Development Across The Life Span Flashcards
Human Development
Scientific study of changes that occur in people as they age from conception until death.
The influence of our inherited characteristics on our personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions.
The influence of the environment on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth and social interactions.
Behavioral Genetics
This is the field of study where the researchers determine how much of behavior is the result of genetic inheritance and how much is due to a person’s experiences.
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid
Special molecule that contains the genetic material of an organism.
Section of DNA that has a certain pattern of chemical elements.
- Tightly wound strand of genetic material/ DNA
- Humans have 46 pairs of chromosomes
Determining traits
- Dominant= refers to a gene that actively controls the expression of a trait.
- Recessive= refers to a gene that only influences the expression of a trait.
Polygenetic Inheritance
This is the process by which a trait is influenced by more than one pair of genes.
Chromosome Disorders
- Down Syndrome = an extra chromosome on the 21st pair. Results in symptoms such as almond-shaped and wide set eyes, intellectual disability, and increased risk of organ failure.
- Klinefelter syndrome = an extra sex chromosome is on the 23rd pair (XXY). Results in a male having reduced masculine characteristics.
- Turner syndrome = a missing X chromosome from the XX pair. Results in females being short, infertile and sexually underdeveloped.
Fertilization and twins
Fertilization refers to the fusion of the ovum and the sperm.
Monozygotic twins - formed when the zygote splits into two separate masses of cells, and each develops into a separate embryo.
Dizygotic twins - formed when two egg cells get fertilized by two different sperm, resulting in the development of two zygotes in the uterus at the same time.
Germinal Period
- Involves the first 2 weeks after fertilization, during which the zygote moves down to the uterus and begins to implant in the lining.
**Mitosis occurs ( divides the zygote into mass cells to eventually form the baby).
**Attachment to the uterine wall (uterus: muscular organ that will contain and protect the developing organism).
**Formation of the placenta and umbilical cord
Stages of development
Germinal period - lasts about 2 weeks
Embryonic period - from 2 to 8 weeks
Fetal period - lasts from 8 weeks unit the end of pregnancy
Embryonic Period
A period of 2 to 8 weeks after fertilization, during high the major organs ad structure oof organism develops.
Developing organism now known as the embryo - heart begins to beat at the end of this period.
**critical period : a time when som environmental influences can have an impact on the developing infant.
**teratogens : any factor that can cause a birth defect.
Fetal Period
The time from about 8 weeks after conception until the bright of the baby.
Developing organism is now known as the fetus. (8 weeks after fertilization t the birth of the baby)
**significant weight and length development
**organ function
**development of fat
Infancy and childhood development
Time of rapid growth and development of the motor skills, cognitive abilities and sensory systems.
- Physical development [ motor, brain n=and sense development ]
- Cognitive development [ schema, simulation and accommodation ]
Psychosocial development [ attachment, temperament, identity (first 4 stages) ]