What are the four main aspects of development that are routinely assessed?
Gross motor
Fine motor and vision
Hearing, speech and language
Social behaviour and play
In terms of assessing gross motor ability of a new born, what should you be looking for?
Symmetrical movement of all four limbs
Normal muscle tone
In terms of assessing fine motor and visual ability of a new born, what should you be looking for?
Whether or the not the baby fixes on mother’s face and follows through 90 degrees
In terms of assessing hearing, speech and language ability of a new born, what should you be looking for?
There is also the national Newborn Hearing Screening Programme
In terms of assessing social behavior and play ability of a new born, what should you be looking for?
Whether or not the baby responds to being picked up.
What should a 6 week old be able to do in terms of gross motor development?
Have good head control when pulled up to sitting position or when held in ventral suspension
Have the Moro response (see next card)
What is the Moro response?
Extension of the arms, and then brisk adduction towards the chest when the infant is startled or if the baby’s head is allowed to drop back slightly. Should be symmetrical.
What should a 6 week old be able to do in terms of social development?
What should a 6-8 month old be able to do in terms of gross motor development?
Bears weight on legs Sits without support Forward & downward parachute response Crawls No longer exhibit Moro response
What should a 6-8 month old be able to do in terms of fine motor and visual development?
Reaches out to grasp
Fixes on small objects
Follows fallen toys
What should a 6-8 month old be able to do in terms of hearing and speech development?
Polysyllabic babbling
Responds to own name
Positive distraction hearing test
What should a 6-8 month old be able to do in terms of social behaviour and play development?
Puts everything to mouth
Hand and foot regard (bringing feet up to mouth)
Plays peek-a-boo
What are some of the red flags seen in babies who are 6-8 months old?
Persisting primitive reflexes (such as Moro response)
Hand preference, fisting, squint
What should a 12 month old be able to do in terms of gross motor development?
Gets to sitting position
Pulled to a standing position
Walks holding furniture
Walks 2 steps alone
What should a 12 month old be able to do in terms of fine motor and visual development?
Points with index finger
Throws objects
Pincer grip
Holds 2 bricks and bangs them together
What should a 12 month old be able to do in terms of hearing and speech development?
Turns to sound of name
Uses ‘mama’ and ‘dada’
Understands several words
What should a 12 month old be able to do in terms of social behaviour and play development?
Indicates wants without crying
Gestures such as waving
What are the red flags to look out for if reviewing a 12 month old?
Unable to sit or weight bear
Persistence of hand regard
Absence of babbling
What should a 18 month old be able to do in terms of gross motor development?
Carries toys while walking
Climbs stairs (14-22 months)
Climbs onto chair
What should a 18 month old be able to do in terms of fine motor and visual development?
Delicate pincer grasp
Turns pages
Builds tower of 3 or 4 bricks
What should a 18 month old be able to do in terms of hearing and speech development?
Jabbers Continually
Utters 3 or more words
Points to eyes, nose and mouth on direction
Obeys simple instructions – ‘close the door’
What should a 18 month old be able to do in terms of social behaviour and play development?
Holds spoon: gets food to mouth
Explores environment
Indicates toilet needs
What are the red flags to look out for if reviewing an 18 month old?
Inability to stand without support Inability to understand simple commands No spontaneous vocalisation No pincer grip Casting (throwing) still present
At what age should a child be able to sit unsupported?
8 months
At what age should a child be able to pull themselves to standing?
12 months
At what age should a child be able to walk a couple of steps alone?
12-14 months
At what age should a child be able to kick a ball?
18 months
At what age should a child be able to sit at the table?
2 years
At what age should a child be able to jump?
2 years
At what age should a child be able to stand on one leg?
3 years
At what age should a child be able to hop?
4 years
At what age should a child be able to catch a ball?
5 years
By what age should a child be able to scribble?
18 months
By what age should a child be able to draw a straight line?
2 years
By what age should a child be able to draw a square?
4 years
By what age should a child be able to draw a circle?
3 years
By what age should a child be able to draw a triangle?
5 years
By what age should a child be able to draw an intersecting cross?
3 years
By what age should a child be able to draw a diamond?
6 years
What are the red flags to look out for when reviewing a child of 3 years old?
Inaccurate use of spoon Not speaking in sentences Unable to understand simple commands Unable to use the toilet alone Not interacting with other children
What is the first sign of puberty in boys?
Development of axillary hair
Height spurt
Development of pubic hair
Increase in penis length
Increase in testicular volume
Increase in testicular volume