What are 4 elements to the definition of CP ? and what time period does it mostly happen ?
1) No-progressive brain damage
2) affecting motor
3) in the devloping brain
4) often associated with other limitations.
Most common- antenatal
intrapartum (10%)
post natal - very
Gross motor classification GMFC?
1) limited - essentially normal
2) may need assitance with a walker
3) short distance can use walker, longer - need wheel chair
5) - full ADLS needed - someone to transport
what are two most important rf for cp?
1) preterm birth
2) LBW
infections, fertility assitance
What is the 90th centile for newborn for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
G: Moro + flexed posture
F: hand grap, prim refle
S:root, suck, orteins, to sound, smiles to voice
C: Visual length about 10 inches ( 25 cm)
Soc: cries when oher cries
What is the 90th centile for TWO MONTHS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
G: head up 45 decrees F: hold placed rattly S:gurgles C: follows horizontal arc S: awake more during day
What is the 90th centile for 4 MONTHS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
g: asymmetrical atn
F: extends ar,s, reaches, grasps , can bring to midline
S: coo
C: wathes ahnd, explores environment , looks at caregiver
Soc: calms when spoken to, eye contact , can express all facial movements
What is the 90th centile for 6 MONTHS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
G: prim refelexes gone, pulls to sit, can sit in trip pond
f: ulnar and palmer grasp, can transfer items from hand to the other
S: vocalilzes to ansewr, laughs
C: looks for dropped item, problem solving
S: smiles to initiate engagement, back and forth, prefers familiar people ie. stranger anxiety
What is the 90th centile for 9 MONTHS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
G: psotural reflex, rolls both ways, sits well
F: transfer, raking pincer grasp
So: vocliazes to initiate, looks at familiar items, no
C: object permanence, explores face, searches for hidden toy
Soc: attachment development
What is the 90th centile for 12 MONTHS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
g: crawls, pulls to stand, can walk with help,
F: pincer grasp
Speech: turns to name, babbles
C: cause and effect can push on unkonwn things to see what happens
S: peek a boo, plays patty cake
What is the 90th centile for 2 years of age for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
G: runs, jumps, kicks,throws ball over hand
walks UP stairs making time
F: copies vertical line, stacks 6 cubes , uses spoon, helps dress
s: 2 word phrases, 50%, 50
C: tries to make toys work in function “ imaginative play”
s: parallel pla “ no” , temper tantrums
What is the 90th centile for 18 MONTHS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
g: gest to stanind and walks alone, walks up and down with rail:
f: scribs (fisted), can eat alone
S: 15 words, 1 one word commands w/o gestures
C: 5 body parts , can pretend to sweep with the broom,
S: immitates peers, joint attn, points to comment
What is the 90th centile for 3 YEARS of the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
g: pedals tricycle, walks DOWN stairs marking time w/o railing
f: copies HORIZONTAL LINE, stacks 9 to 10 cubes, REMOVES clothing, drinks from open cup and eat alone
s: 2 step commands, 3-4 word sentences, 75% intelligiable
C: can make compairsons, counts 2, one color
What is the 90th centile for 4 YEARS for the following domains: Gross Fine Speech Cognitive Social/emotional
G: walks down stairs alternating feet, no railing, walks backward in line, F: Copies cross, 2 TO 4 PART PERSON dresses but NO BUTTONS S: 3 step command, word play c: counts 4 objects S: preferred friend
What are at least 5 special groups at risk foo ASD
1) FAMILY hx ie. sibling
2) FAMILY - other family member
3) Maternal -infection, drugs
4) Certain genetic syndromes: t21, DiGeorge, FRagile x, Turner syndrome
5) children with other dev delays ie. speech
About 70% of neonatal hearing loss is ASSOCIATED WITH A SYNDROME ?
true or false
70% of the those with congenital hearing loss is due to other reasons and not SYNDROMIC
Some of these include
- family history
- craniofacial abnormalities
- congenital infections ie TORCH ie. CMV
A CONGENITAL cause is about 50 % of those with sensorihearing loss ?
What is the different ranges of “levels”forn hearing loss ?
0-20 normal 20
20 to 40 - mild
40 to 60 - mod
60 to 80-severe
What are components of a disease that is good for universal screening ? (4)
1) availability of accurate, reliable screening tool(s);
2) demonstration of earlier diagnosis– evaluation of the availability and effectiveness of earlier intervention following diagnosis;
3) consideration of the adverse effects of earlier intervention
4) evaluation of the longer-term outcomes from earlier diagnosis and intervention.
hows does the aabr differentate from the OAE hearing screen.
-evaluates the auditory pathway from the external ear to the level of the brainstem
THUS can pick up auditory neuropathy ie. 8th nerve issues,
while oae - only conduction and choclear
What are some of the long term impacts of untreated adhd ?
higher risk for
- lower education
- substance abuse
- injuries
- motor vehicle collisions
What is the most common genetic condition associated with hearing loss ?
Can you name some others and some common features with this ?(3)
1) Connexin 26
- Warrdenburg ( white for-lock in the hair, snhl, hypertelorism
- Alports (nephritis, snhl)
DESCRIBE normal weight gain and growth ?
Normal to have decreased appetite between 2-5y: it is matching the slower rate of growth
* 0-1y: faster growth (gains 7kg and 21 cm) * 1-2y: gains 2.3kg and 12cm * 2-5y: slows down (1-2 kg/year and 6-8 cm/year)