booking easier and more affordable
- internet growth= ppl make own travel and arrangements
What is Enclave tourism? What has contributed to it? Why is it a problem?
Enclave tourism is where people pay one for all.
As a result of TECHNOLOGY:
Trip advisor, check price, research, booking flights, ADVERTISEMENT, comparison, choice and control, convenience.
Problem bc all money goes back to tourism companies= no money spent in local places? Which does not boost economy
Furthermore, all culture can be lost and it county can become overly dependent
G9- dependency can cause eco crisis if due to CC, climate too hot for tourists, ie The Gambia
Explore different eco, soc, pol viewpoints on tourism.
❤️ direct and indirect employment, job opportunities, indirect effects= everyone benefit, boost local economy, formal work
🖤 tourists attracted to holiday deals/ packages, DEPENDANCY
❤️ multiplier fx- more disp income and afford more- inc qu o life. Invest in companies (ind spending)
🖤 locals not allowed on beaches, culture destroyed, conflict between tourists and locals.
❤️ money means inv in green tech
🖤 marshlands and beaches destroyed, planes, marine life affected
What is Leakage? Why is it an issue?
Tourists book all inclusive
Between 40-80% goes to MNCs- profit HICs
Talk about informal economy x
Informal economy- beach massages, fruit sellers, souvenir shops etc- DO NOT help country develop and no tax payed
Case study on tourism in a NIC
- Mexico is an emerging market- developing nation inc engaged with global markets.
Cancun loc in Mexico on the peninsula. East of country and East of Mexico.
- 97 million tourists, 2019, 4th in World
- 5.6 million Mexicans directly employed. MULT EFFECT
- Enclave tourism and Leakage
The Gambia
THE GAMBIA- of an age group.
- LIC in West Africa. Borders Atlantic Ocean and borders Sengal.
- in poorest 25% of countries
- 75% employed in agriculture.
- Too hot in summer, don’t earn enough in Winter= lack of regular income, unable to sustain families in winter.
- locals dependant on tourism for money.
G9- as global working worsens, climate too hot for tourists, less tourism, economical crisis
How can international aid reduce inequality?
• Bilateral aid- between two countries. Tied aid
• Multilateral aid= money donated by richer countries
• Short term aid
• Long term aid-
• Dept abolition
• NGOs ie oxfam
Why might countries need Aid? What are potential issue regarding it?
- war, famine, natural disasters, corruption, drought, general development.
- mostly given by HICS (G7 countries)
Mostly Germany, followed by France then UK. (uk dipped pandemic 😷)
2010, UK gave India most aid.
- corruption in country= money not go to Aid
- Food and money given to Ethiopia in 1980s used to feed and pay military
- Tied aid
Mawali and Jpn
• farmers, Tobacco.
• landlocked= little export
• HIV and AIDS
• 53% pov
• dem for tobacco= deforestation
• lake for hydroelectric power, ⚡️ washed away (Middle Shire)
AID- COVAMS, saving the soil, funded by Japan. This provides
• education abt soil erosion
• training on pres wildlife
• build barriers
• afforestation
Japan good relationship, to become part of UN Security Council, selling products
What are the aims/ benefits of Fairtrade?
+ stable wages and safe working conditions
+ restriction on child labour
+ protection of the environment
+ SOCIAL PREMIUM- improves schools and healthcare
Case study on Fairtrade?
+ western part of Africa.
+ South of Brandt line
+ directly north of Atlantic Ocean= good for trade.
BEFORE= scales incorrect= exploitation of people, unfair pricing
+ 2.5 million grow cocoa as main crop
+ 90% grown in smallholdings (tiny farms)
+ most export. 75% to EU
+ wells and pipes = good access to clean, healthy water
+ farmers interest at heart, checking welfare officers
+ investment in education
+ farmers voice heard
+ 45% goes to them
+ community
+ training camps
+ Kuapa Kokoo, farmers co-operative
+ Divine chocolate= 1998
Arguments for and against AID
+ saves lives and reduces misery
+ long term impact on qu o/ life
+ jobs
+ improves health
- increase dependency on donor country
- profits go to multi nationals
- can be kept by corrupt officials
- spent on prestige areas
- weapon to exert political pressure on receiving country
Why has water consumption increased?
+ increasing population- 1.6 billion in 1900 to 7 billion today
+ agricultural change
+ economic development- as countries develop, so will desire for H2O
+ growth of consumerism.
-> only 3% drinkable
Water 👣?
(3 stats)
70% food and drink
20% industry
10% household
Talk about disparity and deprivation caused by water, including how it can limit potential of women in LICs (T)
HICS- lots bc extraction is expensive and non essential needs.
HOWEVER, high rainfall (ie Pakistan) use more water pp even tho UK has higher GNI.
LICS- pay 50x what we do per amount.
RURAL AFRICA= can cause issues. Must be collected over long distances.
90% by women and kids= restricts women having full education> restrict opportunities> cont belief women are inferior> cycle cont.
STUDY IN TANZIA= reducing journey by 15 mins inc att to skl by 12%
What is water security? What can cause scarcity?
+ people have safe and affordable water to remain healthy
+ sufficient for agriculture and industry
+ sufficient to preserve ecosystems
+ protected from hazards ie drought x
750 million people take it for granted.
Economic- there, not available
Physical- literally not enough- ie low rain
CLIMATE CHANGE= impact number and distribution of places suffering in future
What strategies can be put in place to manage water supply?
+ dams and reservoirs - electricity too
+ water transfer schemes- ie Lesotho
+ desalination-
+ abstraction of groundwater- ie India
+ water conservation- dual flush toilets, water meters
+ using grey water for things like toilets
Colorado river case study surrounding uses, users, economic, social and environmental impacts
Do u remember how long it is 😊
Colorado river
+ flows through seven states
= ends up in Mexico, flows through gulf of California
+ 2334 KM long
Too much demand, not enough supply, used for standard.
California- 26% Colorado- 24%, whilst Nevada= 2%
+ Only 1% reaches Mexico, when dry none.
+ ruin habitats
+ water pollution
+ disagreement between states
+ jobs and hydroelectric power
+ indigenous people forced out
+ high standard of living in Cali
+ tourism ie vegas
+ California- lots money, Mexico, little
70,000 people visit hoover dam a year
Case study on water selling/ sharing
+ Lesotho highlands water project is an example of a large scale water transfer scheme- 40% Africa
+ Dams, ie katzhe= extra water and 1000 MW electricity to Lesotho
75% income
Hydroelectric power
Roads in highlands = access
20,000 jobs
Fams collect till dam comp
Land flooded
No compensation for displacement
Borrowed 30 million must be payed back
Accessible and cheap
Benefit h.e power
Price uncertain
Talk about an example of a small scale water project
WaterAid in Mawali
- 34 countries,
- repairs hand pumps, imp hygiene etc
- toilets too. Neat!
Give an example of over extraction of groundwater
- gw= 65% in agriculture and 85% in domestic,
- stored in aquafers
Give an example of regional inequality within a country
Developed in four ways=
• education- 46-96% in school
• healthcare
• cars
• imports
119 billionaires whilst 175 million live in poverty
Causes include:
• disparity in government funding
> each state responsible for providing healthcare and education.
• Costal regions (ie Mumbai) traditionally benefitted from ports, in contrast to landlocked locations such as Bihar
• Climatic differences ie Rajhistan in NW often affected by crop facilitate do to monsoon
• caste system
• discrimination against young women- although dowry illegal still prevalent
• harsh cycles of poverty
82% live in rural.
Many farm workers and labourers
Corrupt government
Av income per capita= £500 p. a
Some of largest cities inc Mumbai
Centre of banking, manufacturing and industry
Av income per capita = £2000 p. a
Give an example of economic development patterns within the UK
= perceived economic differences between Southern England and rest of UK
- M4 motorway corridor= modern high tech companies
- reasearch development in London and SE England 53% all government funding (2018)
- 40% more likely tip gcse grades
- airports
- North deindustrialisation bc trading
- London global centre
North has
• lower pay
• higher unemployment
• low government spending per person
• low house prices
• higher shop vacancies
• lower quality of health (lower addiction etc)
Direct comparisons:
• 2020, 6.6% unemployed north whereas 3.3 south
• house prices= 2018, 114000 in north whereas 500,000 London
• Sheffield life expectancy is 78 for men and 82 for women, south is 83 for men and 87 for women
Give a specific example of effects on a city in the North and attempts to help the city (Sheffield)
SHEFFIELD- deindustrialisation
Since 1970s, over 100,000 lost their jobs
• imp water and air quality
• diversification
• regeneration of brownfield sites
• derelict land
• greenfield sites
• traffic
Sheffield city region interpose zone
What are positive and negative multipliers
• one action which leads to a chain reaction of good or bad events
Ie positive-
New industry= new jobs, new companies > include spending power > higher salaries > re invested > more popular
Ie negative
Shops close > derelict shops > unemployment, less money spent > poverty and less money > graffiti, ppl move away, poor retail quality > area declines
TIP- use a flow diagram :)
How can national policies help reduce the inequalities in the North?
- government developing power in the North ie £1 billion given to elected mayor 2017 to improve breather Manchester’s infrastructure
- ‘Northern Powerhouse project’ - turn norths population of 15 mill into a powerhouse to attract new business
- improve transport ie high speed 2
- relocation of MNCs to north