Development and Project Breifs - Falsh Cards - Level 1 Flashcards
Why do you undertake client briefing meetings?
When clint provides you the brief, enable better understanding of the projects so that a scope of services can be provided.
Why would you undertake a viability study?
The aim of a viability study is to determine if a project can be sustained in the long term - looking at success over the scope, resources, budget and timeline.
Why would you undertake a feasibility study?
To understand whether a project is feasible or not, may look at options of different ways of achieving the desired objective to determine cost, quality and programme implications.
What key information do you want to capture at briefing stage?
Key objectives / deliverables, budget, programme aspirations. Identify key stakeholders, and peoples involvement in the projects.
How could you assist a client in developing a brief?
Take the clients initial brief and interrogate what the key objectives from the project are and assist in compiling a brief that can be used to define a scope of services.
What key project information needs to be captured early on to enable a fee proposal to be put together?
Extent of requirement, whether it may just be feasibility or design. Brief, quality, programme cost requirements.
What would you advise a client if you were not competent in completing a project requested by the client?
I would advise the client that supply chain will be required on the project if it out of my scope.
Give some examples of specialist services that may be required?
Architectural services, Civils, Structural, M&E.
What surveys may you commission on a project?
Topographical, Utility, Ecological, Arbocultural, CCTV drainage, Structural assessment, Condition survey, Measured survey.
How can surveys help to develop a brief?
They can help to determine some unknowns to allow accuracy e.g. undertaking a condition survey to establish whether defect remediation allowances need to be made i.e. RBC
What is a project execution plan?
Outline show a project will be executed and managed. Includes project scope, budget, timeline, stakeholders, communication requirements, limitations, measurement of success.
What is included in a project execution plan?
Includes project scope, budget, timeline, stakeholders, communication requirements, limitations, measurement of success.
Can you assist your client in producing the project execution plan?
Yes, for the HDP project I assisted my client in producing the PEP for the programme of works.
What is a business plan?
Document which outlines a companies goals and how it intends to achieve them. SOR - Strategic plan, Operating plan, Resource plan.
How could you assist your client in developing a business plan?
I have assisted in undertaking a feasibility study which outlined options for refurbishing family hubs, this allowed my client to produce a business plan that was submitted to members for review and approval.
How do you establish contingency on a project?
Depending on complexity, refurbishment, risk allowances.
How do you inform on budgets of a project?
To inform budgets I work with a cost consultant, or I review previous projects that are similar and BCIS information.
How do you manage risk on a project?
Utilising risk registers that highlight threats to a project. On projects I continuously review and update issuing them to the client when appropriate.
What is included within a risk register?
The risk, RAG, severity rating, mitigation methods including costs, programme etc.
What is a project mandate/project charter?
Formal document issued after project initiation and before project planning. Issues all information and agreements for a project serving as the basis for planning, controlling and communicating on the project.
What is a SMART Target?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound
What additional client procedures may you want to obtain information on?
Governance, procurement - establish sufficient programme allowances?
What statutory requirements would you want to establish?
Planning, listed building, conservation area, asbestos, building regulations.