Development Flashcards
At what age is a child able to lift their head
3 months
At what age is a child able to walk (unsteadily
12 months
At what age is a child able to sit unsupported
6-8 months
When is a child able to Crawl
8-9 months
When does a child start ‘cruising’
10 months
When does a child start following a moving object or face by turning the head
6 weeks
When does a child start reaching out for toys
4 months
When does a child develop a palmar grasp
4-6 months
When does a child transfer toys from one hand to another
7 months
When does a child develop a pincer grip
10 months
When can a child make marks/scribble with a pen
16-18 months
When is a child able to build a tower of 6
2 years
When can a child build a bridge from blocks
3 years
When can a child draw a line
2 years
When can a child draw a circle
3 years