Development Flashcards
2 mo gross motor milestone?
lifts head off table to 45 degrees, hands to midline
4 mo gross motor milestones?
good head control - lifts to 90 degrees and lifts chest, no head lag, supports w/ wrists while prone, puts everything in mouth, voluntary grasp without release, starting to roll over (front to back)
6 mo gross motor milestones?
sits in tripod, at 5 mo can roll over back to front, transfers objects hand-hand
6 mo fine motor milestone?
rakes small objects
6 mo speech milestone?
starts to babble
2-4 mo speech milestone?
starts to coo at 2 mo, squeals around 4 mo
2-4 mo social milestone?
smiles around 6 weeks, laughs around 4 mo, mirror smiles around 4-5 mo
6 mo social milestone?
starts to have stranger anxiety
6 mo self-help milestones?
starts to drink from cup
sitting progression?
tripod at 6 mo, alone at 7 mo
crawl to walking timeframe?
crawls around 8 mo, pulls to stand at 9 mo, cruises around 10 mo, few steps at 12 mo, walks well at 15 mo, walks backward around 16 mo
12 mo fine motor milestone?
fine pincer grasp, starts to scribble,
9 mo speech/social milestone?
waves bye bye; understands ‘no’, orienting to name, mama indiscriminately around 8 mo, object permanence, play pat-a-cake
15 mo gross motor milestones?
starts to take stairs, 3-4 cube tower, climbs furniture
12 mo speech/social milestones?
one clear word, usu mama/dada; offers toy to adult by 11 mo, symbolic play
2 yo self-help milestone?
starts to undress self
2 yo gross motor milestone?
throws ball overhand, kicks ball, 6 block tower
2 yo speech milestones?
2 word phrases, 50% understandable by stranger, 50+ words
2 yo social milestone?
parallel play, uses pronouns, empathy, follows 2 step commands
3 yo fine motor milestone?
copies circle, does buttons
4 yo fine motor milestone?
copies square and cross, uses fork
3 yo speech milestones?
3 word phrases, what and who questions, plurals, 75% understandable, knows 300 words
3 yo social milestones?
group play, asks why, knows 3 things about themselves (age, sex, name), fantasy play, dresses self
4 yo social milestones?
cooperative play
4-5 yo gross motor milestones?
4 - hops, jumps, throws ball overhand, makes 5 block gate, balances on one foot for 6-10 seconds; 5 - skips
5 yo fine motor milestones?
copies triangle, prints first name, cuts with scissors
5 yo self help/social milestones?
uses silverware well, follows rules, fantasy vs reality
2 mo vision?
fixes and follows, tracks 180 degrees
9 mo gross motor milestones?
bangs 2 cubes, pokes objects with index finger, pulls to stand
15 mo social/speech milestones?
understands 50-100 words, points to 1 body part, spoon and cup used independently, 1 step commands