Development and psychology Flashcards
what happens in week one of fetal development
fertilization occurs, zygote goes heads to uterus 3 days after it becomes the morula that enters the uterus the morula creates a cavity with 2 layers - blastocyst and trophoblast which implants into the uterus
what is simple diffusion transporting across the placenta
water oxygen electrolytes vitamins
what is facilitated diffusion transporting across the placenta
glucose, oxygen
what is active transport transporting across the placenta
amino acids, calcium, iron, water soluble vitamins,
what is pinocytosis/endocytosis transporting across the placenta
globulins, antibodies, virus,
what is bulk flow & solvent drag transporting across the placenta
water and electrolytes
what is accidental capillary breaks transporting across the placenta
intact blood cells
what is independence movement transporting across the placenta
maternal leukocytes and microorganisms
what is a diagnostic test
confirms the presence of disease or disorder
what is striae gravidarum
stretch marks
what is the fetal period
9 week- 38 week where additional growth and development of organs and body systems
what happens in week three of fetal development
primitive streak, development of notochord (helps vertebrae development), differation of three germ layers
what happens in the vagina/vulva when pregnant
vaginal mucous thickens, rugae (ridges/wrinkles in vagina) become more prominent, increase leukorrhea (discharge), pH becomes more acidic
what is the Alpha-fetoprotein test - what do low/high levels mean
maternal blood sample, low levels may indicate trisomy 18 high levels may indicate neural tube defects
what is amnion fluid made by, how much is there
made by chorion and amnion it increases from 30 ml at 10 weeks to 350ml at 20 weeks to 800-1000ml at 37 weeks it is filtered and replaced every 4 hours by fetal breathing and kidney
what is the color. odor of amnion fluid
what is the function of amnion fluid
cushions, temp regulations, free movement, stops umbilical suppression
what is the pre-embryonic period
first 2 weeks after conception
what are the 1st prenatal labs
blood group, Rh factor, antibody screen, RpR/VDRL, HbSAG/HbSAB, CDC with differential, HIV, Sickle cell anemia, tb
what is Naegeles rule
can estimate DOB or EDB based on the last mensural cycle (if they have a 28 day cycle) add 7 days and 9 months to last mensural cycle
what happens in week 2 of fetal development
yolk sac develops, amniotic cavity appears, implantation of blastocyst complete
what are the presumptive ss of pregnancy
subjective- n/v, breast tenderness, missed period
what are the probable ss of pregnancy
objective- abd enlargement, hegars sign, goodell sign, chadwicks sign, positive pregnancy test
what are the positive ss of pregnancy
only 3 and only detected by examiner- ultrasound of fetus, fetal heart tone, fetal moments felt by qualified examiner
what is the amnion
thick membrane forms embryonic sac surrounding the fetus
what is the chronic villus sampling (cvs)
ultrasound guided needle aspiration of fetal tissue from placenta done at 8-13 weeks gestation
what are the risks of chronic villus sampling (cvs)
SAB, fetal limb reduction
what happens in week 4-7 of fetal development
embryonic disc forms into c shape, 4 limbs bud, eyes and ears begin to form, nervous system starts to develope
what is the embryonic period
3-8 week after conception greatest teratogen (any substance that can cause harm to fetus) differation of 3 germ layers
what are the 3 germ layers
Ectoderm - outer layer - skin, teeth, glands of mouth, nervous system
Endoderm - inner layer - epithelium of respiratory, digestive
Mesoderm- middle layer - connective tissue
what is included in the umbilical cord
2 arteries ( takes waste and co2), 1 vein (brings oxygen and nutrients
what is whartans jelly
connective tissue around arteries and vein in umbilical cord
what is an angioma
vascular spiders- tiny bluish arterioles in neck face arms and thorax
what happens in week 9-12 in fetal development
face recognizable at 10 weeks, external genitalia identifiable by 12 weeks, at 9 weeks liver serves as major site for RBC by 12 weeks spleen takes over urine production begins
what is deoxyribonucleic acid testing
prenatal testing for parents or postnatal testing for infant
what changes happen in the heart during pregnancy
heart shifts upwards and left
HR increases 10-15bpm, cardiac hypertrophy, systolic murmur
what do you do if you hear a systolic murmur on a pregnant patient
its normal, not a problem but should still be documented
what is the carrier screening
genetic testing to see if patients carry a specific trait to pass along to their children
what is the yolk sac
transfers nutrients to embryo during 2nd/3rd week , hematopoiesis occurs yolk sac incorporates into the umbilical cord
when does hematopoiesis occur
2nd/3rd week then gradually decreases at 8 weeks when fetal liver takes over and forms RBC
what is palmar erythema
red palms
what is preimplantation genetic diagnosis
genetic testing of IVF embryos, enabling identification of specific inheritable traits that can cause disease
what happens in week 8 of fetal development
clear distinction in upper and lower limbs, external genitalia established, main organ system developing, heart chamber functioning
what is cell free DNA testing
maternal blood sample to screen for certain genetic conditions like trisomy 13,18, 21
what happens to breasts during pregnancy
enlargement, fullness, tender, dark areolas
what are monozygotic babies
identical twins
how are monozygotic babies developed
Develope from 1 zygote genetically identical, look similar, same gender # of amnions and chorions depends on when the zygote seperates
if the zygote separates in the first 72 hours how are things divided
2 of everything
if the zygote separates 4-7th day
2 embryos 1 amnion 1 chorion
if the zygote separates 8 days how are things divided
2 embryos 1 amnion
if the zygote separates 9+ days how are things divided
the embryonic disc is incomplete which means conjoined twins
what happens in week 13-16 of fetal development
rapid growth, fetal movement occurs but not felt by mom, skeletal ossification occurs
is sex determined by mom or dad
how long is pregnancy
38-42 weeks
what are the 4 main hormones produced by placenta
human chorionic gonadotropin, human placental lactogen, pro-estrogen, estrogen
what does the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone do
produces proestrogen
what does the human placental lactogen hormone do
regulates glucose availability
what does proestrogen hormone do
thickens lining to accept egg, prevents muscle contractions from expelling egg
what does estrogen hormone do
helps regulate growth/ development and physiology of reproductive system
what does the placenta do
provides oxygen and nutrients to fetus waste elimination and provides hormones to maintain pregnancy
is transportation to fetus one directional or bidirectional
when does the placenta become fully established
8-10 weeks after conception
what is the human genome
complete copy of the genetic material in an organism
how to fetal lungs work in the womb
they are fluid filled 1st breath forces fluid out the pulmonary circulation and changes in thoracic pressure close the temporary structures - ductus venosus, foramen ovale, and ductus arteriolies
what is couvade syndrome
1st trimester father can experience maternal ss
how many sperms are released at ejaculation
200-600 million
how many sperms reach site
when is the window for opportunity to get pregnant
3 days before ovulation and 2 days after bc sperm can live up to 3-5 days, the ovum (egg) are vulnerable for fertilization up to 18-24 hours after ovulation
what does the placenta develop from
what is the process for implantation
after conception it stays in apulla for 24 hours, day 3-4 zygote divides and called morulla and goes to uterus once there its called blastosyst which contins inner mass of cells called embryoblasts and the embryo developes from that
what is a genotype
genetic makeup
what is a phenotype
observable expression of genetic makeup
what is a screening test
identifies patients who have a high risk of passing a disorder/ disease
what are the cervical changes that occur with pregnancy
chad wicks sign, hegars sign, and goodells sign
what is chadwicks sign
bluish discoloration of cervix
what is the antenatal period
starts with first day of the last menstral cycle and ends when labor begins
where does fertilization occur
outer 1/3 of fallopian tube 12-48 hours after fertilization
how many chromosomes are there in a human
how many chromosomes come from mom/dad
22 from mom and 23 from dad
a male has __ chromosomes and a female has __ chromosomes
male XY
female XX
what occurs in week 17-20 fetal development
growth slows, mom notices fetal movement, skin covered with vernix by 20 weeks, eyebrow and head hair begin, languo covers all parts of the body
what changes occur in the respiratory system during pregnancy
in response to increase estrogen levels congestion may occur, RR increases 1-2/min increase in O2 consumption 15-20%
what is fetal fibronectin test
helps determine potential risk for preterm labor, shouldnt be detectable in vaginal fluid between 22-35 weeks if its a + preterm delivery risk increased over 7-14 days
what is dizygotic babies mean
faternal babies
how are things divided for dizygotic babies
2 zygote the amnions and chorions are seperate the placentas could be fused
what happens in week 26-29 fetal development
when a fetus could survive if born, eyelids open, at 28 weeks bone marrow takes over RBC production
what changes happen in the muscoskeletal during pregnancy
calcium and phosphorus needs increase
what is the contraction stress test
helps predict how fetus will tolerate labor
what changes occur in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy
cardiac output increases, vasodilation decreases BP
what is the amniocentesis test
ultrasound guided needle aspiration of amniotic fluid to determine chromosome analysis done at 15-20 weeks
what is the risk for amniocentesis test
SAB, leaking amniotic fluid
why would you do a amniocentesis during 3rd trimester
to determine lung maturity
what is supine hypotension syndrome
supine weight of uterus against vena cava obstructing blood flow = decreased blood flow = decreased BP
what occurs in week 21-25 of fetal development
significant fetal weight gain, skin appears pink/red r/t blood flow, rapid eye movement begins at 21 weeks, at 24 weeks lungs secrete surfactant
what changes occur in the renal system during pregnancy
increases proestrogen relaxes urethra sphincter, musculature and bladder reduced so you need to pee every 2-3 hours
what is percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
ultrasound guided needle aspiration of fetal blood from umbilical cord
what occurs in week 30-34
pupillary light reflex
what changes occur in the GI system during pregnancy
increase uterine size pushes stomach and intestines to back and side resulting in decrease gastric motility, constipation, heart burn, faltulence
what is a level 2 ultrasound test
evaulates structural changes associated with genetic conditions
what is linea nigra
dark line extending from mons pubis towards umbilicus
what is fetal nuchal translucency test
intravaginal ultrasound measuring/identifying excess fluid on back of neck identifying trisomy 13, 18, 21 and turner syndrome
what is chloasma-melasma gradidarium
mask of pregnancy - dark brownish pigmentation around the hiarline brow, nose and cheeks
what is alpha fetal protein test
maternal blood test to check AFP (made by fetal liver) found in amniotic fluid passes through placenta- done around 15-20 weeks
why do we care about oral health during pregnancy
hypertrophy of gums causing decreased birth weight and preeclampsia
what changes occur in the mouth during pregnanacy
ptyalism gravidarium - excess salavation
hyperemesis - excess vomiting
pyrosis - heart burn
what occurs in week 35-40 in fetal development
35 week - strong grasp and orientation to light, 38-40 langou and vernix start to disappear
what is a fetal non stress test
using toco and ultrasound to look at fetal reactivity over 20-30 min